Chapter 4 Purple Emerald Bracelet
In fact, on the third floor of the shopping mall, there are many opportunities, all of which should belong to Cheng Luoyao.

In her previous life, Cheng Luoyao had indeed found these good things, which caused her heart to throb.

It's just that these opportunities that should have belonged to her were calculated by those two white-eyed wolves and Ling Daiyue together, and finally they were all given to Ling Daiyue.

Now that she's back, she naturally doesn't want to miss this.

At this time, the time is still early.

Here on the third floor, the blazing sunlight came in from the broken floor-to-ceiling windows and fell to the floor, making many places still very safe.

But at the same time, in the dark places behind many counters, there are some zombies hiding, which may pounce out and attack at any time.

Fortunately, not long after the end of the world, most of the zombies here are only level zero, and the threat has been greatly weakened.

After glancing at it, Cheng Luoyao went straight to the counter in the second row.

However, when Cheng Luoyao was about to pass through the aisle, a rotten hand suddenly grabbed her from the side, and the sharp bluish-black nails on his hand wanted to scratch her flesh off in one fell swoop.

Cheng Luoyao had been guarding against this zombie for a long time. When the zombie made a move, the scimitar in his hand, Liuguang Gouyue, quickly chopped off. With one blow, the zombie's hands were directly chopped off.

Losing both hands, the zombie felt no pain, but was still affected. He lost his balance, staggered and fell to the ground, roaring angrily, and opened his bloody mouth, trying to bite Cheng Luoyao.

Because of the roar of this zombie, all of a sudden, many zombies on the third floor also showed hideous and ugly faces in the shadows, and roared at Cheng Luoyao, and even some zombies came out of the shadows, He kept trying to get closer to Cheng Luoyao.

However, with the sunlight blocking here, it became an insurmountable gap, which made the zombies roar even more frantically, walking around in circles, but they couldn't even touch Cheng Luoyao's clothes.

Seeing this, Cheng Luoyao lightly raised the corners of her lips, and slashed upwards obliquely with the scimitar streamer hooked to the moon. In one fell swoop, the zombie that was about to sneak attack was beheaded, and the crystal nucleus was successfully taken away.

After finishing off the zombie, Cheng Luoyao glanced around again.

Cheng Luoyao was relieved to be sure that no other zombies could come over.

The zombies on the third floor, because there are few people here, so the number of zombies turned into is not many, and most of them are still zero-level zombies, which cannot pose a greater threat to Cheng Luoyao.

The zombie she just killed is already one of the few first-order zombies here.

Seeing the stiff and slow movements of the remaining zombies, Cheng Luoyao slightly raised her eyebrows, and immediately sped up her movements.

As for these zero-level zombies, Cheng Luoyao dragged the injured body to run, and they were much more flexible and faster than them.

He went straight to the jade booth, but seeing that there were many bracelets of similar styles, Cheng Luoyao didn't have time to choose carefully here, so he had to pack them all together.

At this moment, a zero-level zombie approached Cheng Luoyao's back, stretched out its claws, trying to dig out Cheng Luoyao's back.

Cheng Luoyao realized the danger without even turning around. The scimitar in his hand was hooked to the moon, and he swung it towards the back immediately, severing half of the zombie's head.

Turning around again, Cheng Luoyao chopped off the remaining half of the zombie's head with a single blow.

After tidying up the sneak attacking zombie, Cheng Luoyao turned her head and carried the jewelry wrapped in the tablecloth on her back.
However, seeing that there are so many emeralds and other good things here, Cheng Luoyao thought about it, gritted her teeth, and quickly made up her mind.

Still walking back to the French windows, Cheng Luoyao sat in the sunlight, opened the package, and began to identify the bracelets.

Because of the blazing sunshine, even if the group of zombies wanted to get closer to Cheng Luoyao, they were still blocked in the shadows and had to roar angrily at Cheng Luoyao unwillingly.

There were so many zombies screaming together, the sound spread far away, and it caused the nearby zombies to roar in response.

It's just that Cheng Luoyao at this time has already ignored these things.

If she can contract the Purple Jade Bracelet, then she can pack and take away all these good things here in one fell swoop.

After all, she had so many jewelry on her body, which also affected her actions, so she might not be able to go to the fourth floor to continue picking up good things.

Contracting a Purple Jade Bracelet was nothing more than a great danger to the powerful soul and mental power she possessed now.

What's more, Cheng Luoyao felt a kind of urgency and joy in her heart, which gave her the throbbing feeling of directly contracting the Zifei bracelet.

Although he decided to take a risk, in order to avoid accidents later, Cheng Luoyao tightly held the cable outside the window with one hand.

As long as there is something wrong, she can immediately use this cable to swing outside, quickly leave the shopping mall, fall into the sunshine of the square outside, and win a chance for herself to escape.

Although the probability of her needing to do this should not be high, she is still prepared.

Picking up several purple jadeite bracelets of similar styles, Cheng Luoyao took a deep breath, and directly tore off the piece of cloth wrapped around her arm, trying to contract the purple jadeite bracelet with space inside.

Regardless of the pain, Cheng Luoyao firmly grasped the outer cable with one hand, and put the purple jadeite bracelets near the wound with the other hand, thinking of staining the bracelets with blood first.

However, before Cheng Luoyao touched the purple jadeite bracelet to the wound, suddenly, a burst of light flashed, causing the surrounding zombies to scream and stay away.

Immediately afterwards, one of the purple jadeite bracelets automatically absorbed the blood from Cheng Luoyao's wound.

Seeing this happening, Cheng Luoyao was not too surprised, but just nervously stared at the possible changes of the Zifei bracelet.

Soon, the blood on this exquisite purple jadeite bracelet was completely absorbed, and a stream of light flashed quickly inside the smooth jadeite.

Immediately, Cheng Luoyao's mind was connected with this purple jadeite bracelet, and there were no other side effects, which made her happy.

After staring at it for a while, and after making sure that there was no danger, Cheng Luoyao began to take a rough look with mental strength.

The space inside this purple jadeite bracelet is actually as big as ten acres of land, and it is real black land, and there is a spring bubbling spring water.

Cheng Luoyao couldn't help being surprised by this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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