Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 198 I Have a Date with an Orc (4)

Chapter 198 I Have a Date with an Orc (4)

"Sam, tell me!" Joss asked Sam simply and directly, but the ferocity in his eyes made Sam shiver uncontrollably.

"I suggest you not to die!" Gray bared his teeth at him.

Eric glanced at him indifferently, and said, "Sam, if the female beast is preempted by other tribes, you will simply lose your life."

It still worked, Sam led everyone to an open space with his head downcast, and then kicked away a pile of red dirt with his feet, and there was a bonfire that had been extinguished below.

"You Sam! How dare you bury it like this! And cover up the smell with your piss!" Gray jumped up and hit Sam on the head, and Sam covered his head with tears in his eyes. I dare not say anything.

"Okay, okay, Sam, you lead the way, only you have recorded their smell, we have to act fast!" Eric urged, fearing that it would change if it was too late.

As for Cheng Shuyao, she and Nie Niantao became more and more frightened as they walked, because the vegetation and animals here were too weird, and the two of them had already begun to doubt whether they were still on the earth?
Are there rats on Earth with arms as long as theirs?Are there red-haired rabbits on Earth?The two of them felt like they were going to have a heart attack. Fortunately, the animals they met seemed to be herbivores, so she and the oversized living target didn't get hit.

In fact, this was not an accident, it was because Cheng Shuyao had been asking 0047 about the danger of this area. Under her guidance intentionally or unintentionally, the two of them were able to pass through most of the woods without any danger.

"Ah! There's a stream in front!" Cheng Shuyao's eyes lit up. There was a clear stream in the open space ahead, and she couldn't help cheering.You must know that drinking water is very important in the wild, so both of them quickened their pace and came to the stream.

"Let's rest here tonight, Sister Cheng," Nie Niantao said with some embarrassment, "My legs are really—"

"Okay!" Cheng Shuyao nodded understandingly. She has broken two legs. She admires her for being able to walk for such a long time.

"Sister Cheng, you are so kind!" Nie Niantao said with a smile, she is very cute, she has two dimples when she smiles, she is really youthful, Cheng Shuyao can't help but feel better.

But she coughed and said, "Student Nie Niantao, can you stop calling me Sister Cheng? You can call me by my name too. I haven't graduated for long, and I feel like you're calling me old."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't think so much?" Nie Niantao said with a blushing face, Cheng Shuyao smiled, and then began to look for dry branches nearby, and re-made a bonfire.

Looking at the movements of her familiar face, Nie Niantao said with admiration, "Cheng... Shuyao, you are amazing. Although I often go to the countryside to live with my grandmother, I never do this."

Cheng Shuyao smiled but didn't say anything. In fact, all this was due to the person who made her travel this time, her ex-boyfriend.Because her ex was a big traveler, he often took her on trips and did a lot of camping, so it wasn't too difficult for her.

The cage was on fire, but the two still couldn't find anything to eat today.Not to mention that Nie Niantao was depressed that she didn't know the vegetation here, Cheng Shuyao was even more depressed, she still had 0047, a heaven-defying little friend, and she still hoped that 0047 could find something to eat.As a result, 0047 told her that there was nothing to eat in this area, which really made her sigh.

The stomachs of both of them were growling. They looked at each other and smiled helplessly, so they had to take out the snacks in the bag and share the food.It’s basically some candy, preserved fruit, etc. It’s not bad to maintain blood sugar, but it’s too much to fill the stomach.

Thinking of how many days there will be like this, both of them couldn't help saving these precious snacks, so they put them away without eating a few bites.

It has entered the night, and this mysterious and unpredictable forest shows its dark side even more. The two had no choice but to keep adding branches to the bonfire to keep warm while hoping not to attract other wild animals.

Both of them were a little tired, Cheng Shuyao looked at Nie Niantao's nodding head and said, "Go to bed first, I'll keep watch."

"What a shame, let me do it—"

"Don't be brave, your leg is still injured, and you can get better quickly with enough rest, so don't shirk with me." In fact, this is one point, and she has a gun in her hand. If there is any accident, she will It's good to protect yourself.Besides, she can chat with 0047, so it's not easy to fall asleep, which is hard for Nie Niantao.

Nie Niantao couldn't say no to her, so she fell asleep with a trace of apology, and she really exhausted her physical strength.

Cheng Shuyao clenched the pistol in her arms while chatting with 0047.

"77, how many days are there in this kind of fear?"

"A few days? No, it should be on the right track of the story soon, you have to pay attention. Then I remind you that it is difficult to choose the hero this time, so you must grasp it."

Cheng Shuyao frowned, what do you mean?Hard to choose?Could it be to let a group of beautiful men line up and stand in front of her, waiting for her to remake it?Happy for her own thoughts, she couldn't help laughing a few times.

0047 couldn't help complaining in his heart: "You are really the ancestor of Crow's Mouth!"

Just when she was very sleepy, the creek that seemed clear and harmless during the day suddenly made a splashing sound, and she suddenly entered a state of alert.

Just when she was about to wake Nie Niantao, several slender figures jumped up from the stream and flew towards them!

Cheng Shuyao's heart froze, she raised the pistol in her arms, gritted her teeth, and tried to avoid Nie Niantao's position, she was really afraid that she would make a big hole in Nie Niantao's body.

"Bang bang bang"!After the three muffled bangs, she breathed a sigh of relief, and in the light of the bonfire, she shot those three slender shadows so accurately, she couldn't help but praise herself fiercely.

It's a pity that Nie Niantao, who was in a deep sleep, still suffered. She screamed all over her body, and Cheng Shuyao, who was still holding the gun and remembering her heroic appearance, was so frightened that she almost threw the pistol out.

She pulled out a burning stick from the bonfire, and ran to Nie Niantao, only to see Nie Niantao's back was bitten fiercely by a slender snake. Cheng Shuyao recognized that it was the same kind of snake that she shot and killed during the day.

Holding the fire stick, she stabbed fiercely at the snake's seven inches, and the snake was cut into two halves.But her heart was still cold, because when she tore off the snake's head from Nie Niantao's back, it was obvious that black blood flowed from Nie Niantao's wound.

Cheng Shuyao frowned, and was about to ask 0047 if there was any way to interpret it, when she heard a roar of beasts coming from behind her, earth-shattering and astonishing.

She was so frightened that her legs limp and knelt down, she could only turn her head slightly to look in the direction of the sound.

Under the reflection of the bonfire, a group of wild beasts were galloping towards them, Cheng Shuyao smiled wryly, what should I do now?

(End of this chapter)

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