Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 95 1 Accidentally Became a Disastrous Demon Fairy (18)

Chapter 95 Accidentally Became a Disastrous Demon Fairy (18)

When Mengran was cleaning in one place, someone told her that someone was looking for her outside.

Hastily put down the broom in his hand, and walked out quickly.

The shoe prints that Lin Changyuan had left on her face in the past few days gradually disappeared.

And the little face that only dared to hang down in the past also lifted up.

Showing a delicate face.

It's just a little thin, and there doesn't seem to be any flesh on the cheeks.

Mengran walked out of the stone gate, and asked her palace maid to point forward, "That person is looking for you, I just looked at you, be careful."

After Mengran heard this, she paused, "I know."

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the rock.

The person who came was a young eunuch, but she was really unfamiliar, and she didn't even recognize him.

What did he want her for?
Just when he was in doubt, the man took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Mengran.

"This is a letter from your master entrusting me to send you, saying that she was sorry for you before, and I hope you can forgive her."

When the little eunuch talked about Mengran's master, he had a contemptuous look on his face.

He took out another pearl hairpin from his pocket.

"This is a gift from your master."

Meng Ran stared at the letter and pearl hairpin in the little eunuch's hand, and froze in place.

She knew it was Lin Changyuan.

After all, after entering the palace, she was her first and only master.

At the beginning, Mengran thought that if she was out of the discipline, her life would be easier in the future.

But it turned out that she was thinking too much.

Mengran touched her other arm with one hand.

She was tortured by Lin Changyuan and had many scars on her body, and she still feels pain.

"Are you going to take it or not?" The little eunuch in front of him saw that Mengran didn't take the letter and pearl hairpin in his hand.

With a very impatient face, "If you don't pick me up, I will throw it away."

As he spoke, he was about to rub the letter.

Meng Ran quickly reached out her hand.

"Wait, I'll take it."

Mengran took the letter over.

And that pearl hairpin, Mengran didn't take it.

She smiled and said to the little eunuch, "Thank you, little eunuch, for your hard work. This pearl hairpin is given to you, count it as hard work."

When Xiaotai listened to Mengran's words, her not-so-good expression relaxed a little.

He squinted and said, "Although you have rules, since the things have been delivered, I will leave first."

The little eunuch was also polite, turned around and left with the pearl hairpin in his pocket.

Laughing while walking.

Lin Changyuan's pearl hairpin is very valuable.

In all the years he has seen, he has never seen such a valuable thing.

Although the pearl hairpin is stained with mud, it is not difficult to recognize that it is the pearl produced by the northern clam in the South China Sea.

One can get a thousand taels of silver.

There can be two inlaid on this pearl hairpin.

That is 2000 taels of silver.

It was slightly more than the savings he had accumulated in the ten years of entering the palace.

Really earned.

That girl named Mengran was so ignorant that she gave it to him.

Lin Changyuan asked him to do something and paid him in advance.

Although it is quite a lot, it is compared to this pearl hairpin.

It's nothing.

Originally, the pearl hairpin was wrapped with a piece of silk.

The little eunuch felt itchy, so he took it apart to have a look.

Just found this pearl hairpin.

Immediately, he was not in a good mood, and even scolded Leng Gong a few times.

He has long been ambiguous.

But after he got the pearl hairpin, his heart was not so peaceful.

He put it back in a hurry, and the panic in his heart disappeared.

After I used it to find my dream, I took out this pearl hairpin again, and the feeling of uneasiness disappeared.

The little eunuch regretted terribly at that time, he didn't want to give the pearl hairpin to Mengran.

Fortunately, Mengran didn't take a fancy to this pearl hairpin and didn't go there.

After all, it fell into his hands.

The corner of the little eunuch's mouth almost reached behind his ears.

He touched the cold pearl hairpin in his arms, and muttered, "Now I'm rich, hehe."

Watching the little eunuch walking away.

Mengran held the letter and walked back slowly.

I found a pavilion and sat down.

She picked up the letter and looked at the beautiful small characters on the letter.

I hesitated to open it or not.

Mengran can read.

After entering the palace, the nuns of the Correctional Office will send female gentlemen to teach.

She knew a lot of characters and could write well.

Female gentlemen often praise her.

Meng Ran looked up at the sky.

The sky, which had been blue and cloudless just now, was now gloomy.

The already hot day is now even more dull.

Meng Ran thought of the pearl hairpin that the little eunuch took out.

That is Lin Changyuan's favorite one.

I often wear it, and I also wore it when I was thrown into the cold palace that day.

Lin Changyuan is not such a generous person.

He would be willing to give the pearl hairpin to her directly.

She must be helping with something.

Mengran suddenly felt that the letter in her hand was a bit heavy.

She wanted to go to Bichun, but she thought that she had been bothering her recently, and it wasn't very good.

So he gave up the idea of ​​looking for Bichun.

Meng Ran stared blankly at the dark clouds in the sky.

She wondered in her heart whether she hated Lin Changyuan or not.

Hate, why not hate?

The scars on her body are still there now, so densely packed that she looks horrifying.

But after all, Lin Changyuan is her master.

Even if Lin Changyuan is in the cold palace now, she is still the master.

Meng Ran laughed, and finally opened the letter and read it.

Watching Lin Changyuan ask her to bring some food and clothing.

Meng Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not an overly embarrassing request.

Meng Ran stood up and put the letter paper in her arms into her bosom.

She looked at the sky.

It's going to rain, so we need to finish sweeping as soon as possible.

Then go prepare some things and send them tonight.

Inside the Mingyue Palace.

Beitang Yifan embraced Qiyue with one hand, and corrected the memorial with the other.

He has not been to the Queen's Palace in recent days.

Wang Yanran brought people to the imperial study.

clamored to see him.

Really annoyed by the noise, Beitang Yifan asked people to move all the memorials to the Moon Palace.

Qiyue saw his own man frowning while criticizing memorials.

Reached out to pass the fruit plate next to him.

Pick up a bunch of red grapes, pick them off one by one and feed them into his mouth.

Beitang Yifan ate the grapes.

This grape is really sweet.

Not only is it sweet in the mouth.

Even the heart is sweet.

Beitang Yifan raised a smile and put down the pen in his hand.

The batch of memorials stopped.

Turning his face to the side, he pressed a kiss on Qiyue's cheek.

He took the remaining red grapes in Qiyue's hands and took them into his own hands.

He smiled and said, "How can I let my concubine feed me, I should feed you."

The phoenix eyes looked at the person in his arms.

The love in the eyes is almost drowning.

Qiyue raised her eyebrows and smiled softly.

She leaned into Beitang Yifan's arms, and said in a soft voice, "Okay, then Your Majesty will feed my concubine."

Beitang Yifan is now holding her with one arm and holding a red grape in the other.

She wants to see how he feeds her.

Beitang Yifan took the bunch of red grapes and put them to her mouth.

He opened his mouth and bit one, and exerted a slight force on his hand.

The grape was picked off.

When she lowered her head slightly, she met Shang Qiyue's twinkling peach blossom eyes.

His eyes darkened, and he leaned over to seal his slightly parted cherry lips.

As soon as Beitang Yifan touched the tip of his tongue, he sent the grape into Qiyue's mouth.

 Update to ask for a ticket! ! !
  Thanks for the recommended votes, little cuties!

  I love you, Chirp Chirp~

(End of this chapter)

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