Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 77 Online Game Crush (16)

Chapter 77

Now that we have reached the boss, all we have to do is let the super little red hand touch the corpse.

The voice of the devil with a faint smile sounded: "Student Ketchup, come on, we are all up to you."

Cheng Shuyao manipulated the flower god priest to come to the boss, click on it, and a prompt appeared on the screen whether to pick it up, and she clicked yes.

Then a prompt appeared in their team channel.

"Congratulations to the hobby learning team for getting gold coins*10!

Congratulations to the hobby learning team for getting the apricot blossom spring rain suit*3

The girl couldn't help complaining in her heart, who named the group, it's actually called "study hard", how can you guys who play games in the early morning study hard, if you don't sleep in class tomorrow, you'll be great...

And the series of rewards in the team channel made me confused, a lot of equipment and materials, is this the magic power of koi?

"Let's go, this boss is so rich, and it's equipment, money, and materials. Let's push it a few more times. It's estimated that everyone will have a suit by then." Cai Rong stared at the screen excitedly. The tips on the screen, and then check the attributes of the equipment one by one.

Looking at it this way, he was depressed. There was nothing he could use. The three sets of equipment that came out happened to be for the Priest of the Flower God, Assassin, and Mage. He had nothing to wear with a meat shield.

And the message was posted on the World Channel, "Congratulations to the hobby-learning team for successfully breaking through the cold grotto. The copy of the cold grotto is officially open to all players!"

There are a lot of "abnormal" and "NB" on the World Channel, but none of these can stop Cai Rong from being in a bad mood. He said: "Come again! I must also wear a suit!" He just watched it, The attributes of the suit produced by this copy are quite good. Although most of their team are only level 10, if they put on this suit, it is estimated that they will not need to change anything until level 25. He is so jealous that he wants to bite the handkerchief. The most important thing is that my daughter-in-law's suit hasn't arrived yet!

Lu Jingchen said: "Well, let's do it a few more times, but I have read the official website before, the dungeon only has a very high drop rate when you clear the level for the first time, and the drop rate will drop after that. And this time there are apprentices Lucky value bonus, so next time I probably won’t be able to get so much equipment.”

"Yeah!" The girl nodded in agreement, and she remembered that this was also mentioned in the script.

"How do you divide the suits? Toss points?" Devil asked, Xianyuan OL has its own plug tossing game.

"Okay, let's sacrifice to the Flower God first." Everyone agreed with this plan, but when Firework Yi Leng heard that he was going to throw the plug, he shouted: "I quit!"

"Daughter-in-law, don't you want this suit? The attributes are quite good." Cai Rong asked his girlfriend strangely.

Yanhua Yi Leng said in a frustrated voice: "There are only two flower gods in the team, me and ketchup. I don't think I can beat the little red hand."

"Pfft—" EMT smiled unkindly.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be discouraged! You can definitely roll 18!" Cai Rong said firmly.

"You bastard, don't set a flag for me!" Fireworks shuddered coldly, her boyfriend was always good but not bad, in short, he was a crow with one mouth.

However, under the booing of the crowd, Fireworks and Ketchup started throwing plugs.

3 points compared to 18 points, ketchup wins!
"Daughter-in-law..." Cai Rong yelled aggrievedly, and he wouldn't have said it if he had known.

"Okay, shut up, I want to rush to your dormitory right now and give you a good beating." Yan Hua looked up to the sky and sighed, it seems that this suit has nothing to do with her~
Then the suits of the assassin and the mage also belonged in the plug throwing. The assassin set was shaken away by Lu Jingchen, and the mage set belonged to the devil.

"I found out that this plug throwing is actually related to luck." Yuexia who lost to the devil said through gritted teeth, because the ketchup exploded his luck, and everyone in the group exploded his luck value.Apart from Cheng Shuyao's sky-defying 120 points, followed by Lu Jingchen's 85 points, and Devil's 77 points, the rest of the people's points are basically in the fifties or sixties.

"What Yue Xia said makes sense. If this is the case, it's not fair to divide the equipment for a long time. Let's play a game of plugging alone in the future." Lu Jingchen replied after thinking about it. Although we are all friends, it seems a bit unfair.

"Do you have any objections?" Devil's voice rang lazily, and a group of lucky people in their [-]s and [-]s responded one after another. If you want to cheat others, please go outside to cheat others.

Then the three of them changed into the apricot blossom spring rain suit. The one made by the flower god sacrifice is the best, it is a contrasting color of pink and light purple. On the top is a simple two-color chest wrap with a streamer on the arms. Below is The ethereal gauze skirts are layered on top of each other, and the colors transition little by little, which makes the sacrifice of the flower god look particularly charming and affectionate, and it looks good when worn.And the blood and mana have increased by more than half, but she didn't pay attention to this.

Cheng Shuyao excitedly operated the villain to come to the assassin's side. The assassin's apricot blossom spring rain jacket was simple black, with faint dark lines flowing on the clothes, and then the edges of the clothes were carefully wrapped with goose-yellow satin, which looked simple. He is domineering, yet low-key, which fits the identity of an assassin very well.

She happily circled around the assassin a few times, and the gold powder scattered in all directions with her movements, as if dancing in the wind, and the lotus sprouted with every step, which was beautiful and magnificent.Lu Jingchen manipulated the assassin to helplessly touch the girl's head, and the flower god priest made him a cute gesture of blinking his eyes and sticking out his tongue.

The mage's suit is also very good-looking, but the color is a bit wrong.Because it is a robe, it is very big and loose, and there is a hood on the back. The pattern of apricot blossoms and spring rain is embroidered on the front. The mage was dressed like an ancient bride's wedding dress.

My ex, the hot chicken, laughed unceremoniously, and the hearty voice spread from the earphones to everyone's ears: "Hahahahahaha, devil can get married tonight!"

devil: "..."

Zheng He'an frowned, and walked a few laps with the mage, struggling with performance and appearance for a long time, and decided to wear it, they must be jealous!Then he huffed arrogantly.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and everyone still refreshed the cold grotto several times with excitement and enthusiasm. Then with the blessing of ketchup, they finally acquired a set of meat shield Xinghua Spring Rain Set, while there were only zero for other professions. Scattered parts.

"I didn't expect the drop rate to be so touching after the first time. It seems quite difficult to get all of them together," EMT said.

"Can you survive? I'm so sleepy!" My ex's tired voice came, followed by a deep yawn.

And this yawn was like an infectious disease, and teammates started yawning one after another.

Lu Jingchen smiled clearly, and said, "Everyone, let's play the game. It's almost seven o'clock. Those who should go to class, and those who can sleep, go to rest. Continue tonight."

Tao Xinghe: "Oh, if you ask me, I'll skip class!"

(End of this chapter)

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