Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 365 Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine Fights! (3

Chapter 365 Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine's Concubine Fights! (3)

"I've met my mother." Cheng Shuyao politely saluted the head wife of the Cheng family, not sloppy at all.

However, Cheng Dingshi, who was sitting upright on the top, did not move. He took a few sips of tea leisurely, then looked at Cheng Shuyao slowly, and said, "You are here, please come."

Only then did Cheng Shuyao stand up slowly, not daring to be too eager, otherwise she might kneel down again.

"Today is my mother's birthday. I am here to say hello to my mother. I wish my mother to have this day every year, have this day every year, and have long-term blessings."

Cheng Shuyao slowly said the words of congratulations in a melodious voice, but Cheng Ding was not very happy. She didn't even bother to pretend. She just snorted coldly and said, "If I can't see you today, I will naturally be even more happy."

Cheng Shuyao lowered her head, looking terrified.In fact, she didn't have any big fluctuations in her heart. Cheng Ding has been targeting her for not a day or two. If he cared about it, he would have been mad at him.

The room fell silent for a moment, Cheng Shuyao was just about to find an excuse to make it easier for her to go out, but she didn't expect someone to help her out.

Mother Liu next to Mrs. Cheng Ding stood up, pointed at Cheng Shuyao and Mrs. Cheng Ding and said, "Madam, today is your happy day. Why bother putting Miss Fourth in front of you to make you angry? How about -"

"How?" Cheng Ding asked impatiently.

She invited some people to her birthday party in the evening. If Cheng Shuyao didn't show up, her husband would be the first to refuse. Not that he loved Cheng Shuyao much, and he had to keep his face.

Mother Liu rolled her eyes and said, "Why don't you invite the fourth lady to Zuixiang Restaurant by the Liushui River to buy their most famous charcoal-roasted fragrant hoof, which can be regarded as a filial piety."

Cheng Ding looked at Mama Liu puzzled, what a bad idea, how could it be appropriate to use a concubine to go shopping?

Mother Liu winked wildly at Cheng Dingshi, then turned to Cheng Shuyao with a smirk and said, "I have to trouble Miss Si not to tell this when I go out later, otherwise this girl's school—Miss Si If you're sick, you can't go."

Alright, this old temptress blackmailed her with the matter of going to school, so she will write down this account first, and settle it with her slowly later.Moreover, this mother Liu gave Cheng Dingshi this idea, I am afraid that today's behind-the-scenes gangsters are colluding, the corners of Cheng Shuyao's mouth twitched indistinctly, she can't wait to meet this troublemaker for a while.

So Cheng Shuyao blessed her body immediately, and then said with a rather nervous look: "Yes, I will follow my mother's wishes, I must go and come back soon!"

Just when she stood up to leave, Cheng Shuyao noticed from the corner of her eye that Liu's mother was observing her face closely.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger would help her life, so Cheng Shuyao pretended to be a little happy, as if she was very happy about this opportunity to leave the house.

When Liu's mother saw the unrestrained smile on Cheng Shuyao's face, she couldn't help being contemptuous.She deserves to be a bitch woman, a mother just climbs on the master's bed, and now she doesn't want to be a dignified daughter of the Cheng family, she's going to have a private meeting with her lover, she's really a son of a mouse who can make holes, bah!
After noticing that Mama Liu was no longer looking at her, Cheng Shuyao and Mama Huang walked out of Cheng Dingshi's room quickly.

Huang Ma looked around and saw that there was no one around, so she asked her in a low voice: "Miss, what should I do?"

Although Huang Ma came from Zhuangzi, she has stayed in Cheng's mansion for more than ten years, and she has learned a little bit about the ways of this wealthy family.

Her young lady received an inexplicable letter today, and the people around the wife helped her go out again. No matter how you look at it, it seems that there is a conspiracy waiting for them.

"Huang Ma, don't worry, I have my own solution." Cheng Shuyao comforted Huang Ma, and had already thought of a way to deal with it.

The two returned to Cheng Shuyao's small courtyard, Cheng Shuyao asked Huang Ma to call Xiaoyu, and she decided to let Xiaoyu go out with her.

Huang Ma was worried when she heard this, and said to Cheng Shuyao: "Miss, you should take me with you, that kid Xiaoyu is so stupid, what happened to you later, I'm afraid silly Xiaoyu doesn't know what's going on You don’t have anyone around you who can take care of you, how can I rest assured! No! I still have to go.”

Cheng Shuyao took Huang Ma's rough hand, feeling a little emotional in her heart, Huang Ma worked so hard for her, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was half a mother.

But she quickly woke up from this sad mood, and explained to Huang Ma confidently: "No, it is because no one in Xiaoyu's innocent mansion does not know, so I will take her there." As for the last sentence She didn't say the words, she needed Xiaoyu to be her alibi.

"Miss, are you really sure?" Huang Ma was still worried when she heard Cheng Shuyao's words, but she always took Cheng Shuyao's words as the standard, so her attitude softened immediately.

"Really, Huang Ma, quickly find Xiaoyu, so we can come back early."

Huang Ma went out to look for Xiaoyu, Cheng Shuyao sat in the empty room and poured herself a cup of cold tea, tsk, this tea is also very inferior, how much Cheng Dingshi hates her!
"77, I will go out later, I need you to do something for me."

"Okay, you are ready to score."

"Okay, I won't miss you."

Cheng Shuyao took Xiaoyu out in a hurry. Not long after she left, a little maid from the concierge ran to the inner courtyard and came to the yard where Cheng's first daughter was born.

A young, charming and lovely woman squeezed her hand tightly, her eyes were full of vicissitudes that did not match her age.

"Okay, okay, great! Cheng Shuyao, whatever you did to me back then, I will take it back! Hahahahaha"

The maid Miaoli who was serving next to her looked at her young lady with some worry. She had changed since she woke up a few days ago.

She is a person who personally serves young ladies, so she naturally understands what kind of person her young lady is.

The lady in the weekdays is cute and cute, and she is gentle with others. She is really a sweet and loving girl.

But it changed a few days ago, the young lady's eyes were full of haze that she had never seen before.That kind of look reminded Miaoli that when he was a child, he and his siblings went to the downtown area to watch felons be beheaded.

The look in the lady's eyes was exactly the same as that of the murderer, fierce and ruthless, as if he could devour you with just one look.

Miaoli shuddered, and that was not the only strange thing.Early this morning, the young lady also called Mrs. Liu's mother, who was next to her, to have a private conversation.

You must know that because Mother Liu likes to discipline people, Miss usually hates seeing her the most, let alone inviting people to the yard to talk privately, she would not talk to Mother Liu when she saw her on weekdays.

(End of this chapter)

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