Chapter 24
"you again."

When it recognized Pei Ge, Pei Ge also recognized it.

Isn't it the sweeping robot that broke down that day?
Although the red light on its chest no longer lights up, the dent on the metal shell on its head is still there, especially like the legendary kappa.

"Kappa" has a bad impression of Pei Ge.

It was transferred to the central building for maintenance, and just after it was released, it met its enemy again.

"Where there is garbage, there is me."

"Kappa" gained a lot of wisdom from a ditch, and did not confront Pei Ge: "My judgment on you is still the same, what are you going to do with me?"

At worst, it will be beaten again, anyway, it is not a body of flesh and blood, and it is not afraid of being returned to the cage for rebirth.

"Forget it, it's all so ugly, I can't do anything."

Pei Ge couldn't bear to put down his fist and said earnestly: "Kappa, you are already a mature robot. I hope you can distinguish real garbage in the future and classify it correctly."

"Kappa" refused to accept: "I installed a 3.0 super chip in my brain, and I am an expert in garbage classification."

Pei Ge thought about it suddenly: "Expert, I saw garbage at the door of the power supply room, so hurry up and clean it up."

The program of "Kappa" includes a map of the building, and Dang even locks the destination, turns the two small brushes, and rushes to the scene.

Pei Ge followed behind it.

With Kappa leading the way, she didn't even need to look for it.

After walking through several passages, Pei Ge came to the front of the power supply room.

"Kappa" found no garbage and left disappointed.

"Jenny" needs a lot of power to operate, and the interface is complicated, so the power supply room is full of circuit integrators.

The integrator is uniformly set up and does not require too much manual operation. However, in view of the importance of power supply, there are still guards guarding the door, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

Pei Ge, who was in an invisible state, walked over without hesitation, and the guards didn't even lift their eyelids.

But she still couldn't get in.

The door can only be opened through iris recognition.

Without Zhou Jin's help, Pei Ge could only do it by himself.

"Beep. Wrong identity."

As expected, the iris recognition device rejected her.

The guard who was dozing off heard the machine reporting an error and opened his eyes, but saw no one.

"Eh? Did anyone pass by just now?"


"Then why is the machine reporting an error?"

"How would I know!"

Just when they were wondering, the iris recognition reported an error again.

"Beep. Wrong identity."

The guard was confused: "What's going on?"

They bent over to check the iris scan port and found nothing unusual.

"Maybe it's dirty?"

One person wipes the scanning port with a tissue.

Strangely, after he finished wiping, the cold "beep" sounded again.

The guard was not calm now.

A child was lost in the cell before, but he has not been caught yet.

It is said that the child was tortured to death a long time ago, but the guards shirked responsibility and insisted that he was missing.

There are also rumors of hauntings... Guard A can't help but approach Guard B.

"Well... do you feel your neck is cold?"

Guard B trembled, his body stiffened: "I feel it, there is a cold wind blowing down."

But the power supply room is located at the end of the corridor, so how can there be any wind?

There is an evil wind!
"You said..." Guard A clenched the gun in his hand, his teeth chattering: "Could it be the child's innocent ghost?"

"I'm sorry for your size!" Guard B elbowed him down, panicked: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know!"

"No nonsense! Haven't you heard the rumors? The duty room often encounters similar situations, so they wear scarves!"

"Fuck!" Guard B jumped anxiously, and stepped back a few meters: "Did you step on me just now?"

"No! Ouch! I, I...I got stepped on too!"

"Damn it, evil bastard!"

However, the iris recognition device just doesn't stop.

"Du. Wrong identity!"




The two guards were frightened and quickly reported to the maintenance room for repairs.

"The door suddenly slammed inexplicably! It's real! We didn't touch it at all!"

The maintenance master came to check with a satchel on his back.

"No problem." As soon as he came, the device didn't report any more errors and easily passed the iris verification and opened the door.

"Look, what's the problem?"

"But we just heard..." the guard was depressed.

Although they can perform iris scans, they do not have the authority to enter the power supply room to investigate, and they can only rely on what the maintenance personnel say.

To be on the safe side, the repairman tested it again, and it was still normal.

That was the end of the matter.

The guards were afraid: "Did we just hallucinate?!"

While the master was debugging, Pei Ge came to the door.

Electric boxes are everywhere, row by row, like entering a library.

The operation buttons and indicator lights on the machine are different, and they are responsible for different areas of "Jenny".

Wires were everywhere, some piled up in bundles on the ground, some unconnected to the ceiling.

The air is extremely dry and dusty, and it looks like it's not often taken care of.

The electric box is not wet, and besides the electricians and technicians, almost no one will come here.

With the cover of the electric box, Pei Ge moved forward cautiously.Suddenly, her eyes went dark, her knees limp and she knelt down.

The strength seemed to be sucked away in an instant, and even the strength to breathe was almost gone.

Pei Ge put his hands on the ground and struggled hard.

Suddenly, she remembered.

The stealth feather coat cannot be worn for a long time!

If you wear it for too long, your body will be completely blurred!
Thinking of this, she quickly used her last strength to take off her clothes and threw them into the storage space.

The moment the clothes came off, she appeared as a prototype.

The camera is right up there!

But how could she have the strength to avoid it?

After careful observation, her beating heart gradually calmed down.

The light on the camera is off, it doesn't rotate left or right, it seems to have stalled.

This shows that Zhou Jin successfully hacked the surveillance system on the top floor.

30 minutes.

He can only win so long at most.

How many minutes has passed?

Pei Ge was dizzy and unable to estimate the correct time remaining.

Alas, I was still careless, and didn't take the [Precautions] of the invisibility cloak to heart.

She leaned against the electrical box, keeping an eye on her surroundings while breathing evenly, waiting for her strength to recover.

The legs gradually gained strength.

Pei Ge moved forward little by little.

Misfortune never comes singly.

Ten meters away, someone leaned out and asked, "Who?!"

Pei Ge's heart sank, and before he had time to judge the direction, he turned and ran.

She paid great attention to her pace as she ran away, and made no noise.

"Ah Cheng! There seems to be someone over there!"

I happened to find Pei Ge's "inch head" and quickly greeted my colleagues.

Ah Cheng was not in a hurry at all: "Newcomer, don't be surprised, there will be no visitors in our power supply room."

When he arrived, Pei Ge had disappeared.

"There's no one there." Ah Cheng laughed at Cun Tou, "Rookie, you're too timid."

"Buntou" is worried: "Just in case, let's go check it out."

Ah Cheng sneered at his cautiousness, but still agreed to cooperate with him.

 I hope to talk about "She played the end of the world" with the little fat friends. Please recommend tickets, collect and comment

(End of this chapter)

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