Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 263 Was Destroyed by the Group Again (6)

Chapter 263 Was Destroyed by the Group Again (6)

For Yinran, Qiyue rejected it very much.

This man is so flamboyant that he still wants to live in her villa.

But for the sake of him helping himself, agreeing to him should be regarded as repayment.

"Okay." Qi Yue lowered his head and took another sip of water.

I don't know why, although the temperature at night is extremely low, and it is not affected in the bus, but people's five senses are still completely magnified.

Hunger and thirst surged like a ferocious monster, and the feeling that had just been relieved became clear again.

His throat was burning a little uncomfortable at this moment, and his mind began to become confused.

Qiyue clenched her hands, and leaned back weakly, unable to bear the dry mouth and burning, she unscrewed the water bottle and took another sip.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Yinran keenly sensed that something was wrong with Qiyue. He propped up the back of the chair and landed on the ground, already in front of Qiyue.

"How are you?" Yinran reached out to try Qiyue's body temperature, but she gently avoided it.

He paused slightly, looked at his empty hands, and suddenly smiled.

"Well, since you're on guard, I won't touch you."

He didn't return to the driver's seat either, but sat on the other side of the corridor from Qiyue.

"I'm worried. I'll take care of you here. It's still early before dawn. If you're sleepy, go to bed first. I'll call you when it's dawn."

Qiyue shrinks her trembling body into a small ball on the seat.

The white short sleeves on her body have been wrinkled by her, just like her frowning.

"Yeah." She responded weakly, and then fell completely silent.

Actually, Qiyue is not sleepy at all, and has enough time to sleep in the afternoon, but unfortunately, his body can't support it, and after sitting for a while, his mind starts to feel sleepy.

When I woke up again, it was already bright, and the bus was driving forward unsteadily.

The inside of the car didn't shake, just like standing on flat ground, Qiyue didn't feel the slightest jolt at all.

Yinran kept an eye on Qiyue, and when she saw that she was awake, he stopped the bus.

He handed over a casserole, and from such a long distance, Qiyue could clearly smell the scent of fresh broth.

"Give it to me?" Qiyue looked at Yinran in surprise.

She didn't understand, obviously she didn't have a good attitude towards him, and he always disliked her.

But he took extra care of her.

Yinran nodded, and lifted the lid of the casserole in his hand, with a smug expression on his face, "Seeing that you had such a severe fever yesterday, how about the nutrition package I prepared for you, doesn't it look good?"

"I seldom cook, and the ingredients are so cheap, but the taste is always not bad. Many people in my place are rushing to eat the food I cook."

The golden yellow fat floats on the clear soup, a few round fresh meatballs sink beautifully at the bottom of the pot, and there are also a few green side dishes floating with a little chopped green onion, which looks extremely attractive.

The glutton couldn't restrain himself for a moment, and Qiyue swallowed subconsciously.

Qiyue was indeed hungry, and under the weak protest of her stomach, she was no longer polite to Yinran.

He stepped forward to take the casserole, sat down quietly and ate.

Yinran was not in a hurry, he waited for Qiyue to finish a pot of soup.

"How is it, isn't it delicious?" When Qiyue drank the last drop of soup in the pot, Yinran looked at her with bright eyes, and the obvious signal of seeking praise in those eyes made Qiyue subconsciously feel that he was It's just a young boy who just learned to cook.

Qiyue put the casserole in his hand on a chair beside him, took out a tissue and wiped his mouth.

At this moment, she also praised Yinran without hesitation, "It's very good."

However, the taste is somewhat familiar.

It's just that Qi Yue couldn't tell where he was familiar with.

The deliciousness of the broth is still lingering on the tip of her tongue, and Qiyue's active taste buds have not yet calmed down. If her stomach can't hold it anymore, she can have another bowl.

Yinran was praised by Qiyue and was happy for a while, then took out a small notebook and began to write and draw.

The sun outside the car was still dazzling, Qiyue put her hand on the glass window, even if it was cold, she could almost imagine how high the temperature outside was.

The mountains, rivers and fields on both sides of the car are no longer as withered and yellow as yesterday. Instead, they look like they have been burned by a fire, leaving only scorched black everywhere.

Under the tumbling of the heat wave, it also carried gray-black ashes.

This is decadent and has the color and breath of death, it is endless depression.

Qiyue buckled the edge of the car window, and suddenly regretted not knocking the system aside.

At this moment, she was trapped into an inexplicable plane again, a plane with endless despair and no hope.

Is this for her to feel the difficulties in the world?
Qiyue only muttered for a while, then looked away from the window.

Her eyes fell on the casserole beside her, and she thought of the bus she was riding in now. The temperature here seemed to be suitable all the time, neither hot nor cold, which was just right for her to survive.

Yinran said that he came from the sky, so what is the purpose of his coming here? Is it to save the world or...


Qiyue is unclear, but she is safe for now.

And even if this world is destroyed, she doesn't have to worry, she can go back intact.

There is no need to worry about death at all.

"You said yesterday that you came from there, so how many people did you come this time?" Qiyue rested for a night, and the feeling of fever and weakness all over before going to bed last night had already faded away. Surprisingly good too.

Yinran was still recording something, and when he heard Qiyue's question, he put down the pen in his hand.

He turned around with a smile, put one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the backrest, supported his head, tilted his head slightly, the silver hair that was combed neatly and formally yesterday was falling softly in front of his eyes at this moment, Covering his thick eyebrows, making those smiling eyes brighter.

"Just me, this world is not very difficult, so naturally we don't need too many people." Yinran said with a smile.

Qiyue frowned, not understanding what Yinran meant by tricky.

But obviously, her focus is not on this.

"Can you go to other worlds?"

Yinran nodded, and naturally he didn't hide it from Qiyue. After all, he was the first human being he knew as soon as he came to this world, although his attitude at that time was not very good.

But Yinran doesn't mind, after all, Qiyue's attitude is very good now, isn't it.

"Of course we can go. Every time we go to a world, the way is a bit troublesome, but we have to go. If we don't go, then the disappearance of the pillars of this world will have a great impact on our world." Yinran said.

Qiyue was full of curiosity about their world that Yinran said, "What is your world like?"

(End of this chapter)

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