She exploded the end of the world

Chapter 96 Clothes and Beasts

Chapter 96 Clothes and Beasts
After speaking, they threw the car keys to Pei Ge and went to the dormitory by themselves.

Tonight, the person they need to follow is Zhou Bing.

Zhou Bing is actually easier to monitor. After the daytime events, not only Zhou Bing's roommates in the same dormitory, but also the dormitory aunt, department teacher, and security team will all strengthen their supervision.Zhou Bing will become a "key protection target".

Even if he wanted to do something, it would be difficult to do it under the gaze of so many pairs of eyes. Feng Heng only had to squat downstairs.

As for the last suspect, Dr. Li Xiao, Pei Ge will monitor him.

This person didn't show any flaws before, he reacted very quickly, and he was also a high IQ, and it was easier to find problems only with Pei Ge.

Pei Ge will not let go of anyone she thinks is suspicious. Today, her high-profile actions on campus and aggressive questioning are all aimed at provoking the murderer to act guilty and revealing his abnormality.

After the investigation is over, if someone really has ghosts in their hearts, they will definitely show abnormal anxiety, and they need to keep an eye on them all the time to find out.

As for why Deng Mingyue was filmed staring at Wang Dong, it was because the police reported that Wang Dong was very anxious to cremate Wang Lili's body and bury her.

Of course, he may feel that his daughter's death is very unsafe, and he hopes to let her go to the ground as soon as possible.

But in the investigation process, the body is a very important evidence. Wang Dong questioned the police's investigation results in front of Pei Ge, indicating that he very much hoped to find the truth, but cremated the most important evidence.

Regarding the father-daughter relationship between Wang Dong and Wang Lili, Pei Ge also asked a private company to do a background check.

People who are not familiar with them think that their relationship between father and daughter is very good, but their housekeeper said that in fact, father and daughter often quarrel.

After Wang Dong succeeded in his career, he raised a mistress outside, gradually alienated from his first wife who had shared weal and woe with him, and finally divorced.

During the divorce proceedings, Wang Dong resorted to another means to force his wife not to get custody of their daughter, and Wang Lili was sentenced to him to raise her.

At a young age, Wang Lili witnessed the breakdown of the relationship between her parents. She was relatively close to her mother and was forced to live with her father, who was still raising women outside.

Although the possibility of Wang Dong committing the crime is very small, the possibility of the thief calling for a thief cannot be ruled out, so it is better to let Deng Mingyue, who is more vigilant, watch, at least not let Wang Dong lead the way.

Pei Ge drove the car to the front of the experimental building a.

When she left, she had already checked today's laboratory usage form.Li Xiao had to take graduate students to do a research project in the evening, and applied to the laboratory.

When the rain stopped, they started working non-stop. Even if the graduate students complained, they couldn't say much because they would get money after completing the project.

Pei Ge lowered the backrest of the seat and lay on it with his eyes closed to relax.

Stalking is so boring. Many policemen who are good at stalking eat something from time to time and gain weight in a short time.

Pei Ge waited until 21:30, when all the street lights on campus were turned on, before they came out of the old laboratory building.

Li Xiao bid farewell to the students, turned and walked towards the parking lot.Pei Ge drove the car to a suitable place and waited for him to come out.

After a while, the black car driven by Li Xiao turned to the toll booth.Pei Ge was at the exit, following leisurely.

In the university town late at night, there are few vehicles, and the sound of tires rubbing against the ground is particularly clear.

Pei Ge didn't follow too closely. There were not many cars on the road. If he followed closely, it would be tantamount to telling Li Xiao: Someone is following you.

Her mobile phone has received reports from other people one after another, saying that there is no abnormality for the time being.

At this time, patience is very important.To find the murderer among many people, it will take a lot of useless efforts.

The car came to a residential house in the city center.Li Xiao parked the car and walked down by himself.

Pei Ge took a look at the old and dilapidated houses and was a little surprised as to why such a famous teacher lived in an old house.

Li Xiao walked into No. 1 Tongzi Building.This building is the address shown in the background information. He lives on the 6th floor.

Pei Ge walked silently and walked into the corridor, like a phantom used to being covered by the night.

The sound of Li Xiao's footsteps was very clear, and it could be felt that he was a little tired now, and his steps were a bit procrastinated, unlike his usual state.

When he unlocked the door, Pei Ge was standing in the shadow of the corridor.

He has entered the house.Pei Ge went up to the 6th floor and observed the environment.

The layout of each building is almost the same. Rooms 601 and 602 are large units, and there are four other units on the right side of the elevator, 4~603, all of which are small units and are very close to each other.

It may be due to the old building. The sound insulation effect of the room is very poor. If people make too much noise inside, it can be heard outside.

For example, 602 is watching a TV series right now, listening to the heroine cry so hard, it seems to be a bloody romance drama.

Li Xiao lived in 601, and there was a "Fu" posted on the door of his house, and there were several reminders for overdue bills underneath.

It seems that the few families on the 6th floor are quite stable, and there are more or less reminders on the door.

Li Xiao was busy doing scientific research, taking care of students, and participating in social activities, so naturally he didn't have much time to worry about life.

Besides, he is single, so there is a high probability that he is a rough guy, and he is more informal.

Pei Ge listened carefully, and heard the meowing of a cat. It turned out that the professor also kept cats.

The cat probably heard the faint movement outside the door, and the yelling became louder. Li Xiao came over and fed it cat food, so it concentrated on eating dinner.

Pei Ge thought that Li Xiao would be resting soon, but he just came back to feed the cat and then took the keys.

Seeing that he had reached the entrance, Pei Ge hurriedly ducked downstairs, got into the car and lurked.

Sure enough, not long after, Li Xiao came downstairs.

Instead of his daytime trench coat, he wore a more casual sweatshirt and kept his hands in his pockets.

Soon the car started and drove into the main road again.

Isn't that Li Xiao's home, and the information on the register is not exhaustive?Pei Ge was a little puzzled.

But as a well-known professor in the university, it is very normal to have two or three houses in the city.

Just when Pei Ge thought he was going to his usual home, he found that the car in front of him was gradually driving toward the outskirts of the city, away from large residential areas, and turned neatly onto the highway.

Who is running outside in the middle of the night?Isn't there still class tomorrow?
Pei Ge checked the inbox again, and if he didn't see any other messages, it meant that everything was normal, except for him where there was something abnormal.

So this "star teacher" is actually a beast in clothes?He lied about Wang Lili?
(End of this chapter)

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