Chapter 3 Hitchhiking

Pei Ge couldn't understand what he meant, but he had a strange expression.

The two slowed down at the same time.

The man waved at her and muttered something, but she couldn't hear clearly through the mask.

Seeing her bewildered expression, the man sighed and prepared to cross the road to get closer.

At this moment, the engine sound of "da da da" came from far to near, and a modified motorcycle came towards Pei Ge.

The uncle who drives a motorcycle wears a pair of sunglasses, a denim jacket, and plastic sandals on his feet.

On the feet, there are also a pair of black socks.

Pei Ge was stunned: She had not seen such a rustic look for many years.

The uncle didn't wear a helmet or a mask, and was completely exposed to the poisonous fog without any discomfort. It seemed that he was an evolutionary person just like Pei Ge.

The man in the mask who was about to strike up a conversation with Pei Ge froze.

Then, he accelerated suddenly, ran across the road, and stuffed a leaflet into Pei Ge's hand.

Just as Pei Ge was about to talk to him, he ran away in a hurry.


Brother, you are handing out leaflets, not love letters, why are you so shy?

I still don’t know who your last name is!
Pei Ge glanced down at the flyer, and put it in his pocket casually.

The motorcycle stopped in front of her.

Uncle Sunglasses grinned and gestured to her with a middle school two: "Little brother, where are you going? Do you want me to give you a ride?"

There is nothing to be courteous about.Most of the conversations that start with "little brother and little sister" have ulterior motives hidden behind them.

Rationally, he shouldn't talk to strangers, but the 10 kilometers distance drawn on the map really gave Pei Ge a headache.Who makes her just a little pitiful now.

"Okay, Uncle, you can send me to Axe Street." Pei Ge vividly pretended the innocence of a child.

In fact, her real destination is Lan Mansion.

Out of guard, she didn't say it directly, but reported a street name.As long as you can get there, you can go directly there.

As for the startled "Brother Leaflet", it was definitely not because of Pei Ge that he fled.

He was probably afraid because of the old man in sunglasses in front of him.

Why do you want to hide from the uncle?

Is it an acquaintance?

Pei Ge couldn't figure it out.

She had just come to the end of the world, and her perception of the surroundings was limited to the young Zheng Bin.Everything can only be explored by herself.

Uncle Sunglasses thought for two seconds.

"Axe Street, I know, it's a bit far away, and it's very expensive. Little brother, you can ask me to help, but you have to pay me too?"

This is true, gasoline in the apocalypse is unbelievably precious, and an uncle who can own a motorcycle is definitely not an idle person.

Pei Ge fumbled in the pocket of his sports jacket, and took out half a compressed biscuit: "Is it okay?"

"I'm not short of food." Uncle Sunglasses didn't answer, motioning Pei Ge to get in the car first: "It's okay, you can think about it later, what else can you give me?"

Originally, he planned to let Pei Ge sit in the front to prevent her from falling, but unexpectedly, Pei Ge sat on the back seat familiarly, gently tugged at the corner of his clothes, and said in a soft voice, "Let's go!"

"Sit tight!" Uncle Sunglasses stepped on the lever to start the fire.

There are no traffic police on the roads, subways and buses are out of service, and traffic lights are just for show.Along the way, small motorcycles pass unimpeded.

Pei Ge let the wind blow his face, looking curiously at the street like a child who had run away from home.

The man in sunglasses asked curiously: "Why are you going to Ax Street? Is your family over there?"

Pei Ge obediently said "um", with a relaxed expression, as if he was completely unsuspecting.

But in reality, she was checking the map in her head to make sure she was moving in the right direction.

In the beginning, the route was all right.

Gradually, under the influence of his original body clock, Pei Ge began to feel sleepy.

She leaned her head against the uncle's back and dozed off a little.

[Host, wake up!Wake up! 】

In a daze, Pei Ge heard the system's call.

She rubbed her eyes to make sure she was still on the motorcycle.

what happened?
[Please check the map. 】

I couldn't find it, the route deviated a lot, and it didn't go to Ax Street at all!

Pei Ge's sleepiness disappeared, and he enlarged the map with his consciousness to rule out the special circumstances that he had to take a detour.

"Uncle, are you sure this is the way to Axe Street? Why do I feel something is wrong?" Pei Ge asked childishly.

"You are still young, how can you know the way? I did not drive wrong, and I will be there soon."

Not only did the uncle in the sunglasses not turn, but he opened the accelerator to speed up the car.

Through the rearview mirror, she caught a glimpse of the uncle's expression, and saw that there was a wickedness hidden in his smile.

Sure enough there is a problem.Pei Ge made a secret conclusion.

The uncle is in a very good mood: I was lucky today, and I picked up a little lamb when I went out!
He didn't know that Pei Ge looked like a child on the surface, but his mind had already matured.

Pei Ge suddenly recalled the frightened eyes of "Brother Leaflet".

He should know something before he hesitates to speak.

Thinking of this, she unfolded the flyer and read it.The flyer is handwritten, with large font, concise and clear——

"Jingdukang Capsules, the real special medicine, let you have a strong body like an evolved human!"

"The drug contains anti-drug immune factors, which are taken from the cerebrospinal fluid of evolved humans under the age of 10. Take one pill and keep it for half a year!"

"Only face-to-face transactions are accepted! The transaction must be sincere! If you are the one!"

After reading it, Pei Ge probably understood.

It turns out that the evolved human beings in childhood still have this kind of wonderful use.

According to today's poor medical conditions, if a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid is drained, it may range from epilepsy, convulsions, foaming, cognitive dysfunction, and severe brain herniation to death.

No wonder Uncle Sunglasses said that he "doesn't lack for food". With the special medicine in hand, what can't be changed?Changing houses is a trivial matter.

At the same time, Pei Ge wanted to understand one thing.

That's why Hu Jing would rather be poisoned to death than give the mask to her daughter.

If you don't wear it, you will be recognized as an evolutionary person at a glance, and you will be misled.

She is a woman, what can she do in the face of vicious gangsters?
Pei Ge settled down.

Now that I know the uncle's intentions, I can't fulfill his wish.

At least he can't be brought into the pharmaceutical den by him, and he has to find a way to get out as soon as possible.

The speed of the car is so fast now, if she jumps out of the car rashly, she will definitely be injured and fractured.

[Host, a friendly reminder, you still have a suspension card, do you want to use it? ] Goudaner's voice.

Pei Ge remembered that after being teleported to the poisonous mist world, the system gave her a pause card, but she didn't know what it was.

She called up the instructions for using the pause card.

【Name】Pause card
【Use times】1 times

[Function] Pause the timeline for 5 seconds.Within the scope of validity, only the cardholder can move freely, and other people and things are at a standstill.

[Details] This card comes from a peace-loving boxing referee.He hated some players who became addicted to drugs, hugged each other and beat each other, and felt extremely indecent.With the ability to pause the timeline, he can easily separate the players and kick the offender off the ring.

 There will be many interesting magical items and settings in the article~ If you have any good ideas, you can also leave me a message~
(End of this chapter)

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