Chapter 49 Speak Out

Noticing that Ling Daiyue's face was not looking well, Peng Wenbang frowned, and asked Ling Daiyue: "Yue'er, what's wrong with you? The Su family's affairs are not your responsibility. You have done a good job. You don’t have to regret and worry about this matter anymore, just look forward.”

Hearing Grandpa's consolation, Ling Daiyue nodded respectfully, and replied: "Thank you Grandpa, I understand."

However, regarding the matter of Cheng Luoyao, Ling Daiyue still made up her mind that she had to contact the research institute. It would be better to let that lunatic Sima Jue deal with Cheng Luoyao himself, so that she would be more confident.

After all, Cheng Luoyao was too dangerous.

Of course, on the side of the Peng family, she has already lost control over Cheng Luoyao, and thus lost the opportunity to get good things from Cheng Luoyao. From now on, she will no longer be able to provide various supplies to the Peng family as before. There will definitely be a lot of follow-up troubles. It's better for her to explain the matter clearly first, so as to avoid future problems.

What's more, since Cheng Luoyao has already appeared at Su's convenience store this time, and it is likely that he has reached a cooperation intention with Su's, then the news will soon be known to Peng's family.

Perhaps, the Peng family already knew all about it, so they couldn't say for sure.

It's just that, for Cheng Luoyao's various opportunities and abilities, especially the heaven-defying luck, the Peng family probably wouldn't know so clearly.

After weighing it up, Ling Daiyue still said: "Grandpa, we met an acquaintance here at the Youshi security base, and that person is Cheng Luoyao."

Seeing that the Peng family was not too surprised by this, Ling Daiyue knew it well, and then continued: "Actually, Grandpa, the reason why we were able to get so many good supplies in the past, there are a lot of them are all from Cheng Luoyao. here."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the Peng family, especially Ling Daiyue's uncle Peng Wenbang, became interested.

Seeing this, Ling Daiyue continued: "Grandpa, I guess, the reason why the Su family was able to take out Anxie's fresh rice and cucumbers and sell them at the convenience store, these should be provided by Cheng Luoyao .”

After Ling Daiyue finished speaking, Peng Kailu didn't quite understand, and couldn't help asking: "Yue'er, what do you mean to say that you can no longer handle Cheng Luoyao, and let her go to the Su family? "

Although Ling Daiyue didn't feel at ease when the question was pointed out so sharply, she nodded obediently and said, "Uncle, when we were in Pei City this time, there was an accident. We told Cheng Luoyao directly. It broke up. Therefore, Cheng Luoyao provided the supplies to the Su Family Convenience Supermarket this time, and it should be intentional revenge."

Revenge on the Peng family?Revenge on Ling Tian's team?
Because of falling out with Ling Tian's team, the Peng family, as relatives of the Ling family, also became the target of Cheng Luoyao's revenge?

This is incredible, right?

And Cheng Luoyao, is he too self-righteous?
Thinking of this, Peng Kailu couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Yue'er, you mean, Cheng Luoyao wanted to take revenge on you, so she chose to take revenge on the Peng family, the convenience store business of the Peng family, and finally joined the Su family? What about the Su family? Cooperate, take the rice and cucumbers you found to Su's convenience store for sale? Is it just to hit the business of Peng's convenience store?"

If this is the case, isn't it all caused by Ling Daiyue and the others for the losses suffered by the Peng family?
Just because Ling Daiyue and the others didn't handle their affairs well, such a good tool man lost control. Now, on their Peng family side, they also have to bear the revenge brought by the tool man Cheng Luoyao?
For this, Peng Kailu and the rest of the Peng family couldn't help but feel a little funny, and felt a little bit dissatisfied with Ling Daiyue and Ling Tian's team.

The source of the matter actually came from here!
Fortunately, they were still so optimistic about Ling Daiyue and the others, but this time they made such a big mess.

I also know that making this matter clear will make the Peng family feel dissatisfied with themselves, but Ling Daiyue doesn't mind.

Instead of suppressing the problem and leaving it for later to experience greater changes, resentment, and relationship breakdown, it is better to speak out now, so that everyone can be prepared, and if there are any problems in the future, they will not be completely Come over to her side.

Especially uncle and aunt, those are not fuel-efficient lamps, she has to take precautions first.

Lowering her eyes, Ling Daiyue signaled to her elder brother Ling Mingyu and the others to be calm, and then continued: "Uncle, what happened was a bit complicated, and we didn't intend to do it this way. We lost control of Cheng Luoyao. On our side, the loss It's not small either."

Having said this, Cheng Luoyao narrowed her eyes dangerously, and said with killing intent: "Uncle, Cheng Luoyao is too dangerous, and there are many methods. I think we should get rid of her as soon as possible."

Looking at her uncle Peng Kailu, Ling Daiyue hooked her lips lightly, and then continued: "Uncle, I heard that Dr. Sima in the research institute is looking for some powerful people recently, I think, Cheng Luoyao is very capable, and will be the most suitable candidate for the experiment."

However, Peng Kailu did not respond directly, but looked at Ling Daiyue with great interest, smiled slightly, and then said: "Yue'er, uncle can understand what you mean. It's just that you have Are you sure you can take down Cheng Luoyao? You also know the truth, the Peng family has suffered a lot this time, and they really can't spare so many people to deal with Cheng Luoyao."

Don't think that Peng Kailu doesn't know, Ling Daiyue, and the entire Lingtian team are probably not the opponents of Cheng Luoyao, so he, his niece, thinks of borrowing their Peng family, Sima Jue of the research institute, In order to deal with Cheng Luoyao's hidden danger.

If things were really that simple, I'm afraid, all the benefits would be taken away by his niece.

Cheng Luoyao wanted to deal with it, but he didn't want to follow the wishes of his niece Ling Daiyue.

Ling Daiyue could understand what uncle Peng Kailu meant.

But if she could deal with Cheng Luoyao so smoothly, she wouldn't be so troubled.

Shaking her head, Ling Daiyue responded: "Uncle, don't underestimate Cheng Luoyao. That woman really has a lot of tricks, emerging one after another, and it's hard to guard against. Otherwise, Cheng Luoyao wouldn't be able to do it while doing tasks. I often get a lot of extra good things. If you want to deal with Cheng Luoyao, you can't do it with Ling Tian's team alone."

(End of this chapter)

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