Chapter 188

"Oh, who is this? When I go back to the country, I can still see the great show of changing people! Where's Cheng Shuyao, uncle, where did you hide it for her?" Bai Yunzhu changed her gentle smile just now, pretending Silly and stunned, his eyes were full of light, clearly mocking Cheng Shuyao's appearance as a noble young lady today.

Cheng Shuyao understands, because she used to be eccentric, she seldom participated in this kind of banquet, let alone wearing a dress, but wearing a black sack looks more like her.

"Bai Yunzhu, you went abroad and became blind. You need to come back to have a look, otherwise Uncle Bai will love you." Cheng Shuyao said slowly, anyway, she didn't care what Bai Yunzhu said about her outfit today, just now Shi told her that she looks very good today.

Bai Yunzhu gritted her teeth. One thing she particularly dislikes about Cheng Shuyao is that she has no blood relationship with her little uncle, but he loves her the most. She, her own niece, has to lean back. She has been upset about this for a long time.

Obviously, when she mentions her clothes, she is easy to blow up, but why is she so generous today, and she is smiling and in a good mood. Bai Yunzhu looked around her and noticed the prosperity around her .

Although Bai Yunzhu went abroad relatively early, she was no longer in China when Cheng Shuyao met Shengshi, but it doesn't mean she hasn't heard of him.Although the news of Cheng Shuyao's kidnapping was suppressed back then, she still heard about it. Later, she saw photos of Shengshi through her own channels.

When she saw the photo at the time, she didn't quite understand that this prosperous age also looks good, and looks very comfortable, but there is nothing particularly outstanding, why Cheng Shuyao fell in love with him.

Although they didn't fight each other, Bai Yunzhu and Cheng Shuyao always regarded each other as their rivals, so Cheng Shuyao suddenly found such an ordinary boy, Bai Yunzhu was a little unhappy.After all, he was the opponent appointed by him, how could he find such a random boy?
She knew that Sheng Shi was Cheng Shuyao's rival, so Bai Yunzhu cleverly didn't mention him. She didn't want to get into a fight with Cheng Shuyao before she even left the house.

Father Cheng and Uncle Bai watched the two bickering with laughter and said, "Look at these two children, their relationship is so good. After so many years apart, they are still the same as before, as if they have never been separated."

Cheng Shuyao and Bai Yunzhu rolled their eyes secretly, and the two affectionately watched them play as if they were teasing puppies and cats.So the tacit understanding since childhood made the two of them turn their faces to one side and ignore each other.

Sheng Shi was also surprised at the sidelines. It was rare to see Cheng Shuyao showing such emotions in front of others. If it was someone he didn't know well, Cheng Shuyao basically didn't even bother to show him an expression.

"Your good friend?" He couldn't help asking.

"Well, I can only say they are friends, it's definitely not good!" She replied briskly, she didn't want others to mistakenly think that she had a good relationship with Bai Yunzhu, the false fairy eldest lady.

In general, Cheng Shuyao was very satisfied with this banquet. The relationship between Shengshi and her has made a big leap forward. At least he won't hide from her and frown when he sees her. This is really a good development.

She clicked on the panel,

Mission Name: Crazy Girl Chasing Her Husband

Main task: Raiding the Prosperity (Completion: 50)

Side quests: none
Points: 223
Host: Cheng Shuyao (Location: Slut Chasing Husband)

Appearances: 50 (out of 50)

Intelligence: 120 (130)

Stamina: 80 (80)

When she first entered this plane, she wanted to use the points to add a little appearance value for her own selfishness, but now she had a hunch that 50 points of appearance value were enough in this world, so she bit her finger and hesitated for a while , or decided not to add.After all, it is more important to keep the points to save your life.

She suddenly thought of a question, and asked 0047: "77, have all the people in the original plot arrived?"

"Wait for me to check the authority, can I answer your question... well, it's all here."

"So, the person Ah Shi originally liked has already appeared? I can't tell who it is, who is it? The waitress who poured wine on him at the reception that day? It can't be Bai Yunzhu, right? Tsk, if you lose to Bai Yunzhu I'm still convinced..."

She muttered there, not expecting 0047 to respond to her, after all, 0047 couldn't tell her these things.

Early the next morning, despite a relatively long vacation, she woke up when the alarm clock rang.

"Morning, 77!" She yawned and went to freshen up. She was going back to work in the company today. Looking at herself in the mirror, she began to consider whether to quit this job.

In fact, working as an assistant in Shengshi Company was completely overqualified for her, and she used some tricks to get in, just to see him.Now that the relationship between the two is relatively stable, she doesn't need to stare at the office every day. If there is anything, Xu Liang should report it to her.

She was tired of this kind of assistant work.

So all the staff of Mr. Sheng's Assistant Department saw the newly arrived Assistant Cheng push open the door of Mr. Sheng's office early in the morning and go in, just like she was here on the first day.

Tiffany: I'd rather believe that the Yellow River has no water, but don't believe that he has no legs!
cindy: +1
Anna: +2
Cindy: What about the black chrysanthemum?Could it be that he was struck to death by the facts?
daisy: Cindy, you are useless!Singled out at noon today!
Cindy: Alright, come to the women's restroom, we'll be singled out!
daisy: 55555555, people won't really be broken in love, you people who have no conscience, why don't you hurry up and comfort me!How did Sheng always fall in love with that old witch!I don't believe it I don't believe it I don't believe it
Cindy: NBCS, anyway, Assistant Xu must be mine, hehehe...

Tiffany: Anna, let's go, I can't stand being with these two...

anna: Stop talking and take me away~
Cheng Shuyao didn't know that her actions triggered another upsurge in the assistant team. She walked into Sheng Shi's office and smiled ghostly at Sheng Shi, "Good morning, A Shi!"

Sheng Shi suddenly began to doubt whether his life would be short-lived if he had to face such a smile every morning for the rest of his life.

"Good morning, have you had breakfast?"

"Well, eat, I'm here to tell you something."

Sheng Shi sorted out the documents, "Speak, I'll listen."

"I'm resigning."

He looked up at her, and asked inexplicably, "Why do you want to resign?"

"I joined the company to hook you up. Once I hook up with you, I don't want to stay here anymore." Cheng Shuyao smiled smugly at him.

"..." You are so right, I am speechless.

So on the first day back to work, Cheng Shuyao left in a cool manner carrying her small skeleton bag, with Mr. Sheng guarding the way along the way, leaving behind the jaws of the assistants.

Anna: Assistant Cheng dumped Mr. Sheng?
Cindy: This world is too fantastical, I really want to know what happened just now?
tiffany: Wait for me to take a sip of coffee...

daisy: I have hope again?
tiffany & cindy & anna: you think too much!

(End of this chapter)

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