Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 314 Good Morning!My Prince Brother (11)

Chapter 314 Good Morning!My Prince Brother (11)

The memory of this night was really terrible, and I didn't know that Cheng Shuyao's words hit Victor's emotions. His actions were filled with suppressed anger. Although she was not hurt in the end, the feeling of fear still remained in her her body.

Every touch conveyed Victor's subtle resentment to Cheng Shuyao's nerves, making her feel a burst of sadness and despair.

When Victor finally leaves, he gently unbinds her, but neither of them speak.

After confirming that Victor really left, Cheng Shuyao hugged the quilt and cried out. She didn't know why she was crying, probably because of grievance?
When she was tired from crying and crying, she fell asleep, and Victor, who was standing outside the door listening to Cheng Shuyao's intermittent cries, really left, but his fingers did not return to blood after a long time due to clenched fists.

Under such torment, Cheng Shuyao missed the second day's Marseille event.

When Ruth came to wake Cheng Shuyao up in the morning, she was surprised to find that the little princess had a hoarse voice and her face was flushed, obviously she had a cold.

These days, illness is a big or small thing. Ruth immediately sent someone to prepare the potion, and at the same time notified Lixis that Cheng Shuyao couldn't attend the party today.

So when all the nobles were chatting happily in the pasture, everyone heard that the little princess was absent from the party due to illness.

When Lysis heard the news, he immediately wanted to go back and have a look, but Lily persuaded him.

"Your Majesty, there are so many nobles here, and one person is missing. If you leave again, this..."

Rey noticed Victor beside him, and his grip on the horse tightened.Although Rey usually bluffs, it doesn't mean that he is not a good player at observing words and expressions.

Especially last night he saw a scene that made him very concerned...

So Rey walked up to Lisis and Lily, and whispered, "Your Majesty, don't blame me for talking too much, Mrs. Lily is right, so let Victor visit the princess."

The positions of Victor and Rey are very close to the position of the king and queen, so Victor heard Rey's words, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Rey, and Rey looked at him with a frank smile on his face.

Whatever Rey had in mind, it was exactly what he wanted, so Victor nodded and said, "I think so too."

Lixis waved his hand and asked Victor to visit the little princess as soon as possible.

Lily looked at Victor's disappearing figure, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She looked at Rey, who was smiling brightly, and started talking with him.

"Rey, you have a really good relationship with Prince Victor!"

"Hahaha, yeah, I think so too."

"Don't you think he pays too much attention to Yao recently?"

"Mrs. Lily said he meant Victor?"

Lily gave Rey a funny look, and said, "That's right, otherwise who else would it be?"

"It's okay, after all, they are brother and sister." Rey only felt that his head was big. The queen really liked to ask strange questions, so he had to fight her haha.

Lily waved the horsewhip in her hand and said sarcastically, "Don't play sloppy with me. Although I'm not their mother, at least I watched them grow up. I don't know what they usually look like?"

She didn't continue talking, after all, it was not appropriate for the stepmother to say that her children were not on good terms.

"The queen is worrying too much. They are not children anymore, so they are naturally more sensible than before."

Lily glanced at Rey, as if she felt that this topic was boring to talk to him, and wanted to end it.

Just when Lei Yi breathed a sigh of relief, Lily seemed to think of something again, and said faintly: "Speaking of which, they were like the same for a while when they were young, hehe—the relationship between siblings is very good, but we will go later After a visit to Sofitel’s house, it changed.”

Rey's attention was focused on the word "Sofitel". This was Victor's mother's family, and what happened at that time.

Seeing that Ray finally got serious, Lily drank a sip of tea happily, but never mentioned the topic just now.

When Ruth saw Victor coming to Cheng Shuyao's bedroom door, she was taken aback. When will these two children be as close as before?

"I've seen Your Highness!" Ruth stopped what she was holding and saluted Victor.

"Is she better?" Victor asked, opening the door and going in.

"Well, it's just a general fever. I've given the princess some medicine, and she's asleep now."

"Why do you have a fever?"

Ruth froze for a moment, because Victor's words sounded harsh.If they didn't take good care of their masters, the servants would be the first to suffer.

So Ruth quickly knelt down and said, "We didn't take good care of the princess—"

Victor waved his hands wearily, and said, "I don't mean to blame you, step back, I'll go in and see her."


Ruth obeyed Victor's instructions, and intimately helped them close the gate of the palace.Although she didn't know what the opportunity was, she was happy to see the two children get back together.

Victor will be the future king, with him supporting Cheng Shuyao, no matter what happens in the future, it will be a guarantee.

Ruth thought well, but she didn't expect that the relationship between the two was not as innocent as she thought.

When Victor came in, Cheng Shuyao was still in a dazed sleep because of drinking the potion, it was very sweet.

Because of the fever, the black hair stuck to her rosy cheeks under the action of sweat, looking very pitiful.

His lips were parted slightly, exuding a moist and warm breath. Victor didn't dislike Cheng Shuyao's sticky appearance, and he reached out to brush away the sticky hair on her face.

The moment his fingertips were about to touch his cheek, Victor stopped and went to the next room to wash his hands and change his clothes.

If Cheng Shuyao was awake, she would point at him and yell, "Why are your clothes in my closet!"

Of course, this was arranged by Victor. At that time, he suddenly wanted someone to prepare his things in her dormitory, but he didn't expect that he would actually use them in the end.

Victor lifted the quilt a little and lay down on Cheng Shuyao's bed.Because of the fever and discomfort, Victor's intrusion brought a bit of coolness, and Cheng Shuyao's body consciously climbed over.

Victor hugged her naturally, stretched out his hand and tapped her lips, his eyes dimmed, and he said softly: "Little bastard, you are really good at deceiving people..."

The body temperature of the two of them rose quickly, and Cheng Shuyao impatiently wanted to get out of Victor's embrace, with a hint of impatience in her movements.

Victor snorted, hugged him tighter, and murmured, "Why are you always like this? I'll run away after teasing you. It's not so easy this time..."

He bowed his head and kissed her forehead, "Even if it's hell, you have to go with me..."

"Ding! Main mission: Raid Victor (completion degree: +10)!"

Cheng Shuyao muttered, but was still in a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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