Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 142 The Ghost Master (15)

Chapter 142 The Ghost Master (15)

"Then what is the reason for Qixiu's sudden attack in Guanli this time? Is it just for me?" Cheng Shuyao asked. After all, the master and apprentice also arrested the people from the Taiyun sect, and it didn't feel easy.

"You are a vital link, but it's not just you." Feather Whale became anxious rarely, with a serious expression on his face.

"Then what do they want?"

"Open the gate of ghosts and extradite thousands of ghosts from the underworld"

Upon hearing this answer, Cheng Shuyao couldn't help but rolled her eyes, it was nothing new and unique, fortunately she expected this Qixiu to play something tricky.

Suppressing Qixiu's disdain, she asked, "Then what are they going to do?"

"You are the introduction, Qi Xiu intends to use you as a sacrifice to open a door of Taiyun sect's suppression."

"If it is opened, the ghost world and the human world will be connected?" Cheng Shuyao said "tsk", which was nothing new.

Yu Jing glanced at her helplessly, and said: "Then what trick do you want him to play for you? Qi Xiu was originally the ghost king who dominated the ghost world. He escaped from the seal. However, he also lost his vitality in the process of breaking free. Later, he approached Guan Li, who had no status in the Taiyun faction at the time, and the two probably reached some agreement. Since then, Guan Li has been fighting for Qixiu works."

"Okay, then let's discuss countermeasures quickly." She was also worried that the Taiyun faction would be harmed. After all, they have been her best friends for the past few years, especially Liu Jiawen, who cared for her even more. .

Yu Jing looked at the slender body of the girl in front of her, but her firm and unafraid eyes, and couldn't help but feel good about her.Just choose to know that the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, but for the sake of her friends, she can calmly face the ups and downs.

"Ding! Main mission: Raid the Feather Whale (Completion: +10)"

Cheng Shuyao sneaked a glance at Yu Jing. This was the target she met with the fastest increase in favorability. She didn't know if it had something to do with Su Haoran, but he didn't look like Su Haoran at all.

Feather Whale probably had a darker temperament than Su Haoran because of the accidents she encountered since she was a child, but because her soul was trapped in her body, she didn't experience many things.So even though he is very smart, he is not sophisticated enough, with the unique youthfulness of a teenager.

Feather Whale bowed his head and thought for a while, then said: "Let's go directly to the Taiyun Sect, but we need to use some special means to prevent them from finding out. I can feel that my soul-gathering stone is also in the Taiyun Sect. It, my strength can recover some."

"But it's not enough for just the two of us, right?" Cheng Shuyao said, since Qi Xiu can control the Taiyun faction, it shows that he is quite strong.The Feather Whale has been trapped in her body, even if she gathers all seven souls and three souls, she probably won't be able to resist Qi Xiu, no matter in terms of qualifications or experience, they are far inferior.

Yu Jing pursed his lips and said nothing, because he knew that Cheng Shuyao was telling the truth, just relying on the two of them, it was really hitting a stone with an egg.But this crisis happened right in front of them, and they couldn't ignore it, and they didn't have much time to find reinforcements.In the process of their search for reinforcements, not to mention what will happen to the people of the Taiyun faction, Qi Xiuguan might find another woman with a similar fate to Cheng Shuyao, and they have no way to stop them. More than I am widowed.

Cheng Shuyao looked at the sad look of the feather whale, and couldn't help talking to 0047 in her mind: "77, can you help us in any way?"

"Well, Yaoyao, let me tell you the truth. If the original plot goes according to the original plot, it will take a long, long time for the feather whale to defeat Qi Xiu! I can't disclose the exact time, so I suggest you use other methods." Methods."

"Well, let's listen first."

"A prop that Shirley gave you can defeat Qi Xiu, but it needs you as a sacrifice in the same way as Qi Xiu's method of opening the gate of ghosts."

"...So? I'm dead!" Cheng Shuyao was speechless. Is 0047 helping her or cheating her?

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish. You know, I don't really care if you can save the world, because our task is to gain 100% favorability with the raiders, but according to the analysis, if you can sacrifice yourself Save the world, and Feather Whale's affection for you will definitely be full."

"Then what if you are dissatisfied? You let me die for nothing!" Cheng Shuyao frowned, this method was too unsafe.

"How could it be! Both of you have 60 favorability points. Among the props that Shirley left you, there is an item that can forcibly increase your favorability by 30 points. With this use, it has risen to 90 points. You will die for him again. Once you die, you won't even have 10 o'clock. This is the quickest solution! Otherwise, you have to be prepared to stay in this plane for ten years, and you want to stay here every day to watch Piao Piao?"

As soon as Piao Piao was mentioned, Cheng Shuyao was in pain. She shivered, and responded to 0047 with a dry smile, "Not bad, just do as you said."

Then she turned her head and greeted the feather whale who was still thinking hard, and then took out her wooden ruler, golden bell and small bowl.

Yu Jing looked at her in confusion, and said, "What are you doing?" In fact, he was quite curious about these strange treasures that suddenly appeared on Cheng Shuyao's body, but the urgent matter in front of him left him no time to think about them.

"Feather Whale, can you trust me?" she asked, staring into his eyes.

"Yeah." Having been with her for more than ten years, he knew what kind of person she was.

"I have a request. Please don't ask anything. I have a way to defeat Qi Xiu and Guan Li..." At this point, she paused and said seriously: "But please don't ask me what method I used. ,May I?"

Her serious look made Yu Jing a little at a loss, Yu Jing frowned at her, and asked her carefully: "Then will your method hurt you?"

"No!" She categorically said nonsense, anyway, when she died, it was time to leave.

Yu Jing seemed to think that Cheng Shuyao had a good reputation over the years, so he agreed after thinking about it.

The two of them hid themselves on the mountain, found the feather whale's soul-gathering stone, and went straight to the Taoist temple of the Taiyun sect.

Cheng Shuyao avoided the feather whale and used the props given to her by 0047. After taking a look at the favorability score that had risen to 90 points, she felt a little guilty.

Yu Jing also felt more and more uneasy in his heart, he took Cheng Shuyao by his cold hand, and asked her again if the method was reliable, Cheng Shuyao prevaricated.

But when she detonated the prop in her hand, the panic expression of the feather whale still made her feel uncomfortable.While Qi Xiu's roar and Guan Li's wailing were still surrounding her, the feather whale suddenly pounced on her and hugged her with its spirit body.

"See you in the next life."

After a shock, the world fell into chaos, and she heard a familiar voice.

"Ding! Main mission: Raiding Feather Whales (Completion: +10)"


 This chapter is over
  As you all know, it’s the beginning of the school season. I went back to school and had to deal with things every day. I was so busy that I didn’t have time to write anything. It was usually late when I returned to the dormitory at night, so I fell asleep.So the updated content in the past few days is basically written by me according to the time, and the update was interrupted yesterday, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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