She exploded the end of the world

Chapter 13 Pharmaceutical Factory

Chapter 13 Pharmaceutical Factory

The chaos downstairs continued, ending with several gunshots.

Afterwards the Arashi mansion fell into an eerie silence.

Throughout the morning, Pei Ge was restricted from going out.

"Young Master, please don't go out. It will be very difficult for us if you do this." The maid responsible for taking care of Pei Ge pleaded.

Pei Ge didn't want to make it difficult for her, she knew that all these came from Wei Lan's instruction.

But she has to know what's going on.

He didn't even let people go out, so he invited people in.

Pei Ge dragged the maid into the room and closed the door.

"Now you can tell me, what happened?"

The servant woman's eyes wandered and she struggled with her thoughts.

Brother Pei put his foot on the other leg, and said impatiently: "You are honest, I am still willing to cooperate with you, otherwise I can only make trouble, and you will not get any benefits."

As soon as she threatened, the servant's attitude softened: "...Master forbids us to tell you."

Pei Ge probed: "People from the pharmaceutical factory want to trouble us? Where's Doudou?"

The servant girl trembled.

There is no silver 300 taels here.

Pei Ge probed further: "Did they take Doudou away?"

The maid couldn't hide her panic: "Young master, how did you know? Who told you?"

Pei Ge didn't know the details, but felt that it was definitely not a good thing for Doudou to be taken away, otherwise Huang Liuying's reaction would not be so great.

"Tell me everything you know."

After listening to the servant woman's description, although Pei Ge was still calm on the surface, the alarm bells sounded in his heart.

It turned out that the "Pharmaceutical Factory" was not a simple factory, but a criminal organization all over the world.

They have monopolized the manufacturing technology of "Jingdu Kang Capsules" and have strangled the lifeblood of the world.

The poisonous fog descended and spread to every corner of the world.After invading the human body, its biological properties will have an irreversible impact on the brain, causing the body to malfunction, causing toxins to spread throughout the body and causing extremely high mortality.

In ten years, the human population has plummeted by 80%.

Research on poisonous smog has never stopped.The most core thing is the research and development of anti-toxic drugs.

After all, among the surviving humans, only 5.5% of the lucky ones have evolved to resist the erosion of the poisonous fog.

Among the newborns, even if both parents are evolutionary humans, the proportion of giving birth to evolutionary infants is less than 50%.

Most of the remaining people are facing the threat of poisonous smog all the time, including the bigwigs in the political, business, military and academic circles.

The bosses control a large amount of wealth and resources of the country or group, so naturally they are not willing to be destroyed by the poisonous mist.

Living with a gas mask, no matter how careful you are, there are always omissions and potential risks.

Therefore, taking Jingdukang Capsules has become a rigid need.

It's a life-saver they have to buy on a regular basis.

Jingdukang Capsules can make humans without the ability to evolve immune to poisonous fog. Its formula is very complicated, and the most difficult to obtain raw material is the cerebrospinal fluid extract of evolutionary children under 10 years old.

In view of the fact that there are too few eligible children, in order to stabilize the output, pharmaceutical factories have set up bases all over the world and dispatched a large number of manpower to seize "raw materials" through various means.

The uncle Pei Ge met earlier was a "raw material supplier" at the upper end of the supply chain, and all the supplies he sent to the local pharmaceutical factory were young children.

To ensure the activity of cerebrospinal fluid, a living body must be extracted, and the amount of extraction is much greater than the safe level.

As a result, evils have been born in a steady stream.

The number of young children who are sacrificed as "raw materials" increases year by year.

And under the appeasement and connivance of the world again and again, the pharmaceutical factory exchanged a large amount of wealth and resources as power, and eventually developed into an unshakable behemoth.

While human beings try their best to survive, they pick up the butcher's knife to cut off the way back, which is really absurd.

Pei Ge felt that the maid was still hiding something.

Otherwise, why was it that only Doudou was arrested by the people from the pharmaceutical factory, while she stayed safely at home?Just because she didn't go to the lobby?
Also, how did the pharmaceutical factory know that there were evolutionary children in Lan's mansion?Who leaked the news?
Pei Ge pouted his lips slightly.

That's what happens when she's deep in thought.

Wang Bin must have something to do with the people in the pharmaceutical factory, otherwise he wouldn't have boasted those words to Huang Liuying.

But he is Huang Liuying's lover, so he probably wouldn't betray Doudou.

The more I think about it, the weirder it becomes.

At noon, someone delivered food to Pei Ge's door.

When Pei Ge opened the door, what he saw was Huang Liuying.

Huang Liuying couldn't help but squeezed into the room, sat down on a chair unceremoniously, and looked at her coldly.

The maid tactfully withdrew and stood outside to watch out, lest Wei Lan come over.

Pei Ge looked down at the food without moving his chopsticks.

Huang Liuying's eyes were red and swollen like goldfish, and she taunted, "Don't worry, I didn't poison you."

Pei Ge didn't intend to eat, and stood in front of her: "If you have something to say, please speak up."

Huang Liuying gave her a gouged look, and she exploded: "What are you? Why do you get the master's favor when you come here? Wesley, you are just a bastard, your mother doesn't want you anymore, understand?"

Any child would be heartbroken to hear what she said.

It's a pity that Brother Pei is no longer a child.

She is very calm.

"It doesn't matter who I am, Doudou is your daughter anyway. She was taken away by people from the pharmaceutical factory. You are very anxious, and I can understand."

"You can't understand." Huang Liuying gritted her teeth, her chest heaved up and down, and blurted out: "She was caught for you. It was you who deserved to die, and the other party wanted a boy! But Wei Lan..."

She was crying, her makeup was all over her face, and she was sobbing: "He handed Doudou over."

Pei Ge's heart moved.

She thought of Doudou's innocent smile, and the way she stuck to herself and played.

But for Huang Liuying, it was difficult for her to feel sympathy.

"Who told the pharmaceutical factory that there is a boy in Lan's mansion?" She asked coldly, "Is it your red-haired lover?"

Huang Liuying's eyes widened, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

She muttered, her lips trembling, as if she had thought of something.

Pei Ge had already seen the answer from her expression.

"If you want to get to the bottom of it, you should not come to me, but ask Wang Bin why he shot himself in the foot."

Wang Bin wanted to obtain special medicine, but the medicine could not be obtained easily, so he sold a piece of news to the pharmaceutical factory.

"Lan Mansion just took in a boy, who is an evolutionary person."

Unexpectedly, the pharmaceutical factory was too short of "raw materials", and immediately came to "check the water meter".

Then the drama of "one for one" was involved.

Doudou and Pei Ge, Wei Lan naturally put more emphasis on the latter.

On the one hand, Pei Ge is a "boy" with courage at a young age, and on the other hand, it is because he has inherited his own flesh and blood.

Of course, this is all Wei Lan's wishful thinking.

Pei Ge has nothing to do with him, it just happens that his eyebrows and eyes are more like him.

Goudaner appeared in Pei Ge's mind.

[Host, your second mission is here. 】

(End of this chapter)

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