Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 296 Virtual online games match (20)

Chapter 296 Virtual online games match (20)

The Sword God took a sip of the tea in his hand and continued: "Master Xia naturally wants to know whether Senior Wu likes a man or a woman. If he likes a man, everyone will naturally be happy. If he likes a woman, Master Xia should bury his thoughts in From the bottom of my heart.”

After hearing this, Cheng Shuyao thought it was so ridiculous, she turned to Xia Rufeng and asked him for proof.

I saw Xia Rufeng nodded with some emotion, and said, "That's what I was thinking at the time."

"..." It's too boring, Cheng Shuyao really thinks that these two boys are too rough.

"The results of it?"

Xia Rufeng smiled bitterly and said, "Aqiu was naturally furious. She thought I had discovered her identity and wanted to humiliate her." Since our relationship was at odds, Ah Qiu thought that I also wanted to compete with her."

"Senior's condolences." Seeing Xia Rufeng's sad look, Cheng Shuyao couldn't help comforting her.

"It's a pity that Qiu didn't know. I didn't know that she was a woman, let alone that she was from the Shendao Sect. These were not important to me, because I only cared about her."

Xia Rufeng stroked the sword box in his hand, speaking affectionately.

Cheng Shuyao was a little confused. She looked at the sad Xia Rufeng and said, "Senior Xia, what you said is very good. If you tell Senior Wu Liuqiu directly, I believe she will resolve the misunderstanding with you." ah."

Xia Rufeng froze and reluctantly uttered: "I wanted to say it."

"You can't get out of this mountain gate?" Sword God said surprisingly.

"Ah? Why?" Cheng Shuyao didn't understand. Xia Rufeng, as the elder of Taiyi Sect, asked for a short vacation. It should be so easy to go to Shendao Sect, why can't he go.

Xia Rufeng looked at Sword God with approval in his eyes, and he said softly: "I didn't want you to come into my door, you have such good eyesight."

The Sword God coughed and said, "I'm ashamed."

Just as Cheng Shuyao was about to ask what was going on, the Sword God gave her a peaceful look, and then said to Xia Rufeng: "Uncle, then we just need to hand over the sword box to Senior Wu Liuqiu for you. "

Xia Rufeng nodded and said, "Yes, the task will be completed after you hand over the sword box to Ah Qiu."

When they are ready, Cheng Shuyao and Sword God are planning to leave Taiyi Gate and set off for Dezhou.

Before going out, Cheng Shuyao seemed to have remembered something and asked Xia Rufeng, "Senior, I just want to give you something, why do you have to wait until we deliver it?"

Xia Rufeng coughed uncomfortably. He looked at the Sword God with a hint of sympathy in his eyes, and then said, "It's not easy to get in from the Divine Sword Sect, especially for people from the Taiyi Sect."

"I see, then let's set off."

Cheng Shuyao didn't see Xia Rufeng's abnormality, but the sword god was thoughtful.

The two walked towards the teleportation array on the floating island, and Cheng Shuyao began to ask the Sword God why Xia Rufeng couldn't leave the Taiyi Gate.

The two stepped into the teleportation array, and the familiar light overwhelmed them. The Sword God said to her, "Because Xia Rufeng is no longer a human being, but a spirit body."

Cheng Shuyao couldn't help but shiver. Although this was a game, these things still sounded a bit scary at first glance. "Is he a ghost?"

"Absolutely." The Sword God wasn't too concerned about what Xia Rufeng was. Anyway, it was just a game setting.

"Then how did you find out? Xia Rufeng only has his name on his head. Do you have to join the Taiyi Gate to see it?" Cheng Shuyao couldn't help looking at the Sword God and asked, could this boy beside him still hide his name? What other little trick.

Speaking of this, Sword God was a little depressed, and he explained: "When I saw Xia Rufeng for the first time, didn't he kill me? Know that he is no longer alive."

Cheng Shuyao snickered, so it was like this, so it was a good thing she didn't know.

This time they learned the lesson well, and as soon as the two of them arrived at the mountain gate of Taiyi Gate, they went to ride the carriage.

This carriage needs to wait, and it takes four people to drive it, which can be regarded as some small fun set in the god's wish.

There was already a player sitting in the carriage, and he waved to them when he saw two people coming in. The three of them sat inside for a while, and the fourth person came.

"Okay! Everyone is done, the carriage is about to leave!" Following the coachman's whole body yelling, the carriage started to run quickly.

"This divine wish is really weird. Teleportation arrays can be used between major states and sects' floating islands. Why does this sect have to make a carriage when going to the state? I really don't understand!" The fourth person got on the bus! players complained.

The other three people in the car were stunned when they heard the voice of the fourth person, nothing else, just because it was so nice, Yingying Yanyan, like a kingfisher coming out of the valley, but not blindly coquettish, but also with Touching the transparency of broken jade from clear springs, people are instantly soothed physically and mentally.

As if noticing the difference in the car, the female player took off the gauze cap on her head, smiled at the three of them, and said hello.

Not to mention the two boys, even Cheng Shuyao felt that her eyes lit up, just because the female player in front of her was so outstanding.

I saw her pursing her lips and looking at the three people in the car with a smile, her skin was as white as a fresh water chestnut, making her even more charming.A face with oval seeds, cherry red lips, and a signature Taiyi disciple suit, which further accentuated her slender figure. Her long hair was hung down and held gently by a silver ribbon.

Cheng Shuyao preempted the two boys very beautifully, and sighed, "It's so beautiful..."

Hearing Cheng Shuyao's words, the girl burst into a "puchi" laugh, and then said generously, "Thank you."

This kind of character, this appearance, it's hard not to dislike him even if he wants to.

"Hey..." Cheng Shuyao knew how to giggle, her image was probably irreparable.

"Hmph! Look at your worthless appearance." 0047, who hadn't seen him for a long time, suddenly said, "You're so happy to see your rival in love!"

"..." So this beautiful woman is the original lover of the Sword God?
Cheng Shuyao suddenly felt that her little heart was beginning to feel sour. She glanced at the sword god beside her angrily and let out a "hum", but the sword god didn't get Cheng Shuyao's point.

The first player in the car to get off leaned into the sword god's ear and whispered: "Hey, brother, if your girlfriend doesn't deal with it immediately when she is angry, you will suffer in the future!"

Sword God didn't refute this man's words, but looked at Cheng Shuyao, and suddenly remembered that when he was unhappy before, he had some associations in his mind.

He looked at the player and said sincerely, "Thank you."

The male player patted the Sword God on the shoulder and said: "Brother, you're welcome. I've been here too. Please remember that although wildflowers are nice, don't take a casual look at them, otherwise it's polite to touch your eyes with domestic flowers."

(End of this chapter)

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