Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 212 I Have a Date with an Orc (21)

Chapter 212 I Have a Date with an Orc (21)

"Do you think Joss will accompany Nie Niantao back to our place?" She asked casually as she lay in Eric's arms.

Eric reached out and stroked her hair, smiled, and said, "You can ask Joss directly."

"...How can I have the nerve to ask?" She looked at him with an expression of "You're stupid."

Eric thought her expression was too cute, so he lowered his head and kissed her cheek, and narrowly licked her cleansed face, which made Cheng Shuyao scream strangely.

"It's disgusting!" She rubbed against him angrily.

Eric glanced at her jokingly, and said, "I've done more disgusting things than this, why don't I see you dislike it? But that's right, you are usually speechless at this time, right, my Yao .”

After finishing speaking, he gave her a deep kiss, which made her dizzy.

"...Beast, you beast..." She muttered to herself in a daze.

"I'm just your own beast," Eric hugged her tightly and patted the back of her hand clumsily, "Go to rest early."

"Yeah." The two hugged each other and fell asleep.

It didn't take long the next day. After they had breakfast, Rooney's patriarch invited them over.

When the four arrived at the patriarch's house, there were two other people besides Rooney's patriarch. Eric told her that they were Rooney's witch doctor and fortune teller.

After seeing them, the patriarch nodded and said: "You are here. Then I will give you an answer about what happened yesterday. We, Rooney, agree to your conditions."

Hearing this sentence, everyone laughed happily on their faces.

The face of the patriarch was still serious, and he asked the fortune teller to tell them the conditions that they needed to pay.

"I am Rooney's current fortune teller, the fortune teller of the previous generation, the one who helped your parents," he said, looking at Eric, "my master."

The smile on Eric's face faded, and he whispered: "Sorry."

"You don't have to be embarrassed. After all, that matter is also related to Rooney's prosperity. What's more, my master has no regrets, so I will try my best to help you." He shook his head and said to Eric, but his voice changed. .

"But this time the sacrifice needs to be paid by yourself."

"Sacrifice?" The four people shouted in unison, looking at each other.

"That's right, the sacrifice!" Rooney's fortuneteller continued, "The sacrifice used to open that magical channel back then was my master's life, so you have to figure out a way for this condition."

Eric asked quickly after hearing this: "Are there any requirements for this sacrifice?"

"It must be a healthy orc. The greater the strength of the body, the longer the passage will last. The magic circle arranged by Master is still there, and I can help you open it."

"What, this is too..." Cheng Shuyao murmured, isn't this just letting them kill or commit suicide?The price is too high.

Eric and Joss couldn't help but frown when they heard the sacrifice.Although they are orcs, there are many fights on weekdays, but this does not mean that they can kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Everyone's excitement was suddenly poured cold water by the sacrifice. In the end, Eric thanked the three of Rooney and said that they need to think about it.

The four came to their resting place, and the atmosphere was gloomy.

Nie Niantao, who had always been emotionally unstable, broke out and began to curse and cry. Joss reluctantly let Eric and Cheng Shuyao leave, and began to comfort Nie Niantao himself.

Eric and Cheng Shuyao had no choice but to go for a walk. When they came back, Nie Niantao was lying on the bed helplessly, crying silently.

Cheng Shuyao looked at the thin Nie Niantao and couldn't help sighing.She had just bought some food at Rooney's market, and she handed it to Nie Niantao, saying, "Nian Tao, cheer up, we will find a way."

Nie Niantao rolled her dull eyes, then grabbed Cheng Shuyao's hand, and said eagerly, "Let's go see that magic circle tomorrow."

"Huh? How do you want to see that."

"Maybe if we take a look, can we find any other way to open it?" Her slender hands tightly held Cheng Shuyao's hand, looking at her eager eyes, Cheng Shuyao couldn't say a word, so they agreed up.

Tomorrow, I will go to see the magic circle from that year.

They made this request to Rooney's fortune teller the next day, but the fortune teller agreed to their request without much consideration, and then a group of people began to walk towards the southwest corner of Rooney.

"Master arranged the magic circle farther away, because there was a lot of movement, and the rocks were so shaken back then that many rocks fell down." As they walked, the fortune-teller introduced them.

With Joss' support, Nie Niantao looked much better. She chased the fortune teller and asked many questions along the way, as if she hoped to find some clues and other methods.

But in the end, they all returned to the restriction at the beginning, the sacrifice.

"It turns out that all you need to do is put the sacrifice on the magic circle..." Nie Niantao murmured and repeated the words of the fortune-teller, a frenzied light flashed in his eyes.

When they came to an open plain, they only saw a dozen or so stone pillars planted on the ground, which were particularly eye-catching.

The fortune teller pointed there and said, "Here is where Master arranged the magic circle."

As soon as the words fell, Nie Niantao ran there like crazy, and Joss had a headache, so he had to follow behind cautiously, because when he hugged Nie Niantao now, she would beat her stomach angrily.If it's just touching hands or something, although she hates it, she won't hurt herself, so Joss can only support her now.

Nie Niantao touched those stone pillars tremblingly, and shouted at the fortune-teller: "This is it! This is it! We can go back if we have sacrifices? Isn't it?"

The fortune teller felt that his patience was almost exhausted by this man, so he simply nodded and said "yes".

Nie Niantao hugged the stone pillar and cried and laughed, making others dumbfounded.

At this moment, she looked much gentler when she was weak, and she didn't even refuse Joss to hold her.

She raised her head suddenly, looked at Joss with a fierce look in her eyes, and then whispered, "Joss, I'm sorry."

Cheng Shuyao inadvertently saw the stern look in her eyes, and suddenly realized something was wrong, and she understood Nie Niantao's plan in a flash.

"Joss! Leave her!" Eric growled earlier than she did.

After hearing Eric's words, Joss took a few steps back reluctantly, but this did not stop Nie Niantao from moving.

She drew a pistol from her lap. It was the one that Cheng Shuyao exchanged for her to shoot poisonous snakes when Cheng Shuyao first came to this continent. There was still the last bullet in it!
"Bang!" After a sound, Nie Niantao shot Joss in the stomach. She immediately threw away the pistol, then dragged Joss by his legs, pulling him to the center of the circle.

Eric transformed into a beast and rushed towards Nie Niantao with a roar.

Cheng Shuyao also ran over, and she loudly questioned 0047 through the alarm clock: "Why didn't you tell me when she stole my things!"

0047 didn't understand why she was so angry, and said: "Anyway, she threw the gun because of the sacrifice. Why are you angry? Our mission will be almost completed."

Cheng Shuyao paused, she almost forgot that 0047 is an intelligent AI.

 This chapter ends tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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