Chapter 40 Infinite Space (3)

Su Haoran seemed to be very familiar with firearms. He calmly fired two shots behind Cheng Shuyao, both of which blew out the monster's eyes. The monster attacked in a daze because it couldn't see.It seems that this kind of monster's sense of smell is mediocre, plus there was a massacre on the deck, blood was everywhere, and it also covered up the aura of the two of them, it was a blessing in disguise.

Su Haoran gestured for her to step back, then whispered in her ear: "Search the lighters and portable wine bottles on these people."

Cheng Shuyao's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and the two quickly lowered their heads to search. They were lucky and found three portable wine bottles and four lighters.The monster couldn't find them for a while because it was blind, but after adapting to the darkness, it found their position based on the subtle sounds made by their movements, and the monster quickly crawled towards the two of them.

Su Haoran and Cheng Shuyao opened a portable wine bottle and threw it towards the monster. Su Haoran quickly lit the lighter and threw it over together. The flame instantly enveloped the monster.

But this couldn't kill it immediately, the monster was rampaging, and when the two were about to be cornered, Cheng Shuyao hugged Su Haoran with one hand, pulled a rope tied to the railing of the deck, and jumped into the sea out.

With a "bang", the two slammed into the hull of the ship, and the screams of the monster being burned continued to be heard above them.

Su Haoran, who was hugged by Cheng Shuyao alone, looked at the girl calmly. Under the long and curly eyelashes were light brown eyes that never blinked. Against his delicate and fair face, he really looked like a doll.This made Cheng Shuyao embarrassed, after all, he is a boy, what is he, a beauty saving a "beauty"?
As the roar from above became weaker and weaker, they received a system reminder.

"Ding! Kill a monster, reward points 50 points, task two: eliminate 12 monsters (1/12)"

Cheng Shuyao said dryly: "Hold me tight, I'll climb up right now."

"En." Su Haoran's calm tone made it impossible to hear any emotional fluctuations, but his hands tightly tightened Cheng Shuyao's waist, only to see the girl's hands loosened from Su Haoran's waist, and they grabbed the rope together, and the two of them walked together. Staggered up.

Just now, she didn't feel any better in the emergency situation. Now that she relaxed, Cheng Shuyao felt the burning pain on her face. After all, she was burned by acidic liquid, and the tears fell down, dripping on the wound even more. It made her feel pained and wronged.

"Take your hands away." Su Haoran's calm voice came, "Squat down and close your eyes." There was unquestionable majesty in the childish tone, and Cheng Shuyao followed the instructions blankly.

Su Haoran held a bottle of spray in his hand, he shook it with his hand, and pressed the spray to heal the girl.The bleeding of the wound was quickly stopped, and the scabs formed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The cool feeling also greatly comforted Cheng Shuyao's pain.

"Okay." Cheng Shuyao opened her eyes. Because she was half squatting, the two of them were facing each other. She saw her embarrassed appearance from the light brown eyes like glass beads. The woman's face was full of The hideous scars are as scary as a demon crawling out of hell.However, Su Haoran just looked at her calmly, as if she was no different from before.

"Ahem, where did this spray come from?" Cheng Shuyao broke the awkward atmosphere.

"I exchanged it with points." Su Haoran tore off a shoulder bag from a dead man, put it on his back diagonally, and solemnly put the healing spray into it, as well as the remaining three lighters and a bottle The portable wine bottle and the pistol are placed separately in the clothes bag.Seeing this, the girl also picked up a backpack and put it on her back, so she can carry something later.

Cheng Shuyao immediately found this spray with consciousness, 50 points, it can treat trauma, but Su Haoran unexpectedly spent all the points to help her, she was a little touched and said: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, healing items are a necessity. As for your 50 points, you'd better exchange some weapons. There are only three bullets left in the pistol." Su Haoran said with his head lowered, as if he was looking through the weapon options.

The girl also hurriedly checked it out. Speaking of which, this monster was not too difficult to kill because its defense was not high, but the corrosive body fluids were too troublesome. It was best for her to use long-range weapons. She really didn't want to fight in close quarters anymore. Disgusting and terrifying.

The two of them checked for a long time and were a little disappointed. They didn't expect that the points needed to redeem weapons were beyond their expectations. A low-level dagger requires 50 points. But facing such a monster, how could it be possible to use a dagger to fight in close combat? They are a little depressed.

"Well, let's go to another place to see. This time, there are 20 players coming in. It is the best choice to join hands to eliminate monsters, and there is no limit to each person must kill 12, and kill the monsters together. If you have a share, the points will be accumulated temporarily, and you can change to a more lethal weapon later. This is the first test, and the difficulty will not be too high." Su Haoran said analyzing.

"Okay!" The two started to run on the boat, all the way in fear, but luckily they didn't meet any monsters, only the familiar roar followed them everywhere.They searched along the cabin, and they found a lot. First, they found a spear gun, which was relatively heavy, and Cheng Shuyao, who was tall and strong, held it.Then the two found the kitchen and searched for a lot of combustibles such as alcohol and oil. The backpack just came in handy. They rushed to the center of the boat with this thing on their backs. There was the sound of an explosion.

Came to an exhibition hall, there were five people inside, they should be the players this time, they looked in a state of distress, one of them broke a hand, the person beside her was treating him with the spray that Su Haoran exchanged, the rest The situation of people is much better. Behind them is a monster that was smashed to death. It looks like it was crushed to death by a large glass column in the exhibition hall.

"Hello." Cheng Shuyao greeted the five people, and the five people were obviously relieved to see her.

"Hello, I'm Yang Cheng," the man who had just been treating the injured man with the severed hand began first, then pointed at the injured woman and said, "This is Cao Liangyi, we have just met the other three, and we don't know each other yet. "

"Sorry, the situation is urgent just now, I haven't had time to introduce myself, my name is Zhao Hanxiang," a handsome-looking white man shook hands with them once, and two black men, one fat and one thin, also stretched out hands.

"Xu Yang."

"Gao Licheng."

Cheng Shuyao and Su Haoran said their names together, and the seven of them finally had a general understanding.

The injured woman lay on the ground and complained loudly: "What a bad luck. As soon as Yang Chengcai and I entered this scene, we happened to encounter three monsters. There were two players with us. There were no I tried to resist, but I died on the spot. Fortunately, Yang Cheng used a stronger body, and he pulled me and ran away. We came all the way here and met these three people, otherwise we would have died unjustly. The most disgusting thing is, actually I got a woman's body for me, what's wrong with this woman's clothes, and even wearing a pair of 10cm high heels, I'm really going to be cheated to death!"

Hearing this, the girl couldn't help but cast a glance at Su Haoran, and secretly laughed.

 Seeing that some book friends mentioned it in the comments, I will not take it seriously. Su Haoran is indeed the hero of this book (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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