Chapter 72

On the outskirts of Meili Village, zombie cats frantically chased the supernatural beings. From time to time, supernatural beings were knocked to the ground, bloodied from scratches, and even died directly.

Such a tragic situation frightened many timid supernatural beings and screamed in fear.

The more terrifying and tough this zombie cat is, the more frightened the supernatural beings will be, and more and more people will run away.

The chaos at the scene continued to expand. Most of the supernatural beings chose to turn around and run for their lives, but only a few supernatural beings dared to use supernatural powers to fight back against those zombie cats.

It's a pity that these attacks are useless against zombie cats.

Due to the speed of the moves and the attack speed of the moves are not fast enough, a sensitive and sturdy species like the zombie cat can easily dodge, and has never been injured by the attack of the supernatural being.

It is precisely because of this that more and more supernatural beings lose the courage to fight the zombie cats, and can only be chased by the zombie cats and run away.

It didn't take long for the chaos to spread to Cheng Luoyao's side.

Cheng Luoyao frowned slightly as she saw that the supernatural beings beside her, who were still high-spirited and talking and laughing, were now fleeing in panic.

At this time, behind the low wall not far from Su Jingchen, suddenly, a naked and ugly zombie cat jumped out, and rushed straight at Su Jingchen.

Seeing this scene, before Cheng Luoyao had time to remind Su Jingchen, she saw that an ice cover had quickly formed around Su Jingchen, and when the zombie cat had just passed halfway through, it quickly closed up and wrapped the zombie cat in the middle Stuck, and still there continuing to tighten.

After seeing Su Jingchen's quick and neat moves, as well as his ability to grasp the fighting opportunities, Cheng Luoyao couldn't help but agree with Su Jingchen more.

Since Su Jingchen was able to deal with it, Cheng Luoyao naturally stood quietly and watched Su Jingchen deal with the zombie cat.

Because the zombie cat was stuck tightly, and its waist was still being tightened, it could only scream and struggle in pain, scratching the ice cover around it with its claws, and biting with its fangs, hoping to get out of trouble out.

It's a pity that because the waist was stuck, the zombie cat couldn't fully exert its strength. On the contrary, it had no chance to exert strength due to the continuously tightening ice cover, and even its eyeballs couldn't help protruding.

Noticing the ugly face of this zombie cat, Su Jingchen directly grasped it with his right hand, and the ice cover closed with greater strength, directly squeezing the zombie cat into two sections, but there was still a layer of skin and flesh sticking together Together, both sides were still hanging on the ice cover and struggling, screaming in pain, but they had no strength to escape.

Watching the zombie cat's dying struggle with cold eyes, Su Jingchen continued to release the ice ability, completely freezing the zombie cat, and with a firm grip with his left hand, the zombie cat was broken into pieces in an instant. The ice slag on the ground.

Su Jingchen dealt with a ferocious zombie cat so easily and neatly, leaving the zombie cat unable to fight back. At this scene, the supernatural beings around were momentarily stunned and shocked.

However, Su Jingchen's strength was originally the security base in Youshi, and he was even one of the best in the nearby security bases. It is not surprising that he can easily deal with this sneak attacking zombie cat.

But Su Jingchen is Su Jingchen, and they are them.

They don't have the strength of Su Jingchen, they can't beat the zombie cats here, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

At this moment, two more zombie cats appeared suddenly, and they jumped at Su Jingchen and Su Qianxi respectively.

On Su Jingchen's side, the old trick was repeated, and the zombie cat that attacked him was frozen into an ice sculpture very smoothly, and it was crushed into ice scum all over the ground with a light pinch.

As for Su Qianqian, she didn't have such a good fighting ability.

When the zombie cat rushed towards her, Su Qianqian wanted to attack like her brother, but she couldn't catch the zombie cat's attack trajectory at all. How could she use moves to kill the enemy?
Fortunately, Cheng Luoyao was by Su Qianqian's side.

When Su Qianqian was so anxious that she was sweating, Cheng Luoyao made a move.

Seeing that the zombie cat came to attack without knowing it, Cheng Luoyao quickly smashed a lightning strike, which directly hit the head of the zombie cat that was bending and jumping closer, and smashed the crystal nucleus in the zombie cat's head. It was shaken out intact.

Without the crystal nucleus, the zombie cat that jumped into the air lost its energy support.

With the force of the lightning attack, this zombie cat, as if the pause button was pressed, paused, and then fell straight to the ground, dead.

This move by Cheng Luoyao stunned Su Qianqian and the other supernatural beings who happened to see it.

Lightning ability, can it still be used like this?
It's just, how precise is the degree of ability control, to be able to achieve such a precise attack?

In addition to using a lightning strike to attack the fast-bending and approaching zombie cat, it is also necessary to attack the specific position of the head of the zombie cat, and to control the strength so as not to split the crystal nucleus into slag all at once. And it can shake the crystal nucleus out of the zombie cat's head smoothly.

Anyway, if it was them, they couldn't do it. They couldn't even catch the attack trajectory of the zombie cat.

Of course, they have to have such a powerful and rare power as the lightning power.

It was also Cheng Luoyao's attack that made many supernatural beings completely admire Cheng Luoyao when they looked at Cheng Luoyao.

This, however, did not stop these supernatural beings from continuing to flee.

Meili Village seems to be a place where only the strong can come. They are not strong enough, so it is better to leave here as soon as possible to save their lives.

The members of the Su family team were also surprised by Cheng Luoyao's strength.

Especially Su Qianqian, who didn't even have the thought of continuing to peek at Liu Yiqiang, directly covered her heart with her hands, and showed Cheng Luoyao her starry eyes like a fan girl.

However, without waiting for Su Qianqian to say anything, several zombie cats appeared and attacked the Su family team.

Now, what do Cheng Luoyao, Su Jingchen, and other members of the Su family team not understand?
Now, they are obviously being targeted by other forces, and they want to kill them directly on the outskirts of Meili Village.

However, how could they let the other party succeed so easily?

This time, a total of seven zombie cats appeared.

When danger struck, the members of the Su family team, together with Cheng Luoyao, formed a formation spontaneously, trusting each other, back to back, and worked together to deal with so many zombie cats.

Perhaps at the beginning, they couldn't see through Cheng Luoyao, and they still had some repulsion towards Cheng Luoyao, but now, they are completely convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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