Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 254 Invasion of Patterns (6)

Chapter 254 Invasion of Patterns (6)

Cheng Shuyao heard Jiao Yu's voice and moved the ax in her hand faster, but it was not of much use. After all, with a small number of enemies, she could only be stronger than one person, not to mention that the opponent was a zombie who didn't know pain or fatigue. .

At this moment, Fan Chengyi rushed up, opened the fire hydrant in his hand, it was a foam fire extinguisher, and poured water on the head and face of the zombies opposite.There was also a cloud of lightning behind them, and the liquid was conductive, causing a group of zombies to temporarily lose their power to move.

Fan Chengyi grabbed her and ran into the elevator. When the next wave of zombies was about to arrive, they closed the elevator door.

"Thank you!" Cheng Shuyao thanked Fan Chengyi and Yuan Kang earnestly. At the critical moment just now, they left her and ran away. Cheng Shuyao had made the worst plan in his heart, and then they saved her.

Especially Motoyasu, his body was already very tired after he used the lightning power for the first time. Then he used it three times regardless of his own limit. At this time, he looked in quite bad condition.

If his face was as white as a dead man before, he looked like a zombie now, with not even a trace of blood on his lips.

After hearing Cheng Shuyao's "thank you", he still had the strength to open his eyes and smile, said "you're welcome" weakly, and then passed out.

Fan Chengyi was so frightened that he was in a hurry. He had no choice but to recite Yuan Kang directly. All the people present were girls, and the only strongman Cheng Shuyao was the core of their battle.

Seeing that she was about to reach the floor of the underground parking lot, Cheng Shuyao thought about it, and explained: "I'll go out later, I don't know what's going on outside, find the nearest car, preferably a jeep, and just break the glass and go in—"

Xia Xiaotong raised his hand weakly, and said, "Chengyi and I drove a jeep today, so we don't need to knock on the glass."

Cheng Shuyao thought, this is good, otherwise it would be a problem to turn on the engine, so she asked Xia Xiaotong: "Do you still remember where your car was parked?"

Xia Xiaotong nodded and Cheng Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief, "Then it will be like this later. I will lead the way and you will guide me behind me. Jiao Yu and Yu Min, you guys try to protect Fan Chengyi. After all, it is inconvenient for him to carry someone on his back."

As soon as he finished speaking, he remembered the sound of the elevator arriving. Everyone's nerves became tense. Cheng Shuyao took a deep breath.

"Okay, let's go!"

As soon as I opened the elevator door, I saw a female zombie feasting on a dead man. Her windbreaker was already stained with blood. Several girls in the elevator were so frightened that they vomited on the spot.

Cheng Shuyao whispered: "Don't make any noise, or you will attract more zombies."

She rushed out at the first, and the zombie also rushed towards her, the teeth in its mouth became very sharp, blood and minced meat were flowing down her mouth, it really made her sick to see.

Cheng Shuyao raised the ax and chopped it down.

"Huh?" She screamed in her heart. The zombies she just encountered had average attack capabilities. She could basically kill one with one axe, but this one was different. She was faster and her body was even more outstanding.

Just when her ax fell, she opened her mouth and took a bite of her ax. Cheng Shuyao clearly saw several obvious tooth marks on the blade of the ax.

Cheng Shuyao twitched the corner of her mouth, "It's actually iron teeth..."

She tightened her grip on the ax and focused on the zombie's weak point, the head.

After several rounds, she finally chopped off her head with an axe. Her twisted face rolled on the ground for a few times. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, everyone, come out."

The crowd followed Xia Xiaotong's movement, Cheng Shuyao took a few steps, the alarm clock had a flash of inspiration, then turned back, and chopped down the disgusting and terrifying head with an axe, splitting it into two pieces.

She gritted her teeth, pulled off a piece of fabric from the female zombie's windbreaker, wrapped her hand, and reached into the pile of red and white minced meat.Sure enough, she found a small stone.

"Sister, what are you doing? Come quickly!" Jiao Yu urged her from the front.

"Hmm." Let's study when they are safe.

Under Xia Xiaotong's guidance, they quickly found the car.The car key was on Fan Chengyi's body, so he put Yuan Kang down, asked Xia Xiaotong to support him, and then found the key from his pocket.

Opening the car door, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and could finally leave.

"Ho Ho Ho -" Before everyone could react, an extremely fast figure ran towards them and snatched Yuan Kang who was unconscious and Xia Xiaotong who was supporting him.

"Ahhh—Chengyi, save me!" They only heard Xia Xiaotong's shrill cry, and Fan Chengyi's face turned pale all of a sudden, and he chased after the zombie without even thinking about it.

As Cheng Shuyao started running, he told Jiao Yu and Yu Min: "Get in the car and hide first, start the car, and leave as soon as we come back after rescuing people!"

Jiao Yu looked at Fan Chengyi's figure with some hesitation, but Yu Min saw her thoughts at a glance, and pulled her into the car together.

"Jiao Yu, you have to know that you won't be of much help even if you pass by."

The tears that Jiao Yu had been holding back finally slipped away. She nodded and said hoarsely, "Yes, let's go to the car and wait for them."

Cheng Shuyao let go of her legs and chased after him, just because the speed of that zombie was really too fast!Even Fan Chengyi, who was chasing after him in the first place, could hardly be seen. They have now crossed half of the parking lot.

"MD!" Cheng Shuyao couldn't help but burst into a foul language, "77, use the attribute of acceleration!"

"it is good!"

"Ding! The exchange of one-time attributes by the host is like lightning, and 30 points will be deducted!"

"Ding! The one-time attribute of the host's equipment is like lightning, physical strength +5!"

As the system beeped twice, Cheng Shuyao felt that she was as light as a swallow for an instant, while Yu Min, who was looking at them from a distance, couldn't help but sigh, "Sister, she is like a mad dog who is having fun..."

Thanks to the addition of attributes, Cheng Shuyao gradually drew closer to them. I don't know if it was a side effect caused by the lightning, and she also saw the appearance of this zombie for the first time.

Should there be a gym expert in front of him?He was still wearing a sports vest and sweatpants, and a pair of sneakers under his feet had been torn by the mutated screams, hanging on his feet awkwardly.

They came to a corner. The zombie seemed to be quite angry as he was being chased by the two of them. He finally dropped Xia Xiaotong with one hand, hugged Yuan Kang tightly with the other, turned around, and grabbed Fan Chengyi.

Fan Chengyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately fell down, his head hitting the ground with a crisp sound.

Although it hurt like hell, he breathed a sigh of relief. No one knew whether being scratched by a zombie would be contagious.It has to be said that Fan Chengyi's caution allowed him to escape.

It happened that Cheng Shuyao also rushed over, she shouted loudly, and hacked over with an ax!
(End of this chapter)

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