Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 174: True and False Furnace Ding Xiu Xian Biography (17)

Chapter 174: True and False Furnace Ding Xiu Xian Biography (17)

"Hehe, this is really ridiculous! As disciples of our Yunji sect, everyone has to go through strict inspections when they enter the gate. How can there be a pure yin body, but the whole sect doesn't know." Master Xuanyue looked disdainful.

Yang Xuelan also nodded stiffly, in line with the Tao. The effect she wants is that everyone guesses that Cheng Shuyao is a pure Yin body, so that it is more credible. After all, people are more willing to believe their own judgments, aren't they?
Luo Yijin shook his head and said: "Guang Hehuan firmly believes that he did not even participate in the questioning conference this time for the secret realm, but for this pure yin body, and he thinks this pure yin body is Yaoyao."

For a while, Cheng Shuyao accepted everyone's attention again, she smiled calmly, the fake can't become the real, and the real can't be deceived.

"Unfortunately, I am not a pure Yin body."

"Why are you not? Didn't your master say that when you were born, you were born with a strange phenomenon?" The cultivators who had been listening to their conversation couldn't help but interrupted.

"It's a pity, I wasn't the one who descended from heaven with a different phase back then."

In the eyes of everyone, this was clearly Cheng Shuyao's lie to excuse herself, but Cheng Shuyao pointed at Luo Meiyun calmly and said, "The person who descended from the sky with strange appearance was clearly Luo Meiyun."

Everyone was in an uproar. Some people thought of some of Yang Xuelan's words before and couldn't help but believe it. It must be that their daughter is a pure Yin body, so they wanted to blame others for this matter.

Yang Xuelan made a heartbroken look, cried and said: "Shuyao, how could you hurt Master's heart like this? I just told the truth, and you want to frame your junior sister. If you want to come after me, why bother?" Innocent person, this child Meiyun grew up with you anyway."

"Oh, so dare to ask Master, can you let Junior Sister take off the Nine-turn Yintian Jade hanging on her body, and let everyone see the truth?"

Nine Turns Hidden Sky Jade!Everyone present understood that this thing is useless except for the pure yin body to conceal their identities. Could it be that what Cheng Shuyao said is true? They all looked at Luo Lieguo's family.

Yang Xuelan choked, but the young Luo Meiyun blurted out: "How do you know that I—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Luo Lieguo used a formula to make Luo Meiyun shut up. His expression became unhappy, and his expression suddenly became fierce.

"Since you already know, then I won't delay! It's been a long time, Luo Yijin!"

With the end of these words, he waved his sleeves and put Luo Meiyun into his sleeves.Then stepped on the aircraft and flew away rapidly.

Yang Xuelan was frightened by this turn of events. She looked at Luo Lieguo who was walking away, and murmured: "Husband..." Then when she came to her senses, she summoned the aircraft and wanted to leave with him, but was caught by the invisible restraint in the air. It bounced back and landed straight on the ground, looking embarrassed.

Luo Yijin looked at the sky, and when he saw Yang Xuelan being bounced back, he couldn't help saying: "This magic circle..."

Cheng Shuyao also felt that this formation was somewhat familiar, and the two said in unison: "Xingxiu evil cultivator!"

"You thought of it too!"

The two said it at the same time again, and after the mystery was revealed, both of them felt relieved, Luo Yijin said: "No wonder I feel that the aura that Luo Lieguo gave me is somewhat familiar."

"Then how did he live for so long? Since there was no record of his ascension back then, it is impossible for him to live for thousands of years with his Mahayana cultivation."

"It seems that he must have used some tricks..." Luo Yijin pondered for a moment, then his face darkened, "It's so vicious! Xingxiu must have used the method of seizing the house."

"Seizing the house, this method is also feasible, but the price is too high. Each time, the names of tens of thousands of people must be used as sacrifices - tens of thousands of people! Now?"

Luo Yijin patted the top of her head reassuringly, and said, "Yes, this magic circle should have been set up for us to make sacrifices."

Cheng Shuyao closed her eyes and felt it. She found that her spiritual power was losing at a familiar yet unfamiliar speed.

"Yijin, this is the magic circle when we ascended!" She said excitedly, it was this thing that made her lose the chance to ascend.

"Well, I feel it, and it does have a similar feeling." Luo Yijin summoned Feichen, asked Feichenbao to guard Cheng Shuyao, and then flew into the air with the aircraft.

And many people present also felt the strangeness of this place, and they all stepped on the aircraft and flew out, but unfortunately they were all bounced back like Yang Xuelan.Even Nascent Soul's mighty power didn't support it for a while, and flew back to the ground with an ugly face. Although they could support the magic circle without being bounced back, it was impossible for them to break through the magic circle. arrive.

Some people who were proficient in the magic circle began to take out their compass to check it. Unfortunately, this magic circle seemed to be a fierce circle handed down from ancient times. The light of the area and the power were so strong that they couldn't think of a good solution even if their foreheads were covered with sweat.

Luo Yijin looked back and forth in the air, and people couldn't help admiring, his skills are really profound, and he can survive such a fierce battle for so long and still look relaxed.

With the passage of time, the power of Xingxiu evil cultivators to activate this evil formation has become more and more powerful, and some monks with lower cultivation bases have already collapsed to the ground.And Luo Yijin also drove the aircraft back to Cheng Shuyao's side.

"Yao Yao, the magic circle can be solved, but it will take some effort. Your cultivation level is not high now. You can hide in my space for a while. I'm afraid that the battle with Xingxu will hurt you."

"I..." She wanted to be with Luo Yijin in her heart, but she also understood that with her current cultivation, it must be a burden.

So she nodded and agreed to Luo Yijin's request.In an instant, she came to a space independent of this Continent of Immortal Cultivation, and she waited day after day, in this place where time does not flow, she did not know how long she had been waiting.

Finally one day, she suddenly appeared in a familiar place, and Luo Yijin was right in front of her, looking at her with a smile and said, "Yaoyao, let's go home."

"Is it all over?"

"Well, all we have to do now is wait for you to successfully ascend."

So the two began to travel around the world, Cheng Shuyao continued to practice along the way, from foundation establishment to golden elixir, golden elixir and Yuanying succeeded, and after Mahayana, he transformed into a god.

This time, she calmly faced the 999 thunderstorms and passed the catastrophe with a smile, while Luo Yijin was always by her side.

When 999 thunderstorms passed by, the sky was full of flowers and rain, the dark clouds dispersed, and golden light came from another upper realm and shone on her.

"Yaoyao, let's go."

"Ding! Main task: Raid Luo Yijin (completion degree: +10)"


Ah, this mission is really long and long, she also feels quite tired, she should go back to rest, there is Su Haoran waiting for her.

(End of this chapter)

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