Chapter 67

In order for Peng Kailu to continue to track down the news about the medicine, Sima Jue gave Peng Kailu some experimental medicine, which is to let Peng Kailu taste the sweetness first, so that Peng Kailu can continue to work for them with his heart.

At the same time, Sima Jue also asked Peng Kailu to bring the news back to You Anyong to start the operation in Meili Village, so that they can arrest people when the time comes.

It's a pity that after Peng Kailu came back, he just learned from his niece Ling Daiyue that the possible suspect was Cheng Luoyao, and when he was going to reply the news to the research institute and take revenge for the Peng family, he himself had an accident first. .

This matter was temporarily suspended, which gave Cheng Luoyao a little more protection.

It's just that the zombie cats in Meili Village are, in fact, the experimental products created by the lunatics in the research institute, so that they can test the power of the medicines in the zombie cats.

Moreover, these zombie cats were implanted with chips and addictive drugs near the crystal nucleus, so that these zombie cats had to go back to the research institute every once in a while, hoping to get the medicine before they could continue Stay motivated.

This is also the method used by the research institute to control the zombie cats.

Although the zombie cats tried their best to get rid of the control of the research institute, but with the chips and drugs, they couldn't succeed at all.

So far, the research institute's plan, everything is going well, just waiting for the supernatural person to go to Meili Village, so that the guards at the research institute can take action to arrest people.

With the advanced weapons and medicines they researched, as well as the cooperation of zombie cats, to deal with these supernatural beings, the research institute is bound to win.

However, at this time, Peng Yixin told the news just to suppress You Anyong, lest You Anyong think that their Peng family can no longer control the You family, making You Anyong, an old fox, still Think about what to do.

As for the contact with the research institute, the Peng family is also in a hurry to find a way, and has already found the contact information of Sima Jue's assistant, Yu Yanqing, and is planning to reconnect this line.

At that time, the You family will also be under the control of the Peng family.

The Peng family has the final say on the security base in You City.

Even the Su family, they will deal with it with all their strength, destroy the Su family, and take revenge.

Sure enough, after hearing what Peng Yixin said, You Anyong became a little more serious.

Even though he is still not sure whether what Peng Yixin said is true or not, on the side of the Peng family, he still cannot easily relax his vigilance, so as not to cut off the supply of pharmaceuticals to the institute.

If that's the case, their You family may be doomed.

Smiling slightly, You Anyong took over the conversation and said, "That's good! The medicine developed by Dr. Sima Jue of the research institute must be the most effective. This time, you will definitely be able to win the battle and beat the Su family team , and killed Cheng Luoyao in one fell swoop in Meili Village."

Anyway, here at the security base in You City, you can get in touch with the research institute, have the advanced weapons and defense equipment provided by the research institute, and it's no big deal if a group of supernatural beings die.

However, members of You's team will not take part in the action this time.

As for the reason, You Anyong had sent out all members of You's team before, and they hadn't come back at this time, so they couldn't catch up with the matter of going to Meili Village.

Although the others had doubts about this, out of trust in You Anyong and the You family team, they didn't say anything more.

After all, from their point of view, there are already so many supernatural beings going to Meili Village with these nearby security bases, so the security is quite high.

What's more, they have been coveting the supplies in Meili Village, but they are afraid to take action due to their limited strength and the danger there.

But this time, they were given an opportunity, and they naturally wanted to seize it.

In the meeting room, Peng Yixin was quite satisfied to see You Anyong's understanding.

After a pause, Peng Yixin went on to say: "Mr. You, don't worry. Although my father has gone to the medicines that your You family needs, our Peng family can still get them from the research institute. I will send them to you at that time." came."

Seeing that You Anyong's expression was eager and ingratiating, Peng Yixin continued: "This time, Dr. Sima Jue personally proposed the task of Meili Village. It will be of great use, and Mr. You has done a good job. Dr. Sima Jue's side , and I will never forget your contribution."

Although this sounds very unpleasant, there is a lot of the Peng family is the sense of sight of his boss You Anyong, but the lifeblood is in the hands of the Peng family, he You Anyong can only cooperate with the Peng family first. , Thinking about it makes me feel aggrieved.

No matter how much he vomited in his heart, on the surface, You Anyong still had to respond with a slightly flattering smile, "If that's the case, then I'll have to trouble Mr. Peng."

Nodding his head, Peng Yixin replied: "As long as Chief You faithfully serves Dr. Sima, Dr. Sima will be able to bring the medicine on time to solve the urgent needs of the You family."

There is no way, the Peng family is in a bit of a mess right now, and Peng Yixin has no choice but to use Sima Jue as a cover to make You Anyong submit, so as to reap more benefits.

After finishing speaking, Peng Yixin and others left the meeting room satisfied after receiving the approval slip from You Anyong, which allowed them to get more weapons and supplies from the security base.

After these people left, You Anyong's face completely darkened.

He really wanted to kill Peng Yixin, a brat, but he was worried about the relationship between the Peng family and the research institute, so he had to endure it aggrievedly. It was really extremely unpleasant!

At this time, Qiu Hanying came over.

Noticing that You Anyong's expression was unkind, and obviously angry with those in the Peng family's team, Qiu Hanying smiled softly and said, "Uncle, why bother with those vulgar people?"

Walking to the chair next to You Anyong and sitting down, Qiu Hanying looked at You Anyong who was still holding back his anger, and said, "Uncle, Peng Yixin is a liar. The Peng family contacted the research institute." The matter has always been controlled by Peng Kailu alone, how could the rest of the Peng family gain the trust of the research institute so easily?"

Seeing that Uncle You Anyong's complexion improved a lot, Qiu Hanying continued: "Uncle, let me tell you better news, I have already obtained the contact information of Yu Yanqing, the assistant of Dr. Sima Jue of the research institute. , and have already found someone to verify the authenticity."

Seeing You Anyong turned to look at her in surprise, Qiu Hanying smiled and continued: "If the news is true, then I will go to the research institute and try to talk to Yu Yanqing directly. Then, From now on, we won't have to be threatened by the Peng family anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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