Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 345 I Don’t Want to Restore the Country Today (3)

Chapter 345 I Don’t Want to Restore the Country Today (3)

The chill receded a little, but the body didn't seem to get warmer.

Qiyue trembled as she hugged her hands, and quickly walked to the wooden bed, kicked off her shoes and nestled on it.

The sheets and quilt on the bed were not thick at all, Qiyue only felt that the wooden bed under her body was as hard as iron, and it was bitingly cold, and the quilt that she held in her hand was as thin as a piece of cloth, There are not a few cotton flowers stuffed at all.

But after wrapping it on the body, it was much warmer, at least not as cold as it was at the beginning.

Qiyue let out a sigh of relief, trying to warm up her red and swollen hands that had turned sour purple.

Before warming her hands and feet, there was another burning pain in her stomach, as if something hot had pierced a hole in her heartburn, and the pain made her almost roll under the bed. Everyone is trembling.

The whole body was colder than before, and cold sweat came out from her back and forehead, wet her clothes and her hair.

Qiyue grinned the corners of her mouth, almost gasping for air in pain.

She finally understood why Jiang Qiyue disappeared after Jiang's mother died, because she starved herself to death.

He starved to death in front of Jiang Mu's grave.

Mother Jiang has been Jiang Qiyue's only support for so many years. Once Jiang's mother dies, her support will be gone, and she will die together.

It's not that there is no surplus food in the family, it's just that Jiang Qiyue has a will to live and die and doesn't want to live anymore.

Qiyue scolded Jiang Qiyue in her heart for being stupid, even if she dies, she must take away Liao Xingyu, who is Nashi Laozi, and even if she dies, she must find a decent and comfortable way to die without suffering.

If you have to starve yourself to death, not only will you suffer, but you will also let your enemies go free.

No wonder Liao Xingyu in the previous life had such a miserable life, it should be retribution.

Qiyue sighed, if she hadn't picked up her last breath, she would probably be in the same pain as the interstellar plane again.

That kind of pain is even more uncomfortable than the current stomach pain.

The repulsion of soul and body, as if someone was pulling her alive, trying to tear her apart, the pain was so painful that she almost lost her soul.

Thinking of that kind of pain, it was like a moon, and my whole body trembled.

With shaking hands, Qiyue summoned a bottle of medicine from her own space, and stuffed it into her mouth tremblingly, her complexion became better.

The pain receded like a tide, and her body gradually warmed up, but she couldn't use much strength, and struggled on the ground for several times without getting up.

Qiyue: "..."

Forget it, just lie down like this.

Then she gave up on herself and collapsed on the ground, lying on her back with the thin quilt under her pillow.

Perhaps it was because of the medicine she had just taken that she didn't feel cold.

Her spirit was still weak because of the stomachache just now, and she was extremely weak.

After lying down for a quarter of an hour, she felt strength in her body, and she got up from the ground.

Qiyue sat crookedly on the wooden bed, leaning her head against the wall made of mud. After the effect of the medicine passed, she felt the empty city plan singing in her stomach.

Well, I'm hungry, I can eat.

She found a few boxes of light self-heating porridge from her space, which were all the goods she had stored in the modern plane before.

I have to say that this thing is really good, as long as there is water, it can be eaten hot, which is very convenient.

Especially this taste is not bad.

After eating the hot porridge, Qiyue squinted her eyes, sighed comfortably, and silently praised tb in her heart.

Next time she will store up a little more. When life is tight, eating and drinking will make her happy.

 Thank you so and so for the cute tip and feed the duck chirp

(End of this chapter)

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