Chapter 87
Is it just because Wang Lili said she wants to marry Li Xiao, or is he instinctively jealous of this star teacher?

When Li Xiao left, he didn't close the door of the laboratory, so Pei Ge took the table and chairs over there and asked Dong Hao to sit down, just in time to visit him.

The question is still straight to the point: "Xiao Dong, does Wang Lili's death have anything to do with you?"

Dong Hao looked astonished: "No, Lawyer Wang, you are not suspicious of me, are you? I helped you all the way to investigate, and I didn't use any brains. The sky can learn from you! I am a friendly army!"

Pei Ge was afraid that he would go on talking, so he was about to swear a poisonous oath, and quickly interrupted: "Don't get excited, I just want to ask and understand the situation. Haven't you been questioned by the police? It's a routine question."

Dong Hao is much simpler than Li Xiao, so he is naturally very easy to fool.

His attitude immediately subdued: "Hey, tell me earlier, I was shocked. How can I hurt Wang Lili, she usually hurts me, okay?"

Deng Mingyue suppressed a smile and said, "How did she hurt you?"

"It's been like this since I was a child." Dong Hao was a little embarrassed and said sadly, "Because I like him, I always make some unreasonable demands, and I always get bored with other boys in front of me, which makes me angry. I can't even eat it."

What do they usually play?Play house?The mental age is probably only three years old.

Deng Mingyue asked gossip: "You liked him since you were a child?"

Dong Hao blushed, and moved his butt awkwardly: "It can be regarded as this. I 'transferred love' a few times in the middle, but later I still feel that Lili understands me best, and I am most comfortable getting along with her."

Deng Mingyue exchanged glances with Pei Ge, as if to say: You should ask this silly boy.

Pei Ge continued, "If Teacher Li Xiao wasn't Wang Lili's nymphomaniac, would you still hate him?"

"Yes, I don't like pushy people." Dong Hao insisted.

"I heard that you came to Donghu University to study because you wanted to be with Wang Lili?"

"That's right. Of course there is another reason, that is, Donghu University is close to my home, so it is very convenient to come here."

"For so many years, you can think of many ways to pursue Wang Lili. Why did you fail? Was she rejected?"

Dong Hao rumpled his hair irritably: "Sister Lawyer, life is tough, can you stop exposing my scars?"

The implication is that he was indeed rejected by Wang Lili, and Wang Lili didn't care about him at all.

Pei Ge proceeded step by step: "Because she always rejects you and goes out with other boys, so one day you become angry, lose your mind, and push her down the stairs?"

"I didn't! How could I do such a heartless thing!"

Dong Hao stood up suddenly, and the chair fell to the ground with a clang because of too much movement.

He flung his arms around and nearly knocked over the beaker.

Deng Mingyue hurriedly told him to calm down and sit down, almost pushing him on the seat to accept Pei Ge's interrogation.

"Then who do you think did it?"

Dong Hao rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Anyway, it wasn't me, and she might have fallen by herself. Didn't the police say that? The school even issued an announcement, and only Uncle Wang didn't believe it."

After he said this, he felt that it was not appropriate, and hurried back: "Of course, I also think that Lili can't be so careless, and she will never work hard in the laboratory at night. I can vouch for that."

The two of them had known each other since they were wearing crotch pants. He knew Wang Lili's temperament better than anyone else. He didn't think it was strange to die at an impossible time, in an impossible place, for an impossible reason.

Depressedly, the police did not find any suspects, and after questioning and investigation, they wanted to close the case hastily.

Dong Hao felt wronged for Wang Lili. When Wang Dong asked a lawyer to come to the school to investigate, he agreed without thinking.

Even Deng Mingyue felt some sympathy for Dong Hao. If he knew that Wang Lili was pregnant out of wedlock, he would be hit hard.

Pei Ge said: "I heard from Wang Lili's classmates before that before the incident, Wang Lili's behavior was normal and she didn't have any conflicts with anyone. As far as you know, is it the same?"

She needs to rule out all possibility of vendetta.Fortunately, Wang Lili has a single identity, she is just an ordinary college student, and her social relationship is not complicated at all, so she can find out clearly through interviews.

Dong Hao lowered his head, and thought for a moment while listening to the class: "Should it be like this? However, it is also possible that she is pretending. Lili has always been a bit optimistic, strong on the outside and hard on the inside, and will only break down emotionally unless she encounters a particularly big blow, otherwise He will behave well in front of his friends."

This kind of personality is originally good, but it also makes people around him unaware of it.

That's why Wang Lili went to the hospital alone for three check-ups, facing the pressure of becoming a young mother alone.

It is also difficult to talk about this kind of thing with family and friends, especially when the man has been reluctant to show up for a long time, and he doesn't seem to love her that much.

Pei Ge thought, is it because the man doesn't love her very much because she can't bear the burden of having a child, or is it just for fun that he didn't love her from the beginning?

Wang Lili is a pampered eldest lady, why did she choose to bear the burden of humiliation, and even asked to keep the child when she communicated with the doctor for the last time, even if it would put herself at great risk?
What was the origin of that nonexistent "boyfriend" that made Wang Lili willing to make such a sacrifice?

It shouldn't, none of this makes sense.

No matter how stupid Wang Lili is, no matter how strong her self-esteem is, she won't make fun of her children.

She wants to give birth to a child, on the one hand, out of maternal nature, on the other hand, it may also be out of love for the man.

If there is no love at all, and the child was aborted early in the pregnancy, why would he hesitate and delay for more than three months?
Pei Ge hit the point straight: "Xiao Dong, do you doubt who Wang Lili is dating recently? The kind of boyfriend and girlfriend."

Dong Hao was actually somewhat resistant to this question. He pursed his lips and hesitated for a while before saying: "It should be Zhou Bing, right? That kid has always been jealous of Lili, chasing her in different ways. Lili refused on the surface, but I feel After coming out, she still feels very useful in her heart."

Zhou Bing, Wang Lili's classmate, ranked first in the list of suspicious persons provided by Wang Dong.

This person had the opportunity to frequently go in and out of the laboratory building, and had an admiration for Wang Lili, which might have developed into a secret love affair secretly.

Many "class couples" will keep their relationship secret at the beginning of their relationship, and then make it public after the relationship is stable.

(End of this chapter)

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