Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 240 The Stunning Fox Demon and the Black-bellied Scholar (26)

Chapter 240 The Stunning Fox Demon and the Black-bellied Scholar (26)

There was a cloud in front of it, which blocked Xing Xi's sight. He couldn't see what was behind the cloud, but he vaguely felt the unusual aura behind it. He took a breath and walked in without hesitation.

It suddenly became clear that although it was a cold winter day, the place was still full of vitality, and the plum blossoms blooming in the snow revealed strands of fragrance.From time to time, under the thin tree trunk, one or two small squirrels with bright fur ran past, adding a little interest to this peaceful picture.

With a calm face, Xing Xi stepped into the only passage in the plum grove.

When he came to a pavilion, several maidservants in beautiful clothes were surrounding a beautiful woman in the middle, Xing Xi's eyes flashed, and he knelt down respectfully to salute.

"Caomin has seen Princess Shengde."

Although the snow on the road under his knees had been swept away, the snowflakes that fell at any time still made the slabs wet, so when Xing Xi knelt down, his knees inevitably got wet.

A clear and bright female voice sounded, "Why are you still watching? Hurry up and get a clean towel!"

As the voice ended, a pair of embroidered shoes decorated with red and blue gems also appeared in Xing Xi's eyes.The elegant satin, exquisite embroidery techniques, and the gemstones on the toe that serve as the eyes of a kingfisher look really exquisite.

Xing Xi didn't move when he heard Shengde's lively voice, "Free from courtesy!"

There was no snow flower in front of him, thinking that the princess was holding an umbrella, he stood up calmly and saw the princess's face clearly.

The white and greasy skin has a reddish luster, and he looks very healthy. He has a beautiful mouth and nose, and a pair of almond eyes are pitiful. The reddish corners of the eyes are really indescribable.

Shengde looked at him with great interest, and saw that although Xingxi was a little more embarrassed than before going up the mountain, he was not panting, and there was no sweat on his forehead. He nodded in satisfaction and said, "Go and sit in the pavilion."

The two of them came to the pavilion. Inside was green ant's newly fermented wine and a small red clay stove.

Seeing Xing Xi's eyes flickering, it would be great if the little fox was with him in such a pleasant scene, but it's a pity that he came here to talk about things today.

Cheng Shuyao, who was sleeping soundly, naturally didn't hear the system's notification tone, and didn't know that someone was thinking of her.

As soon as he sat down, a maid bowed to him, then knelt down and wiped his newly soiled clothes.

After Princess Shengde asked everyone else to retreat, she took a sip of hot wine and said, "I don't think you know why I called you here today."

Xing Xi smiled irrefutably.

Shengde looked at the small white porcelain cup in his hand, and said slowly: "Xing Xi, do you want to change your life?"

The sharpness in Xing Xi's eyes flashed, and he answered her with a chuckle: "You can't force matters of destiny, and ordinary people have no idea of ​​changing the people against nature."

Shengde was a little upset, but she still endured it. Seeing that Xing Xi did not continue to speak, she said forcefully, "Why do you have to act so calm in front of me? Do you think that you and Zhu Does no one know about Maochun?"

Xing Xi clenched his hands tightly, killing intent flashed in his heart, he didn't show it, but the smile on his face was absent, he looked at Sheng De expressionlessly, and said, "I don't know what the princess means by mentioning this time?"

Shengde waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Don't worry, it's just a Xing family, if you want to destroy it, I will definitely help you, and the emperor will not punish you, but..."


Shengde raised the corner of his mouth playfully and said, "I need your cooperation to complete my work."

Xing Xi had a half-smile, lowered his head and turned the cup in his hand, and said: "I don't know what the princess has to do, but I need someone like me to do it."

Faced with Xing Xi's rude words, Shengde didn't care, and said, "Of course, it's something only you can do."

As soon as this sentence fell, the bamboo curtain used to cover the snow and wind in the pavilion was raised, and a middle-aged man with good looks entered the pavilion.

He was dressed in black brocade, which set off his tall figure and noble momentum.Shengde happily stepped forward, took the visitor's arm, and said affectionately, "Father, why are you here?"

Xing Xi knelt down when the emperor entered the pavilion, and waited for Sheng De to finish speaking before he saluted.

The emperor raised his hand and signaled Xing Xi to stand up. His face looked a little tired, and his eyes were a little frightening.Seeing it, Xing Xi murmured in his heart, His Majesty looked a little weird...

The emperor's face was yellower than most people's. When he raised his hand, Xing Xi accidentally saw black spots on his arm.

Xing Xi knew in his heart that the rumors were indeed true, the emperor was keen to take elixir, and he was afraid that a lot of erysipelas had accumulated on his body.

The emperor sat down on a chair in the pavilion, and Xing Xi stood aside respectfully.The emperor drank a glass of hot wine helplessly under Shengde's trouble, then turned his head to look at Xing Xi, and then said flatly: "I think Shengde has told you something just now, if you still have something in your heart If you have any doubts, I can promise you that as long as you complete Shengde's work, the Xing family will let you and Zhu Maochun deal with it, and I will also betroth Shengde to you..."

The emperor was still babbling, but Xing Xi looked up at Shengde, who turned his head shyly.

She felt a little uncomfortable, father is really fast talking!She didn't mention this just now, but now that she said it like this, it seemed that she was in a hurry to marry him, she curled her lips.But the father seemed to have just taken the elixir, so she cleverly didn't interrupt him.

Every time the emperor took the elixir, his mood would change drastically. If he interrupted him at will or disobeyed him, the emperor might do anything.

But Xing Xi must be flattered, he is a person of such a low status, to be able to marry the princess, he is really lucky in his life.

Just when Sheng De was feeling sweet and shy, Xing Xi, who was standing below, spoke calmly.

"Thank you for your great kindness. There is something for the caomin to do. Naturally, the caomin is obliged to do so. However, the caomin has no wish to marry Princess Shengde."

Princess Shengde's face turned pale, and the emperor who was drinking the wine stared at Xing Xi with eyes too dark to see through the glass, and said, "What did you say?"

Xing Xi didn't bother to pretend anymore, his aura exploded, he met the emperor's eyes, and said word by word: "For the matter of the Holy Majesty, Cao Min should do his best, and the rest of the matter, Cao Min cannot agree."

Sheng De looked at Xing Xi hesitantly, and just when the emperor was about to lose his temper, the emperor suddenly burst out laughing "hahahahaha".

"According to your!"


"The grassroots kowtow to thank the sage."

Sheng De grabbed the emperor's sleeve tightly, and Xing Xi knelt down to salute calmly.

After Xing Xi was sent away, Shengde's tears fell suddenly. The emperor looked at his daughter with a complicated expression, wiped her tears, and said, "He must die after the matter is done."

(End of this chapter)

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