Chapter 281 The Power of Thunder

Seeing Cheng Luoyao and Su Yanrong standing on the protective city wall, and everyone at the Xushi security base waiting in full force, Sima Jue felt more and more uneasy.

During his trip, he seemed to have underestimated Cheng Luoyao and Su Yanrong, as well as the security base in Xushi.

Right now, even he himself might be in danger.

Just looking at the various weapons in those people's hands and the coercion emanating from their bodies, how does this look like a person who lacks resources and insists on face?

The Asahi City Security Base has become so complete and powerful in such a short period of time?

However, where did Cheng Luoyao and Su Yanrong get so many advanced weapons and equipment?

These weapons and equipment are very different from those developed by their research institute, but looking at them, their power should not be small.

Relying on these weapons and equipment, and absorbing so many manpower, the Asahi City Security Base is not easy to mess with.

On their side, there was a fatal error in intelligence.

If he had known that Xushi Security Base had become so powerful, he would not have come here first.

It's no wonder that Su Jingchen and Lu Pengsheng were so easily planted in this security base in Xushi, and they couldn't get back alive.

In addition to these, when they first came here, their aircraft was attacked by lightning, which was definitely not accidental.

When did Cheng Luoyao's lightning ability become so powerful?
Why does he feel that these methods are somewhat similar to those of the master Li Wuzhen?

Thinking of this, Sima Jue's expression changed again.

If Cheng Luoyao and Su Yanrong really possessed the same abilities as their master, wouldn't they have cast themselves in a trap when they came to the security base in Xushi?

He was flustered, but in front of so many subordinates, Sima Jue still managed to calm himself down on the surface.

No matter what, he had to find a way to escape with these aircraft and the remaining zombies and zombie beasts.

After all, the super zombie virus he brought this time, as well as these zombies and zombie beasts, including the aircraft, are very valued by the master and have been produced at a high price.

Once these were destroyed by him, and he was unable to deal with people like Cheng Luoyao and Su Yanrong, then the loss this time would be too great, and he would not be able to explain it to the master.

Of course, the premise is that he can go back alive.

But no matter what the ending will be, he has to save his hand first.

In order to do things as well as possible and find a chance to escape from the safe base in Xu City, after the aircraft landed successfully, Sima Jue immediately ordered to release half of the zombies and zombie beasts, so that these zombies and zombie beasts carrying the super zombie virus, Hurry up to attack the defense of Asahi City's security base, so as to create opportunities for their escape.

It would be a good deal if ordinary zombies and zombie beasts could be exchanged for the chance of escaping from the security base in Asahi City and surviving.

However, when Sima Jue looked at Xushi Security Base again, his face changed suddenly.

Just now, the protective city wall of Xushi Security Base, which was not far from him, suddenly flickered, and the distance between them and them was constantly widening.

Thinking that he was dazzled, Sima Jue rubbed his eyes and looked at the Xushi security base again.

This time, Sima Jue saw very clearly that the Asahi City Security Base seemed to be able to move, and kept a close distance from the zombies and zombie beasts he had released, making these already extremely manic zombies You can't get close to zombie beasts.

This situation is really too weird.

At this moment, in mid-air, dense thunder and lightning fell again, attacking the zombies and zombie beasts he released.

The power of these lightning strikes was very powerful. It struck the zombies and zombie beasts, and directly fell these zombies and zombie beasts, which had been strengthened by him in all directions, to the ground, either dead or injured.

Soon, those zombies and zombie beasts were dead and mutilated, and a large area lay down on the ground, screaming continuously.

But those thunderbolts only paused for a while, as if they were showing them the miserable end of these zombies and zombie beasts. Then, the thunderbolts began to strike again, attacking these zombies and zombie beasts densely, until Everything turned to ashes.

Under the attack of these lightning and flames, the zombies and zombie beasts were completely annihilated. Most of the super zombie viruses that Sima Jue left behind, that is, those zombies and zombie beasts, could not do anything about it. escaped this disaster.

After all, the disinfection effect of such powerful and dense lightning and flames is so good that even a super zombie virus may not be able to withstand it.

Standing next to the aircraft, Sima Jue and the others saw that these zombies and zombie beasts were easily wiped out before they could take the next step.

And during the whole process, those people in Xushi Security Base didn't have to take action yet.

With these lightning strikes alone, Ah Jing's zombies and zombie beasts were all wiped out.

This kind of strength is too outrageous, right?

Now, Sima Jue really understood the seriousness of the matter.

However, before he could issue an order, he hurriedly escaped from the dangerous Xushi security base. In the mid-air above their heads, another thunder and lightning began to condense and struck towards them.

Seeing the thunder and lightning appearing above their heads, Ling Daiyue, Peng Jiaolan and the others screamed and rushed to the aircraft.

They still remembered that this aircraft was able to withstand these terrifying lightning strikes.

At this time, only by quickly hiding in the aircraft can they survive.

Otherwise, even those zombies and zombie beasts couldn't resist the lightning strikes, they couldn't bear it even more, and they would be wiped out as soon as they were struck.

They don't want to die here yet, so they can only quickly get into the aircraft to hide.

A few fast ones had already run into the aircraft, and luckily escaped the strike of the falling lightning.

Those few reacted slower and moved slower. They failed to find these effective shelters and were directly struck by lightning. Many people were directly chopped into a ball of black charcoal, where they continued to risk Bai Yan, thinking about the thunder and lightning crackling on his body, has already gone to the west.

After another attack, more than half of the people brought by Sima Jue were killed directly.

Even the zombies that Sima Jue specially recruited, as well as the densely packed zombie rats, were almost all struck and killed by these lightning strikes.

There was chaos at the scene, with all kinds of corpses lying on the ground, looking very messy.

(End of this chapter)

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