Chapter 388 Initially

The old man stopped and turned his head expectantly.

"Actually, the experience was not very good."

Not getting the answer he wanted, the old man sighed decadently again.

"But it can be improved." Qi Yue said.

The old man's eyes lit up, "Can you help us?"

Qi Yue touched his chin, "Do you have any other experimenters?"

"No." The old man shook his head. "You are the first and only one. Many people want this opportunity, but you are lucky enough to get it."

Speaking of this, three black lines were drawn across the corner of Qi Yue's forehead.

That's good luck, how about getting a batch of them.

The system made a sound at the right time, "Aren't you unlucky to meet me?"

Qiyue: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and so did his heart.

She really wanted to tell the truth and hit the small system, but she was afraid that it would cry endlessly, so Qiyue chose to keep silent.

"That's it." Qiyue stood up with a smile, walked to the old man's side, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said, "It's not easy for you, I will tell you about the shortcomings, and maybe improve it It can be much better.”

The old man was very happy, "Okay, thank you little girl."

Qiyue didn't intend to help them so easily.

She squinted her eyes, leaned on the old man's shoulder alone, and said, "But in exchange, you have to tell me what is the purpose of your time and space experience."

The old man froze, thought for a moment, and felt that it was not impossible to say, so he agreed, "Okay."

The space-time travel product experience actually has a lofty name.

It's called a space game, and it was originally a decompression game for working people and students who are under too much pressure nowadays, and the scene is extremely simple.

But one day, the experimenters discovered that there was a series of wonderful codes in this simple mechanical language. After trying to crack it to no avail, they saw that the program did not affect the running of the game, so they let it exist in the main database.

When the finished product of the game first came out, some experimenters experienced it in person.

That's when I realized something was wrong with the game.

It stands to reason that before going to sleep, humans can enter the game while resting by lying in the game dormancy cabin. The world in the game is also based on reality.

But after entering the game at that time, even the person's consciousness was lost. If the dormant cabin showed that the body was in normal condition, and the breathing and heartbeat were still there, everyone thought the person was dead.

And the game world is also different from what they imagined. There are countless small worlds in it, and the world attributes are different.

This situation surprised them a little.

The subordinates immediately reported the anomaly, and the person in charge quickly noticed the situation, and decided to change the plan after several discussions.

If it was just a simple game before, then it will focus on soul tourism in the future.

The conscious body is equivalent to the human soul.

If it is really possible to allow the soul to travel to different time and space, can it prevent the current hidden crisis of human beings?

The planet that humans live on today is a planet that has existed for billions of years. Although technology is becoming more and more advanced, the living environment of humans is getting worse and worse.

Scientists say that within 500 years, human beings will be completely extinct, and their planet will also age completely and become a dead star.

Scientists from all over the world are trying to find a solution, and a game made just to relieve stress has found some doorways by mistake, which makes them very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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