She exploded the end of the world

Chapter 18 Sky Corridor

Chapter 18 Sky Corridor
After turning and turning, she reached the end of the ventilation duct.

It was not far from the steps leading upstairs, and it was exactly where the little boy described.

Pei Ge waited for a moment, confirmed that no one was passing by, and gently opened the plastic cover.

She poked her head out slowly, and sure enough, she found the stairs.

Just as she was about to jump to the ground, a strange sound suddenly sounded in her ears.

It is similar to the short "humming" sound that will be made after a light bulb that has not been used for a long time is suddenly turned on.

She shivered all over, and turned her head quickly.

On the ceiling, there was a black object the size of a fist, like an upside-down dice cup.

There are wires exposed above, and they are spinning at the moment, spinning in their own direction.

Surveillance cameras! !

Pei Ge was very close.If you wait until the camera is completely turned around, it will be equivalent to being slapped in the face, and it will be difficult to avoid being discovered.

In an instant, Pei Ge's hair stood on end, he quickly retracted his neck, and buckled the cover backwards.

She didn't have time to wipe the cold sweat off her forehead, so she continued to listen and estimate the rotation arc of the surveillance camera.

If it were one second later, the latency would be exposed.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and Pei Ge escaped the difficulty.

Holding her breath and waiting for a few seconds, she judged that the camera had turned around again, so she poked her head out cautiously.

After repeated observations, she discovered that it was a camera with a rotating arc of 180 degrees, which could directly capture every corner of the "T"-shaped passage.

The pharmaceutical factory is really well guarded, with surveillance everywhere.

Once she has fully mastered the rotation rhythm of the camera, she begins to count the time available for operation.

Only a short 6 seconds.

At least within 6 seconds, she would jump out of the vent, and she would be in the blind spot of the surveillance camera.

So it is very important to grasp the timing of the jump.

Pei Ge silently counted the seconds in his mind.

3, 2, 1!

She stretched her legs down.

The surveillance camera just moved in the opposite direction.

With the help of the child's body, Pei Ge quickly jumped to the ground and dodged to the stairs.

One foot has already stepped on the steps, but I heard someone going downstairs.

What's worse is that the surveillance camera has turned around again!
In desperation, Pei Ge hid in the triangular area formed by the passage door and the wall.

With the help of the door bolt, you can also get a glimpse of the outside situation.

Not long after, two doctors in white coats appeared in the field of vision.

They held folders in their hands and discussed as they walked.

The voice faintly entered Pei Ge's ears.

"...The quality of the sample is very good, it's incredible. The poisonous fog is rampant outside, but she is not affected at all, and the activity of the cerebrospinal fluid is very high."

Another person took over.

"That child has never suffered at first glance. I'm afraid he will be dead when we wait for the extraction later."

"In our business, sympathy is the cheapest." The other party's tone became solemn, "You have to remember, she is just a container for raw materials."

"Yes! Sorry!"

Pei Ge saw that the young man in white coat was apologizing to the old doctor.

The two walked quickly.

Pei Ge's temples throbbed.

Upstairs is the place where cerebral spinal fluid is extracted. Why are Doudou's coordinates there?She had just been sent in!

Combined with the conversation between the two just now, Pei Ge suddenly had a bad feeling.

Doudou was indeed raised pampered.

Besides, she had an evolved physique since she was born, and the poisonous mist could not harm her various organs.

Thinking that she might be pricked by thick and long needles, veins popped on Pei Ge's forehead.

Are all the people in pharmaceutical factories so barbaric?Can you trample on other people's lives casually?
The surveillance camera turned, and Pei Ge couldn't wait to come out from behind the door, holding the handrail and running upstairs in three steps and two steps.

The boy once said that going up a floor, passing through an aerial corridor, and turning the corner, the first room on the left is the place for "physical examination".

Pei Ge saw the so-called "air corridor".

In fact, it is a covered bridge connecting the two twin towers. The covered bridge is made of special glass, like an enlarged fiber tube.

There are also cameras in the middle of the covered bridge.

Pei Ge only had time to glance at it before retreating to the stairs.

To go to the consulting room, you have to cross the corridor bridge. I am afraid that no matter how fast you go, you will be caught by the camera.

Moreover, the covered bridge is made of glass, that is, transparent, so there is no guarantee that it will not be seen by the patrolling guards downstairs when passing by.

Pei Ge is alone now, not to mention saving Doudou, even protecting himself is very difficult.

Another option is to avoid the covered bridge and go up to the next floor, or look for an elevator to see if you can get there by taking a detour.

Without a complete understanding of the structure of the building, such a detour will greatly increase the risk factor.

Whether captured by a surveillance camera or encountered by guards on patrol, they will face disaster.

And Pei Ge's weapon is not enough to kill all the enemies quickly.

There was only one bullet left in the revolver, which could only be used at the last moment.

No matter how easy the whip is, if there are too many enemies, she will be out of reach. If there is any firepower to suppress her, she will be shot into a "briquette".

So the best solution is the first one, taking a shortcut.

Pei Ge planned to repeat the old trick and try drilling the ventilation duct.

At this time, a sweeping robot slowly drove towards her direction.

Its feet are swinging bearings, with whiskers hanging on them, which clean the ground it passes by.

Its head can rotate 360 ​​degrees and use "eyes" to scan lasers for possible garbage and stains.

Pei Ge wanted to hide behind the door, but the laser had already scanned her.

The robot immediately turned its whiskers, followed and turned into the stairs, making electronic sounds word by word.

"Not wet, not dry, and not recyclable... Are you human?"

It continued to analyze, and seemed a little confused: "But you don't have an identification card on you, you are not human. So you are a harmful trash—"

Before he could say "trash", Pei Ge knocked its head off with his fist and coldly snorted: "You are the rubbish."

She just hit the vital point of the sweeping robot, causing the chip in its brain to make poor contact.

The robot shook awkwardly, and a warning red light flashed on its chest.

"Need to return to the cage for inspection... go check now..."

It didn't get entangled with Pei Ge anymore, and turned to run away, but the laser detection function was abnormal, and it hit the wall.

But the program has already planned a course of action, it must return to the maintenance room.

So it took the "S"-shaped route with difficulty and headed towards the covered bridge.

Seeing this, Pei Ge suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

She chased after her, pulled open the trash storage box for the robot's body parts, and curled up to get in.

Fortunately, the original body was relatively thin, if she was a year older, she might not be able to get in.

The robot yelled unhappily: "The garbage is overloaded and I can't move anymore!"

Pei Ge didn't bother to pay attention to it, and let it move in a chaotic manner, and carried him through the most dangerous glass corridor bridge.

The medical area has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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