Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 137 The Ghost Master (10)

Chapter 137 The Ghost Master (10)

When Cheng Shuyao woke up leisurely, she was floating in mid-air.Although she was startled, she didn't move, she just looked at the sky quietly, knowing that the strong sunlight made her almost invisible.

"Are you awake?" A familiar male voice rang in her ear, the one who just told her to go.

"Well, where is Liu Jiawen?"

"I can't save her." The legendary ghost replied flatly.

She turned her head to look at the place where the sound came from, probably because he was an illusory figure in the daytime, and now she couldn't see him clearly.

"You are very powerful, you can move during the day." She stretched her hand through his body, feeling as if her arm was inserted into the water, which was icy cold.

"..." The young man looked at her speechlessly, he wanted to say, the place you inserted is a bit indescribable.Although he is a ghost and has no physical form, but girl, is it really okay for you to eat my tofu so expressionlessly?
The ghost boy who wanted to bear it at first was a little upset to see that she had no intention of restraining himself, and actually wore his body like a toy.

"You put your hand in my crotch."

"Ah, sorry, I can't see it."

"..." Why did he hear a little ambiguity.

Cheng Shuyao turned her head and looked around, and asked, "Can we get back to the ground?" She really felt uneasy without her feet on the ground.

"No, there are mountain spirits active on the mountain, and we will be found as soon as we go."

"Isn't it more obvious when we are flying in the sky?"

"I hid."

Cheng Shuyao nodded in satisfaction, it seems that Mr. Li Gui is quite witty.

"Ah, what should I do now? I have a headache!" Cheng Shuyao wailed while holding her head.Just looking at it just now, it seems that the people in Guanli are trying to arrest themselves?I don't know what happened in the Taiyun faction. She has a good friendship with the people of the Taiyun faction, so of course she won't ignore it. It is not only to save others, but also to save herself.

"Do you know why Qi Xiu wanted to arrest me? He seemed to know you just now." She planned to ask him first to see if there was any news.

"His name is Qixiu..." The ghost boy began to repeat the name, lost in his own thoughts, and stopped talking to the girl.

Cheng Shuyao reluctantly gave up trying to strike up a conversation with him, and started talking to 0047, "77, how do I know who the male lead is?"

"you guess?"

"...Believe it or not, I'll hit you!"

"Oh, why are you so irritable. In fact, after you confirm the candidate, tell me, if you are correct, you will unlock the panel, and if you are wrong, you will deduct 50 points at a time."

"Points, points, points... really a group of geese who pluck their hair." The girl rolled her eyes, and she still has 50 points, and she knows how to grab it every day!

"Why, do you want to try?" 0047 asked.

"Well, it feels like it shouldn't be wrong."

"Then tell me."

"It's this Piao Piao next to me!" As for why she didn't guess Qi Xiu, she felt uncomfortable when she saw him, so she hoped she wouldn't guess wrong.

Immediately afterwards, she received a notification from the system, and then opened the panel, and sure enough, the task name and the target of the attack had been unlocked.

Mission Name: Master Ghost Master

Main task: Capture the Feather Whale (Completion: 20)

Side quests: none
Points: 318
Host: Cheng Shuyao (Location: Master Guifu)

Appearances: 50 (out of 70)

Intelligence: 120 (120)

Stamina: 80 (80)

"Hey, how come the favorability is 20, and I didn't do anything?" Cheng Shuyao stared at the 20 number curiously.

"This is the initial favorability of Feather Whale towards you. After all, the original body has lived with him for so many years. What's the name of the task? Now I will do this task!"

Cheng Shuyao said that she didn't want to talk to 0047.

Yu Jing had already stopped his chatter, and just looked at the front in a daze. Seeing this, Cheng Shuyao asked him, "Do you remember who Qi Xiu is?"

"No, but it feels very familiar. When his name is mentioned, I feel a burst of..."



Cheng Shuyao blurted out, "Me too. By the way, when did you start to have memories?"

"When you were 8 years old, your parents sang you happy birthday and I woke up."

"Wake up? You were asleep before?"

Feather Whale didn't answer her right away, but thought about it carefully, and then said: "I didn't fall asleep completely. Before you were 8 years old, although I didn't wake up, I could still vaguely feel some movement outside. But I have no memory of what happened before you were 5 years old. The first time I felt that I existed, it was in a very desolate place. Your parents seemed to come to pick you up, and there was an old man and a pair of children standing beside you."

"Well, I remember that too. The pair of children are Qi Xiu and Leng Xiayan we just met, and the old man is Guan Li."

"Guanli, Leng Xiayan..." Feather Whale flashed a bit of doubt seriously, but he still couldn't think of anything.

"To be honest, you don't look like a ghost, well... you're quite gentle." Cheng Shuyao rubbed her arms as she spoke. Although lying in his arms was like lying in a cold storage, it was bitingly cold, but she felt There is no feeling of fear.

"Really, didn't Zhang Lihui say that I'm a ghost? You don't believe him?" Yu Jing said indifferently, as if he didn't care about Zhang Lihui's words.

Cheng Shuyao didn't say a word, the original body has a particularly awesome ability, which is to remember everything from childhood to adulthood.Excluding the year when Guan Li took her away, she remembered everything. The feather whale gave her a completely different feeling from her "playmate" when she was a child. Maybe it was because of the loss of both souls and souls?Or has she done good deeds and accumulated virtues in the past two years, and she has purified well?
"Did you hear what Zhang Lihui said?" she asked, looking at his illusory body.

"Well, we share the same fate anyway, he can't do anything to me."

Ahhh, classmate Piao Piao Yu Jing, you are so witty.

The feather whale hugged her and flew lower and lower, but they were still some distance from the foot of the mountain.Cheng Shuyao saw that he must be exhausted, so he simply took out a gold needle from his backpack.

Feather Whale looked at her movements suspiciously, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Cheng Shuyao took a deep breath, raised and lowered the needle, and precisely inserted the golden needle into her left chest, and then held back the severe pain, pulled out the golden needle.

A drop of abnormally bright red blood condensed on the tip of the golden needle, she covered her chest, and casually threw the golden needle on the feather whale.The golden needle fell freely, but the drop of blood remained in the feather whale's body.The originally illusory figure seemed to solidify a little.

"You..." Feather Whale looked at her with complicated emotions.

Liu Jiawen told her about this trick, because she was born with a yin genus and had a special fate. Her blood essence is a rare treasure for ordinary ghosts and monsters.Now she took out a drop and gave it to the feather whale, not only to avoid Qi Xiu, but also to build a good impression by the way.

Sure enough, when she heard the notification that the system had increased by 20 points, she also smiled and said to the feather whale, "We will be fine."

 Recently, I have been so busy that I vomit blood. I can only write the article and post it quickly, and I don’t have time to read the comments.I will reply to the comments of these days when I have a rest tomorrow, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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