Chapter 61
Cheng Luoyao's words made Lu Pengsheng and Zhao Zinuan's hearts skip a beat.

It seems that what Cheng Luoyao said is not unreasonable.

In the past, it was Cheng Luoyao who took care of them, and they took it for granted, so they took it for granted.

However, they just stayed in the orphanage together, they were not real siblings, and Cheng Luoyao didn't have any duty of care for them.

What's more, even if they are close siblings, they are now such grown-ups, and it is unreasonable to continue to be raised by Cheng Luoyao.

However, being used to everything Cheng Luoyao did for them and providing them with various enjoyments, this suddenly made them lose control of Cheng Luoyao, and in turn stood on the opposite side of them, facing them coldly. It was really hard for Lu Pengsheng to accept it.

The most terrible thing is that he can't beat Luo Yao!

No more words, Lu Pengsheng snorted coldly, then turned around directly, grabbed Zhao Zinuan who was a little ashamed, and left the small villa directly.

Things are already like this, they have to go back first, sort things out properly, and then see if there is any room for salvation.

If they continue to stay here, the relationship between them will only get worse, and there is no other benefit.

Seeing the back of the two leaving, Cheng Luoyao smiled faintly, a dangerous light flashed in her eyes.

After fighting for so long, these two white-eyed wolves still want to leave like nothing happened?

Picking up a small stone from the side, Cheng Luoyao aimed at the crook of Lu Pengsheng's knee, and threw it directly.

Cheng Luoyao's current strength is not small, and with the assistance of strong spiritual power, this small stone flew over with great speed and strength, and it hit Lu Pengsheng's knee precisely.

At this moment, Lu Pengsheng's knee felt weak for a moment, and then he bent down softly.

In normal times, this would not cause much harm, but Lu Pengsheng was angry and didn't want to continue to be humiliated and ridiculed by Cheng Luoyao here, so he walked very fast.

At this moment, Lu Pengsheng was hit by a trick without realizing it, and immediately fell forward suddenly.

Even Zhao Zinuan, who was held tightly by his hand, was caught off guard and fell forward.

Fortunately, Zhao Zinuan's knee just hit the bend of Lu Pengsheng's knee that was just attacked.

Now he was healed, and his injuries were compounded. Lu Pengsheng was so pale from the pain that he was covered in cold sweat.

In addition, Zhao Zinuan also fell heavily, and kept lying on his back, which made him feel even more uncomfortable. This made Lu Pengsheng even more annoyed.

Stretching out his hand, Lu Pengsheng rudely pulled Zhao Zinuan away, threw him to the side, immediately turned over and sat up, hugged the bend of his knees, grinning and enduring the pain.

Because it was still very close to the small villa, Lu Pengsheng was basically sure that this was Cheng Luoyao's plot and sneak attack to get revenge on him.

Otherwise, with his knees bent, how could he be attacked suddenly and hurt so badly?

Thinking of this, Lu Pengsheng glared viciously at Cheng Luoyao's side, gritted his teeth, wishing he could pull him out and whip him a few times to vent his anger.

It's a pity that knowing Cheng Luoyao's extraordinary strength, he is no match at all, and he will only suffer even more if he rashly moves his mouth. Lu Pengsheng dares to whip Cheng Luoyao in his heart, but he dare not continue to challenge Cheng Luoyao.

However, due to Zhao Zinuan's lack of eyes, his knee was pressed against his injured knee, which further aggravated his injury. In this way, Lu Pengsheng found a vent and transferred all his anger to Zhao Zinuan. Warm this side.

Looking at Zhao Zinuan, who had just been pulled hard by him, then swung again, and his forehead hit the corner of the stone on the side, and Zhao Zinuan was already bleeding, but Lu Pengsheng didn't have the slightest bit of pity.

Because my knee was bent there, it hurt so much, and I was so embarrassed now, after a little relief, Lu Pengsheng yelled at Zhao Zinuan: "Still pretending to be dead! Come here quickly, Give me a hand!"

Being directly dragged away by Lu Pengsheng and injured, Zhao Zinuan was full of resentment towards Lu Pengsheng in his heart.

However, she doesn't have much self-protection power at present, and she has to continue to rely on Lu Pengsheng, so she can only hold back this breath for now.

Enduring the pain from the wound on his forehead, Zhao Zinuan struggled to stand up, but felt dizzy and nausea again.

Damn, after being pulled and hit by Lu Pengsheng like this, she might have a concussion.

After struggling through the initial severe dizziness and nausea, Zhao Zinuan supported the stone beside him and slowly tried to move to Lu Pengsheng's side.

But also because Zhao Zinuan's speed was too slow, it caused more dissatisfaction with Lu Pengsheng.

I wanted to keep getting angry, but seeing the injury on Zhao Zinuan's forehead and his dizzy look, he knew that he had hit too hard just now, so Lu Pengsheng suppressed his anger and suppressed it again.

Suppressing his dissatisfaction, Lu Pengsheng softened his tone a little, and first apologized to Zhao Zinuan: "I didn't mean it just now. Nuannuan, are you okay?"

While talking, Lu Pengsheng still tried to stand up while holding on to the stone beside him.

Although the pain was unbearable, Lu Pengsheng still gritted his teeth and survived.

However, after he stood up, the bend of his knees became even more painful, and he couldn't use much strength on his whole foot, let alone walk back.

Lu Pengsheng was very upset about this.

As for Lu Pengsheng's insincere apology, Zhao Zinuan is now sick and uncomfortable, and has no way to argue with him too much, so he can only respond weakly: "Brother Sheng, I'm fine, I'm just dizzy, maybe it's a concussion .”

Upon hearing the concussion, Lu Pengsheng couldn't help frowning.

Forget it, they had better go back quickly so that they could receive treatment.

Otherwise, if they continue to consume, they will only be worse.

Seeing that Zhao Zinuan was also injured and there was no hope, Lu Pengsheng directly picked up a dry branch beside him as a crutch, barely able to walk.

Turning around, he gave Cheng Luoyao a look full of resentment, and then Lu Pengsheng limped, took Zhao Zinuan with difficulty, and continued to leave here.

If he stayed again, he still didn't know if Cheng Luoyao would fight them again.

Cheng Luoyao's strength was not something he and Zhao Zinuan could compete with, so leaving was the wisest choice.

As for revenge, we have to wait until we have a chance in the future.

This time, he suffered so much humiliation, even he and Zhao Zinuan were injured, all of this was because of Cheng Luoyao!

He wrote down all these accounts.

After returning, he will discuss with Ling Daiyue and the others to see how to deal with Cheng Luoyao.

(End of this chapter)

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