Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 80 1 Accidentally Became a Disastrous Demon Fairy (3)

Chapter 80 Accidentally Became a Disastrous Demon Fairy (3)

Bichun waited for a long time.

The master in the palace was extremely quiet tonight, until she was sleepy, she didn't hear any movement.

A heart is down-to-earth.

Bichun is not very old this year, but he is only 17 years old, but he has been in the palace for ten years.

When she was young, her family was poor, and Bichun's father saw that she looked fair and smart.

I heard from an aunt of hers who worked as a cook in the palace that the monthly salary of a maid in the palace was a lot, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs provided all the basic necessities of life.

If it's a trick to please the master, and there are rewards, it is completely enough to subsidize the family.

Bichun's family has three older brothers, two younger sisters, and one younger brother who is waiting to be fed.

The elder brother has never read or practiced calligraphy, and only does rough work in the field, or is a coolie moving goods. The little money is not enough for the family's expenses.

Although my father went hunting in the mountains and sold wild animals for a considerable income, it was not the same day by day.

In a few years, I will have to save a dowry for my daughter.

Thinking again and again, Bichun was sent to the palace.

Bichun has no complaints in her heart. Although the family is difficult, her parents like her very much because she is smart and sensible.

He treated her very well, and always brought her something new, even her two younger sisters who were crying for it, ignored her.

Bichun felt that when she grew up, she should also repay the family and help her parents lighten the burden on their shoulders.

However, life after entering the palace was not easy.

When she first entered the palace, the first thing she did was to cut off her shiny black hair.

At that time, I was wronged and distressed, and my tears were spinning but I didn't dare to cry.

The Sister in charge didn't like her very much either.

Because she was the best looking of the group that Mammy carried.

He beat and scolded frequently, and even threw all the rough and dirty work in the yard to her, and didn't let her eat if he couldn't finish it.

Although Chunbi's family was poor, they were not treated so harshly.

Feeling wronged and resentful in her heart, if she hadn't thought about having a big family to support, she might not be able to hold on.

After finally getting through it, she followed a master, but the master would take out his anger on her whenever he felt unsatisfactory.

The master acted presumptuously and made the old emperor unhappy, so he was thrown into the cold palace.

After that, she only worked as a rough envoy in the palace.

It was not until one year after the new emperor succeeded to the throne that the Shangguan Qiyue brought back from the southern tour.

Because of her seniority, she was arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be by her side.

At this time, almost two years have passed in a flash.

Shangguan Qiyue was probably the only one who treated her well after entering the palace.

For this master, Bichun did her best.

That's why Shangguan Qiyue will keep her close to him.

Recently Beitang Yifan doesn't come to Shangguan Qiyue's palace, Bichun often sees her quietly wiping away tears.

Bichun's heart ached, but she didn't dare to comfort her.

Shangguan Qiyue has a gentle temper, and he has never seen her lose her temper before.

Only recently, I get angry from time to time.

Occasionally throws things in a hurry.

Bichun was afraid that if she mentioned this, Shangguan Qiyue would take it out on her.

But today, my master didn't have a sad face as usual, he went to bed early, and didn't cry secretly.

Bichun's heart relaxed slightly.

She rolled up the quilt, yawned sleepily, and fell asleep.


The dawn of April is much earlier than that of winter.

When Qiyue opened her eyes, the sun saw shadows.

Sunlight ran in mischievously through the wide-open windows and stuck to the floor, making people dizzy.

Qiyue sat up, stretched comfortably, and called Bichun to come in to take care of her grooming.

Bichun picked out a bright yellow palace dress.

There is a hibiscus-colored flower group embroidered on the front of the skirt, and a magpie is clustered around the flower group.

The flower clusters and magpies are embroidered vividly and delicately.

The cuffs are lined with silver thread, and you can see the floating clouds.

The long black hair was only tied up in a simple hairstyle, and a jadeite jade hairpin was pinned.

Bichun took the powder box, and wanted to put it on Qiyue's face, but Qiyue hurriedly avoided it.

Under Bichun's puzzled gaze, Qiyue said calmly, "I won't need these things in the future."

The original owner itself is extremely beautiful, these rouge and gouache are just icing on the cake.

But Qiyue felt that it was unnecessary.

Smeared on the face but bored panic.

Hearing this, Bichun put down the makeup box.

She also felt that her master was good-looking enough that she didn't need to be decorated with such tacky things at all.

Qiyue picked out a pair of simple amethyst earrings and asked Bichun to put them on for her.

After tidying up, Qiyue stood up.

Turning around slightly, the hem of the skirt fluttered, and the bright yellow color made her even more delicate and lively.

Chunbi has already prepared breakfast.

Looking at the plates of exquisite pastries in front of him, Qiyue couldn't name them.

There is a plate of snow-white pastries in front of you.

Qiyue gracefully picked up a piece and took a light bite.

The flavors of matcha and mung beans permeate the mouth, chewing carefully, and the fragrance of osmanthus.

The taste is delicate and silky, sweet but not greasy.

Qi Yue ate two pieces in a row before turning to the next plate.

It was a plate of steamed buns.

Small and exquisite, shaped like a pagoda, it is translucent, crystal clear and yellow.

Qi Yue took the chopsticks at hand, picked one up, and put it in his mouth.

The steamed buns were neither cold nor hot, but still warm.

As soon as you bite into the mouth, a packet of soup gushes out from the coat.

Mouth full of saliva, delicious taste.

It was so delicious that Yue's eyes narrowed into crescents.

The next few pastries were equally delicious.

Qiyue rubbed Wei Wei's full belly.

He sighed comfortably, looked up, and saw Bichun's astonished expression.

It seemed that the food was so delicious that she couldn't restrain it.

And because I ate too much, I forgot that there was someone waiting by my side.

It is estimated that Bichun was frightened at this moment.

Qiyue cleared her throat, and called Bichun, "Bichun, help me get up."

Bichun was indeed terrified.

But more of it was worry and distress, as well as dissatisfaction with Beitang Yifan.

She has been in the palace for many years, and through the mouth of gossip in the palace, she knows a lot of secrets in the palace.

Just like in the previous dynasty, there was a beautiful concubine who was favored at first.

Later, for unknown reasons, the emperor never visited that concubine again.

The concubine began to eat to soothe the depression, dissatisfaction and loneliness in her heart.

Once you eat it, you can't stop.

In just half a year's time, the beauty with bright eyes and white teeth has turned into a fat man with squinting eyes.

The fat on his face fell directly to his chin.

It is said that the waist is as thick as two buckets, and the flesh on the body dangles like water while walking.

Every time you step on the ground, you can feel the ground shaking.

How can you still see the original appearance of Qingcheng?
The former emperor couldn't stand a fat pig acting like a baby in front of him, so he directly kicked him out of the palace, not even giving him a chance to enter the cold palace.

Seeing Yue like this this morning, Bichun worried that she would be like the concubine of the previous court.

Thinking of Beitang Yifan, the culprit, felt dissatisfied again.

If it was because of him, something would happen to her beautiful master, even though she didn't dare to go all out.

But she also had to scold in her heart.

 Update to!Ask for a ticket!

  Sorry for being late QWQ!

  Thank you Fuyun for your reward and feed, and thank you little cuties for your recommendation tickets!

  I love you mua~jiumi(* ̄3 ̄)╭Xiaohuahua hits you

(End of this chapter)

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