She exploded the end of the world

Chapter 90 The Tracker's Love

Chapter 90 The Tracker's Love
What are you talking about! ! !

What is "I won't stop you"? ? ?
Hearing Pei Ge's words, the teaching director who came upstairs was so angry that he was about to have a heart attack.

"Quick, tie that crazy woman back to me!"

Several teachers gave him embarrassed looks: "It's not that we don't want to be tied up, but that woman is too fierce!"

Li Xiao has a heavy responsibility.He is currently the closest to Pei Ge and the most hopeful to stop her.

He was actually very speechless. The most important thing to do now was to stop Zhou Bing from doing something, but now it turned out to stop the lawyer lady from doing stupid things.

"Wang Lv, if someone dies today, I will never spare you, and you will never want to be a lawyer in the future." He said almost gnashing his teeth.

Pei Ge said "ha" in her heart, as if she wanted to be a lawyer. She was just a passerby in this world.

"Mr. Li, Dr. Li, please stand aside and don't delay my business."

She raised the whip, slapped it on the ground, and immediately raised dust, the crisp sound was like a slap in the face.

Li Xiao clenched his fists, his ears turned red.

Very few women would dare to treat him like this, except for his mother... emmm, his mother has never raised a whip!

After warning Li Xiao, Pei Ge looked at Zhou Bing again and showed the power of attorney signed by Wang Dong: "Did you hear what I said just now? Now I am very anxious and want to understand the situation. If you don't cooperate, don't Blame me for being rude."


Zhou Bing was stunned.

Is this threatening him?
Petrochemical all over.

The dean pinched Ren Zhong, but still felt breathless, his lips were trembling.

Crazy woman actually dares to threaten students who are out of control!
Why haven't the police come yet?Hurry up and take the troublemaker away!
Seeing Zhou Bing in a daze, Pei Ge felt even worse. She is busy solving the case now, and every minute is precious. If she can't complete the task and accumulate less favorability, she will be wiped out by the system, and she won't be able to be reborn for revenge .

So on this issue, anyone who disagrees with her is her enemy, why should she be polite to him?

"Hey, my patience is limited, so I'll just count to three." Pei Ge raised his thumb and said in a low voice, "One."

Zhou Bing felt flustered inexplicably, as if he rejected the lawyer lady, his end might be worse than death.


He turned his body around and looked at the teacher behind him with eyes for help, but when his eyes fixed on Li Xiao, he unconsciously felt disgusted, he might as well go to see the lawyer lady.

Just when Pei Ge was about to say the last number, he shriveled up like a flat tire and lifted one foot over the railing.

"I come."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, including the teachers who were anxiously laying shock absorbers downstairs.

However, the accident still happened.

Zhou Bing stayed on the roof for a long time, and his limbs were blown stiff. When he stepped over the railing, his feet were hooked. In addition, he was very nervous and accidentally exerted too much force. His upper body lost balance, and his whole body It was about to fall backwards!

"be careful!"

I don't know who shouted.

The footsteps were hurried, and Li Xiao had already rushed over, with several security guards behind him.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, no matter how fast Li Xiao reacted, when he arrived at the railing, Zhou Bing had completely lost his balance.

He screamed, his weight completely off the railing, unable to stop his fall.

When everyone was astonished, Pei Ge shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Maybe this roar was too majestic, Li Xiao moved his feet, leaned over quickly, the whip brushed his clothes and swung forward, hooking Zhou Bing's waist accurately!

At this time, Zhou Bing was hanging on the outside of the dormitory building, with nothing under his feet. The only thing supporting him was a thin whip.

The people downstairs cried out in surprise, and some timid students covered their eyes and sobbed, not daring to look at it at all.

Li Xiao had no time to analyze why the lawyer lady had a whip in her hand, but the whip seemed to be alive and could hold a person tightly.

He immediately took off his tie, opened it and put it around Pei Ge's waist, pulling her back.

At this moment, Pei Ge is carrying the weight of Zhou Bing alone, and a tall man like Zhou Bing, who weighs at least 150 catties, must not be able to pull the lady lawyer, so Li Xiao's move is to help pull Zhou Bing up together. And he also tried not to touch Pei Ge as much as possible to avoid the risk of contact.

The teachers also swarmed over, causing them to do the same thing. The person behind put the waist of the person in front, and then pulled back desperately.

Just as Pei Ge's lower body was about to exert force, his waist was pulled back and loosened, causing Zhou Bing's suspended position to drop further.

The pupils of the people downstairs shrank suddenly, and they were frightened.

Pei Ge's face was solemn: If this goes on like this, no matter how powerful the snake-shaped tail is, it may still break away.

She couldn't hold it back, and swung her elbow backwards, hitting Li Xiao right in the face.

Li Xiao felt the pain, subconsciously let go of his hands and covered his face.

The teachers who were preparing for the "tug-of-war" in the back were like a piece of dominoes falling down, one after another, falling back and sitting down.

They thought that Zhou Bing would fall downstairs in the next second, but a miracle happened!

Without anyone's help, the lady lawyer held on to the whip tightly, but she didn't let go. Not only did she not fall forward, but she also forcibly pulled the whip up!

When the whip is pulled up, it means that Zhou Bing is about to escape!

They rekindled hope again, rushing to help, but were stabbed by Pei Ge's murderous gaze: "Don't touch me, don't get in the way!"

Pei Ge's soles rubbed against the ground violently, tearing out two irregular shoe marks.

She simply turned around, still firmly holding the handle of the whip with her palm, and the whip was strung on her shoulder.

Like the trackers pulling boats in ancient times, she moved forward firmly step by step.

Zhou Bing had already got off Liushenwuzhu at this time and allowed her to pull him.

He wanted to die very much before, but after an accident, he realized how frightened he was at the moment of death, and he didn't want to die at all.

The corner of Li Xiao's lips was wounded by Pei Ge, and the wound was bleeding, making his skin whiter, like a vampire who just had a meal.

He couldn't believe what he saw, the lady lawyer pulled the student up with her own strength? !
Is her power still human power?

After Zhou Bing returned to the rooftop, the teachers surrounded him and asked him how he was.

Zhou Bing was still frightened and replied repeatedly: "I'm not injured, don't worry."

He was not injured. The real injured person was Pei Ge.

Pei Ge had a deep wound from the snake whip on the back of her palm, but she just sat on the ground panting, letting the blood drip down her fingertips to the ground, as if it wasn't a wound at all, but an illusion painted by the props team.

(End of this chapter)

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