Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 64 Online Game Crush (2)

Chapter 64

Under 0047's enthusiastic gaze, the girl began to flip through the script.

0047 assured her again and again that this time the script is absolutely complete and not incomplete, so the right to name it should still be left to [-].

The girl smiled and did not speak, and gave 0047 a soothing look, making 0047 think that she had achieved a staged victory, but the girl complained in her heart, hum!Your name is too vulgar, okay? I won't give up my legal rights.

When she was sorting out her memory just now, she was guessing the type of mission this time, thinking of Yuanshen's usual hobbies, she did not make her guess wrong, this is a story about online games.

As a house girl, the original owner likes to play various massively multiplayer online role-playing games, and there is a new game called "Xianyuan OL".

This game is based on Chinese classical fantasy games. The game screen is beautiful, the world view is grand, and the game character design is very novel and interesting, so once it comes out, it is extremely popular.The original body entered the game on the first day of the Xianyuan OL public beta.

Of course, not only the original body entered the game, but also the male and female protagonists in the script, and the male protagonist is also an alumni of the original body, what a coincidence, the girl complained in her heart.

Lu Jingchen and Luo Qilan are the male and female protagonists respectively.

Because the original body is unsatisfactory in real life, she especially likes the freedom in the game world. In the game, people will not laugh at her figure or appearance. She can use the pinching system to model the characters in the game. The fabrication is fresh and refined, with an angelic face and a devilish figure.

Moreover, the original person's family was in business and she had always had a little money. Later, when she was in high school, she suddenly seized the opportunity and made a lot of money. She suddenly became a legendary nouveau riche and was often laughed at by the city's aristocratic circle. However, the original person Their parents don't care. For them, having money in their hands is much more important than a noble face.

They also love their children, so the pocket money in the hands of the girl has always been a steady stream, and she usually doesn't have much demand for money, so she basically spends the pocket money in the game, buying beautiful fashions to wear, she will be sought after by many people.Not to mention that she is generous, often giving equipment and medicines to friends in the game, who doesn't like local tyrants, so the original body was very successful in the game at the beginning.

It's a pity that this time is not long, the girl continued to look down.

Although the male protagonist's family is quite rich, but after entering the game, he didn't have a lot of krypton gold, because he prefers challenges and he doesn't want to rely on money to cheat.Relying on his superb manipulation techniques, the male protagonist successfully squeezed into the top ten list of masters, not to mention that his equipment is still very ordinary, so many people admire him, and Yuan Shen is one of them.

And another thing happened during this period. One day when Yuanshen went to the school library to read, when she was standing at one end of the bookshelf, her whole body was flooded by the sea of ​​books, she heard someone talking on the next shelf. The content was about Xianyuan OL, she squatted down curiously and eavesdropped.

"Hey! I didn't expect you to win the championship of this competition again. I am so unwilling. Next time, hehe, Lao Lu, I will definitely win you!"

Lao Lu?When the girl heard this title, her heart skipped a beat, and she peeked through the gap in the bookshelf, ah!She was pleasantly surprised to find that the two boys standing on the bookshelf next to them were Lu Jingchen and his roommate Cai Rong.Lu Jingchen is famous in their school, not only because of his good studies, but also because of his good looks!Girls from other schools often sneak into their school to see Lu Jingchen.

Girls' feelings are always poetry, how could a girl not notice such an outstanding boy, but she also understands the gap between herself and others, and never thinks about it.Until one time, when she was shopping in a supermarket near the school, she forgot to bring any money, and when she was about to cry because of the taunting eyes of the clerk, a pleasant voice sounded, and what she said was more like an angel descending.

"I'll pay for her." Lu Jingchen's long, elegant hand with sharp bones stretched out from behind her, handed the supermarket clerk a red hundred-dollar bill, and untied the girl.

The girl thanked him again and again, saying that she would definitely pay him back the money, while Lu Jingchen smiled politely at her and said, "No need, it's also necessary for alumni to help each other, just treat it as if I invited you to drink tea." His words are soft and friendly, and his attitude is relaxed. He is not at all like the boys in the class. He always loathes her, making her involuntarily grab the XXXL school uniform jacket on her body, muttering thank you, but her eyes are full of tears. famous.

This time, her heart completely fell. If it was because she admired Lu Jingchen's handsome face and tall figure before, then this time, Lu Jingchen's help to her completely touched her heart.

Well, the memory is over, she then lay there and listened to the conversation between the two.

"Okay, if you win, I will invite the whole dormitory to Bihai for dinner." Lu Jingchen said with a smile. Bihai is a famous restaurant in their city. Not to mention the price, you have no status, so even if you make a reservation, Can't reserve a table.

"It's a good start, I'm motivated! Old Lu, you're still a buddy." Cai Rong hooked Lu Jingchen's shoulder with an arrogant look.

Lu Jingchen raised his eyebrows and said with a smirk, "The premise is that you can beat me, I guess, Xuan!"

"Good old Lu, you actually look down on me, I will definitely let you know how good I am in the next ranking competition!" Cai Rong and Lu Jingchen walked away talking and laughing.

And the girl sat slumped on the ground and laughed silently. It turned out that they were playing the same game, and he was the great god she worshiped in the game. This world is really too small, and he, Lu Jingchen, no matter where he is, can always It must be fate to attract her attention. The girl buried her head in her arms and secretly smiled, helplessly and sweetly.

The original body met the hero under the circumstances specially arranged by her, an encounter between an assassin and a priest of the flower god.

Because Yuanshen is a well-known local tyrant in the game, Lu Jingchen's guild wanted to pull her into their guild, and Yuanshen readily agreed. After all, no one wants to join the guild where the great god is, not to mention that she has always been secretly in love with Lu Jingchen. She soon withdrew from her original guild and joined Lu Jingchen's guild.

During this period of contact, Lu Jingchen also developed a good impression of this flower god priest. Although she is a bit stupid and her operation is a bit rotten, he thinks she is quite cute, and she is very generous to friends in the guild. The conversation is also very interesting, and the people are soft and cute, so the two of them got along pretty well for a while, and the girl felt that she was happy to death during that time.

But the original person was not so happy when she quit the original guild. You must know that the original person was No. 1 on the krypton money rich list in the game. Once she left inexplicably, many people in the guild were unable to take advantage. They How could you be happy?

Not to mention that the original body is very soft and cute, and treats people with heart and soul, so the people in the original union took her goodness for granted. As soon as she quit the guild, they immediately caused dissatisfaction, and some people thought of a way to deal with it. Whole body.

Seeing this, the girl couldn't help but sigh, people are cheap.

 0047 Unemployed! 0047 Unemployed! 0047 Unemployed!Naming such a arduous task, let me carry the banner, I guarantee that the chapter name will have a low-key and luxurious connotation
(End of this chapter)

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