Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 286 Was Destroyed by the Group Again (29)

Chapter 286 Was Destroyed by the Group Again (29)

This woman is not something they can provoke.

Although her breath was restrained, it didn't make them feel oppressed.

But from the moment of appearing here, Qiyue made a few inadvertent movements.

When doing those movements, the breath on her body leaked for a moment, and the dangerous feeling made them want to shrink back into the small corner of the hut, shivering.

The woman seemed to have noticed the box in Qiyue's hand, her pale and bluish face was a bit ordinary, but her red eyes, which seemed to be stained with blood, were a little bright at this moment.

She walked towards the door of the hut, her purple lips curled up slightly, "This... this..."

As soon as she moved, the Ah Piao in the room shrank their necks shyly, retreated peacefully, and gave way to her way to the door.

The woman walked out step by step, a pair of pure white feet were exposed under the long skirt, and every step she took landed on the white bones all over the floor.

The red liquid dripped down, but did not leave a trace on the white bone. The moment it was about to touch the white bone, it turned into a cloud of red smoke and slowly burrowed towards the bottom of the woman's feet.

Following her Bai Shengsheng's toes, she climbed up little by little.

Her voice was not too loud, with the tenderness and slight excitement of a woman, obviously very interested and surprised by what Qiyue held.

Qiyue was waiting for the woman to finish speaking, but she stopped walking and stopped talking.

A blood-red teardrop slipped from her eye, down her pale and bluish cheek, and under the corner of her sharpened jaw.

The blood and tears fell extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they fell on the bones.

This time, it didn't turn into a puff of red smoke like the liquid just now, but directly burned the bone to create a scorched black hole.

Faint black smoke floated from the hole, and an unpleasant rancid smell filled the air.

"You want this?" Qiyue took the things in her hands to her eyes and smiled at the woman.

Although the woman didn't speak, from her tightly pursed lips and slightly trembling body, it's not hard to see that Qiyue was right.

The woman seemed to be hesitant, maybe she was jealous when she first met Qiyue and Yinran.

Then her jealousy will slowly dissipate because of their actions just now.

She often thinks of her past sorrows and the reason why she was trapped here. She hates every man, and also hates those women who have ideal love.

But the moment Qiyue appeared, these thoughts of hers disappeared invisibly, and all that was left was the hatred for the man who made her fall into a whole.

I can't wait to tear his corpse into thousands of pieces, tear apart his skin and bones, eat meat and drink blood.

She looked at the small box in Qiyue's hand, with eagerness on her face, "Yes, can you lend it to me?"

The closer she got to Qiyue, the more excited she felt.

Not only because of the box she was holding, but more because of her strength.

She heard Qiyue's words just now, and the meaning was nothing more than to find that cheap man who almost died in her hands.

That's great, she lowered her head, her black hair fell down gently like smoke, falling on her thin shoulders like a veil.

There was a gleam of joy in her red eyes.

Qiyue was a little surprised, she thought that a woman would ask her for it, or beg her to give it to her.

But it never occurred to her that she just wanted to borrow this box.

This box is of no use to her, after all, it is used to warm and nourish evil things.

(End of this chapter)

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