Chapter 78 Dangerous!

Seeing the blood all over the floor, Cheng Luoyao was not affected in the slightest, let alone showing any mercy to the guards of these research institutes.

These people helped those lunatics in the research institute do evil, and they deserve to die!
Cheng Luoyao didn't delay, and continued to move forward, directly killing Long Zhuan.

Long Tran, one of the institute's secret weapons,

Speaking of which, the psychic power possessed by Long Tran was stimulated by Sima Jue unintentionally at the research institute.

However, at the same time that Long Tran's spiritual powers were successfully activated, the price he paid was the complete destruction of Long Tran's brain memory, the decline in IQ, and completely becoming only under the control of Sima Jue. A secret and extremely sharp knife made a lot of contributions to Sima Jue.

At this stage, Long Zhuan has already been able to control so many zombie cats and killed so many supernatural beings. From now on, Long Zhuan will be able to control more and more powerful zombie beasts, and zombies will become Sima Jue's A powerful weapon, but it also brought greater danger to the supernatural beings in the nearby safe base.

She can't cure such a dangerous tool person if she keeps them. On the contrary, she may become a scourge to the research institute again. It's better to kill him with a knife. On the contrary, it is the safest choice that can prevent future troubles forever.

Seeing Long Yan who was completely breathless, Cheng Luoyao let out a sigh of relief.

Long Yan was killed by Cheng Luoyao in this way, and on the other side of the road, without Long Yan's control, those zombie cats, although crazy as before, lost Long Yan's command and control, and became self-serving, but also scattered The terrifying combat power produced by their team attacks has given some supernatural beings a chance to fight back.

However, even though these zombie cats were fighting alone, without the incomplete restraint of the dragon, they burst out with a more wanton and cruel nature, making it even more difficult for the supernatural beings present.

Fortunately, the zombie cat fought alone, giving many supernatural beings a chance to escape.

Cheng Luoyao didn't have time to pay attention to these things.

After killing the guards of the research institute on this side, as well as the psychic supernatural being Long Zhuan, Cheng Luoyao raised her head and spread her mental power to Su Jingchen's side very quickly.

But as soon as she saw the scene there, Cheng Luoyao couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

Suddenly launching a mental attack, Cheng Luoyao instantly hit the research institute guard who was about to attack from behind, saving Su Jingchen, and also preventing Su Jingchen from using dark abilities here.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Luoyao rushed over there with the fastest speed.

When he felt the chilly murderous aura coming from his back, Su Jingchen was being entangled by the guards of the three research institutes, unable to separate himself.

Seeing the danger approaching, Su Jingchen was about to use his dark powers to kill the enemy, but he felt a familiar wave of mental power.

Knowing that it was from Cheng Luoyao, and suddenly became fierce, and went straight to the attacking research institute guard, Su Jingchen also heaved a sigh of relief, and continued to deal with the three difficult research institute guards in front of him with all his strength.

As for the other guards of the research institute, their strength was relatively low, and they were all frozen by Su Jingchen's ice ability at the beginning, leaving no room for resistance.

And this, although it consumed most of Su Jingchen's power reserves, it also gave him the possibility of delaying time.

However, the remaining four research institute guards are all very strong, basically reaching the level of the second level.

Su Jingchen was very fortunate that the only four remaining guards were all speed and strength mutants, and had no supernatural powers, which allowed Su Jingchen to survive until now.

Of course, Su Jingchen himself was not in a good position either.

With only a little power left, it is difficult to launch a powerful attack, so he can only fight with the guards of these research institutes.

But the guards of these research institutes have rough skin and thick flesh, and their bodies have been transformed, similar to mutant beasts, as if they don't know the pain, and they haven't retreated.

Although Su Jingchen's skill is very good, but one-on-four, and the opponent's strength is very strong, so he has to suffer some disadvantages.

What's more, the four guards of the institute also had some advanced weapons equipped by the institute, so he had to be very careful to avoid them.

Otherwise, as long as he was touched, the electric shock, poisonous needle, or anesthetic would be enough to bring him down.

This kind of battle made Su Jingchen somewhat restrained, unable to use his skills, and playing even more aggrieved. Most of the time, he was passively defending, looking for opportunities, and launching an appropriate counterattack.

But these four guards cooperated very tacitly. So far, Su Jingchen has never had any good chance to counterattack, and has always been on the defensive.

It was also because the guards of these research institutes were all mutants, and because his reserve of abilities was insufficient, Su Jingchen did not directly use the dark abilities, but only kept them as backup, in case of last resort, to save his life.

In the end, Su Jingchen still relied on his rich combat experience and strong skills to fight steadily, and entangled with the guards of these research institutes, attracting their full attention, so that they had no chance to check other guards. local conditions.

But at this moment, the guard of the research institute who had just been attacked by Cheng Luoyao's mental power and had a headache knew that there was Su Jingchen's powerful accomplice nearby, and he was also a strange and powerful spiritual power user. , immediately paid attention to it.

Seeing that the four people in front were fighting and knocked down many ice sculptures, causing the guard trapped inside to be broken into several pieces, the guard's eyes couldn't help turning scarlet.

He suddenly drew out his weapon and aimed at Su Jingchen. The guard, with his finger on the trigger, was ready to shoot Su Jingchen anytime.

It just so happened that Su Jingchen took a fist attack from the opponent at this time, and stepped back a few steps, giving the guard an excellent opportunity.

Cheng Luoyao, who had already arrived here, immediately noticed the danger.

Regardless of using medicine to control the enemy, Cheng Luoyao kicked the ground with all her strength, and suddenly jumped towards the guard.

Before the guard shot, Cheng Luoyao had already killed him with incredible speed, kicking the weapon in the guard's hand to the ground with a flying kick.

Because Cheng Luoyao's moves were relentless, even though the guards of this research institute were rough-skinned and tough to beat, they were kicked by Cheng Luoyao and broke their arms, and immediately cried out in pain.

But Cheng Luoyao succeeded in one blow, but he didn't stop.

After the attacking left foot hit the ground just now, Cheng Luoyao kicked from the side and hit the guard's back neck, breaking the guard's neck violently.

(End of this chapter)

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