Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 400 The county magistrate has deep routines (3)

Chapter 400 The county magistrate has deep routines (3)

The county is not big, but it is not small. This happened suddenly. Bao Wu found out that the new county magistrate and Miss Si's family were taken away in the afternoon, so when Cheng Shuyao and a group of yamen servants rushed to the west mountain , the moon has risen and the stars are bright.

It was really not a good time to search in the mountains at this time, the moonlight was weak, and they could only see a small circle around them clearly, not to mention that there were many trees in the mountains, and their walking speed was greatly slowed down.

After tripping over a tree branch several times, someone in the yamen suggested lighting a torch.Cheng Shuyao refused without even thinking about it. It's not good to light a torch to completely expose their whereabouts this late at night.

Cheng Shuyao can walk freely in this mountain forest alone, she has outstanding martial arts skills, so she decided to find out by herself first.

She said to the detectives behind her: "You guys just rest here, I'll go find out the situation by myself first, and I will contact you if there is any situation."

Many police officers were not surprised. After all, Cheng Shuyao's strength was obvious to all. Didn't she solve many difficult cases in the past, so they followed Cheng Shuyao's suggestion and stopped.

Cheng Shuyao used his lightness kung fu to shuttle through the forest.She picked a small path, and she could also go around to the first ginkgo tree, but there are some places on the path that are not easy to walk, and people in counties and counties generally don't take this path.

After a while, Cheng Shuyao could vaguely see the first ginkgo tree on the west hill.Speaking of which, this ginkgo tree is quite famous in the county, and it has taken root here hundreds of times. It takes six people in the county to join hands to surround the trunk of the ginkgo tree, so people in the county like to call this tree "Master Ginkgo", to show respect, and hope that this master Ginkgo has some magical powers and can bless the county and county in peace.

The golden leaves are shining in the white moonlight, and the top of the tree looks like the top of a tower from a distance.

Just when Cheng Shuyao was about to cross a big tree, she heard some unusual business.

She simply dodged and hid.

There is a hot spring on this road, but not many people in the county know about it, because the hot spring is hidden under a huge rock.

The huge boulder stands on a slope, at an inclined angle. From a distance, it looks as if it is about to roll down from the slope. It is too late for everyone to hide. They are afraid that the boulder will just roll down, so no one will lean over to look at it. .

But Cheng Shuyao knew that the boulder was actually not a real boulder, but the tip of the iceberg of the mountain rock. The exposed part looked scary, but it was only one-tenth of what was buried under the soil.This is what old man Cheng took her to investigate in person. Old man Cheng is familiar with civil engineering, so Cheng Shuyao also inherited some things from his father, and knows a little bit about superficiality.

Under the stone, there is a hot spring, a Yuanyang Spring, also called Yin Yang Spring.There is a hot spring mouth on the top of the mountain. The water temperature is so high that even a pig can be boiled for you. Therefore, people in the county lamented that the hot springs are available but cannot be used. It is not bad for boiling eggs.

But the water from the hot spring on the top of the mountain stayed along the underground river, and a clear spring next to it merged in, forming the Yin and Yang Spring under the huge rock.

When Cheng Shuyao was a child, she also came to this hot spring to learn swimming with Old Man Cheng, and when Old Man Cheng was gone, she would come here to take a bath when she was free in winter alone.

The strange noise she heard just now came from the hot spring. There was a "crashing" sound of water flowing. Is it a person or a small animal in the mountain?

Cheng Shuyao thought about it and passed.

Jumping to the top of the boulder, she looked down and saw a man and a woman standing next to the boulder.The man was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he held a sword in his arms, which was a hundred times more expensive than the clothes he was wearing.He looked very impatient and kept touching the tassel of the sword in his arms.

The woman next to her looked pale, her clothes were exquisite, and she seemed to have been frightened by something. Occasionally, her eyes would glance at the man next to her, and fear and resentment would flash in her eyes.

Cheng Shuyao thought for a while, touched two stones from her side, waved her hand, and hit them.

The sound of the stone breaking through the air made the man aware, but before he could react, he was hit in the back of the head by the stone and fainted, and the woman was also knocked out.

Cheng Shuyao then easily jumped down from the boulder and looked at the two people sleeping on the ground, especially the girl. She was probably sure that it was Si Shishuang, the eldest lady of the Si family, because in her hand The handkerchief she was holding had the word "frost" embroidered on it.

The middle of the boulder seemed to be split open by the sky, and the voice that Cheng Shuyao heard just now came from the middle of the gap.

Sure enough, someone was inside, so Cheng Shuyao walked towards the crack in the middle of the boulder, and there was the Yin Yang Spring.

Because the farther you go in, the moonlight is mostly blocked by the stones, so the view becomes worse and worse.

But when Cheng Shuyao saw a naked young man in the hot spring, she was still very calm.

On the contrary, a suspicious look flashed in the man's eyes, and then he shyly covered his body and shouted: "Get out!"

"..." Cheng Shuyao stood helplessly on top of the hot spring, looking down at the gentle and handsome man in the hot spring, not avoiding suspicion at all, in fact, she couldn't see clearly, and she didn't know why he was so shy.Then she saluted the man respectfully.

"Cheng Shuyao, the chief arrester in Xiajun County, is late, please don't be offended, Mr. Qu Junren."

" know me?" Qu Junren blushed, which made Cheng Shuyao feel a little narrowed.

So she nodded and said, "I just saw Miss Si outside the door, so I guessed that you will be here too."

But Qu Junren didn't really want to hear this, he said to Cheng Shuyao with some coyness: "Please...Cheng Butou go out first."

"I want to protect the safety of adults!" Cheng Shuyao said firmly.

"But how do you dress when I'm here..." Qu Junren looked a little dumbfounded, and then Cheng Shuyao obediently went out.

When she walked out of the cave where the hot spring was, she heard 0047 spit: "Do you want to do this, you actually look at Guo Nan! I despise you."

"Just watch it, see if it looks good. By the way, I'm going to choose the leading actor, and it's Qu Junren."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully locking the target! The mission panel has been unlocked!
Task name: The county magistrate has deep routines
Main task: Raiding Qu Junren (Completion: 0)

Side quests: none
Points: 280
Host: Cheng Shuyao (Location: The county magistrate has deep routines)
Appearances: 90 (out of 70)

Intelligence: 120 (120)

Stamina: 80 (120)"

"It's really him..." Cheng Shuyao looked at her panel and said.

At this time, Qu Junren also put on his clothes and came out, he was still a little unnatural after seeing Cheng Shuyao, his face was red.

(End of this chapter)

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