Chapter 19 Run, Mary Sue (18)

The man's family members came to the door, but they didn't know what Xiao Ling'er had done, and the family moved abroad that day.

He tried to search along this line, but still had no clue.

Looking at the slightly worried eyes of the man, Qiyue raised her lips and smiled, "Thank you, I will be careful."

They were strangers, and maybe they would never meet again after this meeting, but she would not casually reject someone's kindness.

No matter what you do, you should learn to say thank you.

After Qiyue went home, I read the rest of the content.

Xiao Linger dated five boyfriends in junior high school, the first one was when Xiao's family kicked her out of the house in the first year of junior high school, Xiao Linger met part-time in a bar to make a living.

Probably because Xiao Linger was young and thought she was easy to deceive, so he hooked up with her.

In fact, the man paid quite a lot. Not only did he help her repay the huge debt, but the school also greeted her.

Xiao Ling'er seemed to like this man very much, and prepared meals for him every day in the apartment he bought, waiting for him to come back to eat.

At the beginning, the man did come back every day, but after he had a new love outside, he seldom went back to the apartment.

He gave Xiao Linger a large sum of money to let Xiao Linger live well by herself.

Xiao Ling'er didn't make a fuss, accepted the money, and asked the man to go back to the apartment, saying that it was the last time they met.

The man probably didn't expect Xiao Linger to be so open-minded, so he agreed, but after returning from the apartment, the man disappeared and disappeared in his study.

The second boyfriend was Xiao Ling'er, who was a distant relative of the Xiao family when the Xiao family's parents had an accident.

Probably because Xiao Linger was pitiful, so she would always come to Xiao's house on weekdays, and they were together within two months, but Xiao Linger was very unlucky, this boyfriend also betrayed her, and this boyfriend was off work On the way home, he disappeared in a surveillance blind spot.

Every boyfriend in the future is like this, from togetherness to sweetness to betrayal, without exception, everything is missing.

Qiyue was thinking, how did Xiao Linger make people disappear, not human?
She was going to ask the system, what happened to this face, it should know.

Are you in the system?

[My dear, what's your problem? 】

Are there such things as demons, demons and gods in this plane?

The system returned to her after checking the information on the next plane.

[It does not exist, my dear, this world will not allow such things to be derived and survived. 】

What happened to Xiao Ling'er?

Qiyue didn't believe that Xiao Ling'er, a human being, would be so wicked.

[Let me help you ask the plane management system, please wait later, dear. 】

Starting month:.
Is the plane actually managed by the system?

[Yes dear, the plane was created by programming, and your consciousness is also data, so it can be implanted in this plane. 】

Qiyue froze for a second, then suddenly jumped up.

She is also a string of data?
Then can she become a virus and invade every world at will?
How nice it is to come and go freely like this.

[Darling, I suggest you stop thinking about it, if the virus is implanted in any plane, it will be strangled and wiped out by the plane system. 】

What a dangerous person, and his thoughts are so dangerous all day long.

The system subconsciously classifies Qiyue as a dangerous group.

Starting month:? ? ?
Become a virus and die?

Fortunately, she just thought about it.

Afraid. Qiyue. Death patted himself on the chest with some rejoicing.

It feels so good to be alive.

After a few seconds, the system finally received a feedback message from the plane management system.

【Kiss, I found it here, Xiao Linger's program implantation is normal, so I don't know what to suggest you here, remember to give a good review, dear. 】

The problem has not been solved, and you still want a good review?

From the beginning of the month, a black line appeared on the forehead. Is this system addictive to praise?

Forget it, it seems that you can't count on the system.

Qiyue decided to read the information by herself to see if there were any clues that she had missed.

Looking at it this way, Qiyue really found a suspicious point.

Xiao Ling'er seemed to be pregnant every time she was in a relationship. The hospital has outpatient records, and every time it was a gynecology department.

Could it be that a 12-year-old girl will suffer from gynecological diseases?

And every time, Xiao Linger's previous boyfriends accompanied her.

Qiyue suddenly remembered that there was a record in an ancient book she had read before, which recorded a secret method of the demon fox family.

This method uses the essence and blood of a man as a guide, and a seed is planted in the lower abdomen, and it will be cultivated for seven to 49 days before it can bloom and bear fruit.

If a man falls in love with the demon fox wholeheartedly, then this seed will benefit both of them, prolong the life of ordinary people, and the demon fox itself will greatly increase its skill.

On the other hand, if a man is half-hearted and betrays the demon fox, his energy and blood will be sucked away by the seeds, and his bones will be weathered and disappeared in just three seconds without a trace.

The seeds will be recovered by the sower to benefit themselves, and the skill will also be greatly increased.

This secret method is called silkworm eggs.

It can make ordinary people reborn like silkworms and have an infinite lifespan, and it can also make them be deprived and eaten by the strong like silkworms.

As for why Qiyue knows, because her body is a dragon, and it is still silver-white.

There was nothing to do in Dragon Palace before, so she read all the ancient books of all races.

She just read it as a story, but she did not expect to meet her one day, and it was when she was traveling.
As for why her luck has always been good.

It was entirely because she was the one who carried the luck of the koi clan.

Who made her unlucky in the first place? Her father was afraid that her luck would be so good that the world would change hands, so he asked Nu Wa to pinch the koi and spread her luck.

Before Qiyue, he didn't realize that his luck had deteriorated, but now he has realized it.

What kind of cheating tourism is for cheating dragons.

She shouldn't have brought herself to travel to this ghost place just to compare luck with those sand sculptures, and she won't be able to go back for a while.

A little pissed.

So angry!

That's right, Qiyue actually didn't think about drawing any luxurious prizes at all, she just made a bet with a few of her friends, they said that her luck this time must not be so good, and she must not win this luxurious gift package.

She was not convinced, so she went to draw, and she really won the draw.

Now it seems that she was cheated, and those sand sculptures in the past were fine so they wouldn't irritate her.

It seems that the tour is over, and she has to settle accounts with those sand sculptures. If she doesn't peel off a few layers of skin, she won't be called Yue!

Is she so easy to cheat?

In the real world, the few people playing cards suddenly shuddered collectively.

The man with the peacock feathers on his head rubbed his arms and asked in doubt, "Why is it so cold all of a sudden, is the air conditioner broken, you go and have a look, tortoise."

The man called Turtle rolled his eyes, and pushed it to a man on his left, "Why do you ask me to go, tell Qingchong to go."

Qingchong ignored the two of them, he had an ominous premonition in his heart, and hurriedly said, "Such a trick to Xiaoyue, will she skin us if she finds out?"

 Qiyue: Are you wearing red bird skin or white tiger skin today?

  Four Great Beasts:? ? ?
  Thank you cuties for your recommendation votes~ If you have a recommendation ticket in your hands, you will vote every day O(∩_∩)O I love you mua~


(End of this chapter)

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