Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 119 Marriage between the domineering president and the gossip queen (29)

Chapter 119 Marriage between the domineering president and the gossip queen (29)

Please let Cheng Shuyao count down the stupid things Du Xi has done.

One, I wanted to steal the demo of ZERO's new album, but found that the songs were all songs from the two miniAlbums that were released before, so I let it go.

Cheng Shuyao shook her head amusedly. Du Xi never expected that the record she stole was genuine, but unfortunately she didn't have the skills to find out, so she shrugged regretfully.

Second, post photos of herself and Cheng Shuyao on forums and Weibo.This photo was taken by an intern in the same class when Cheng Shuyao went to find her and hugged her in order to obtain data.She posted it with an attractive title.

"Ming Sheng strongly promotes the suspected love affair of two beauties and newcomers."Well, judging by their fame and popularity, it has aroused some enthusiasm, but not many people paid attention to it. After all, the two are completely unpopular and undebuted, so the splash is basically zero.

These are two relatively big things, and there are many other small things that make people feel distressed about her IQ.Come to ZERO's practice room to destroy musical instruments, put medicine in Cheng Shuyao's water cup, etc., never went out of business, completely a standard role model of villain soldiers.It's no use doing more!
Miss!Your task is to make Feng Jixing a bachelor for the rest of his life, okay?Why do you keep surrounding her and doing some inexplicable and useless things.If you do this, you might as well find a group of homosexuals to take turns against Feng Jixing, so that he can see through the world of mortals quickly.

Cough cough, Comrade Feng Jixing, I'm just making an analogy, don't be angry.

From then on, 0047 and she basically rolled their eyes at Du Xi.I really don't want to admit that they are all the hosts of the fast travel game, it's really embarrassing.

So Cheng Shuyao found sadly that Du Xi, who knew each other well, was too stupid.But Xue Li, the master, has not discovered the existence of her system (because 0047 has been in a very vigilant and hidden state, except that Du Xi collected data during the touch process, thus exposing herself, Xue Li has never had the opportunity to directly contact Cheng Shuyao).

It was thought that there was a big fight, and one opponent didn't play cards according to common sense, and the other's target was not her.Cheng Shuyao also expressed that she was very upset, forget it, and make a fortune in a silent voice.

She followed Huo Yong to the waiting room, and she saw that her performance costume was cut to pieces.

Today is the first TV show performance of their ZERO, so the company also attaches great importance to it.In order to promote the new album, they let the four of them directly wear the clothes in the album.

The album shape of the four is carefully crafted.Uniform is purely hand-made, although it is a rock punk style clothes, but it is designed by a designer, which is luxurious, beautiful and rebellious.

Ordinary people can't control these clothes, and if they don't wear them well, they will become non-mainstream killers.Fortunately, ZERO all have outstanding temperament, and they all have small faces and long legs with eight heads, so they can hold this suit without any pressure.

Especially Cheng Shuyao, she was wearing a black fluffy gauze dress, a bit like her wedding dress at that time, but more bold and weird.The skirt was fluffy, like a blooming black dahlia, and the skirt was exaggerated to a full three meters long.One of the inside pages of the album is that she is wearing this exaggerated skirt, standing in the sea, and the three-meter-long skirt tail is taken away by the sea water and scattered on the sea surface full of tension.

This scene was photographed just before sunrise, as if she was the dark mermaid princess born from the bubble, stubborn, lonely and tenacious.

The photographer who took photos for their album at that time was shocked and praised her full of praise.Visible effect is great!
In order to go on stage today, the three-meter skirt was naturally removed, but even so, Cheng Shuyao's full dress still made people's eyes shine.When she opens her mouth to sing, everyone will understand that she is indeed the mermaid princess.

That's what Lu Zhengyan thought, so now he looked at the broken skirt with a gloomy expression.

The clothes of the four of them have a set of styles. If Cheng Shuyao's skirt can no longer be worn, they may have to give up this set of styles.After all, for them, the harmony of the band is higher than their own limelight.

But Cheng Shuyao waved her hand, signaling that they don't need it, saying that she has a way to solve it.

"Really???" Huo Yong was happy and worried when he heard it, whether she could solve it.

Cheng Shuyao called Aunt Wang at home and asked her to fetch one of her boxes.She thought regretfully in her heart, it seems that Feng Jixing's gift has to be changed, she is ashamed of taking so long to choose!

But I didn't expect that the person who brought the things was Feng Jixing.

"Are you free?" Looking at Feng Jixing's serious face, she muttered.

"I have time to serve my family's leader at any time." Feng Jixing also answered her solemnly, making Cheng Shuyao laugh, and she punched her coquettishly.

Then she took the box to change clothes, and when she appeared again, all eyes were on her again.Feng Jixing felt that he was about to hit someone.

"This is too explosive..." Zong Liguang stammered.

I saw Cheng Shuyao wearing a tight black leather dress, extremely sexy and provocative.The deep V neckline made the two balls of snow-white very attractive, and the waist tightly strangled the slender waist, and the slender and straight legs were wearing a pair of over-the-knee boots with a heel of 10cm.

She was holding a leather whip in her hand, and a military cap was playfully slanted on her head, and her curly hair was draped around her body.
She came in style.Her hair, chest, waist, and legs all exude a charming atmosphere with her movements.

She joyfully pointed at Zong Liguang with a whip, and said, "Look! Is it the same style as the three of them?"

Zong Liguang woke up from this glamorous shock, looked left and right, and gave Cheng Shuyao a thumbs up.

"Excellent!" He was still worried about how to find matching clothes temporarily, but he didn't expect Cheng Shuyao to do it directly, and the effect was so good.In this world of beauty, he already had a premonition that after tonight, someone would be crazy about her.

"You want to wear this recording!" Feng Jixing still didn't understand something, and said through gritted teeth, "I don't agree!" While speaking, he took off his coat and put it on her.

"Hey! Why! Am I not dressed well?" The girl asked with a smile, must be jealous, Feng Jixing, hum!

"Change it! Otherwise, don't record it!" Feng Jixing laughed angrily. It seems that it is really impossible not to teach someone a lesson tonight.

"I won't!" The girl put her hands on her chest savagely, as if refusing to cooperate.

And the other ZERO members who have been acting as melon eaters on the side also agreed with what Feng Jixing said.

Cheng Shuyao saw that even her teammates didn't help her, and felt that her face was being cut, so she refused to listen.In the end, Feng Jixing used strong methods, picked up the person and left.

The four of them looked at each other indoors, Huang Libin coughed and said, "I think Mr. Feng did the right thing."

"Well! I won't let Xiao Xing dress like this to show other men!" Huo Yong clenched his fists to show his understanding.

Lu Zhengyan also nodded silently.

Zong Liguang took a look at them, and silently slandered in his heart, feelings are nothing to him?
 Is there a trace of policewoman PLAY in the next chapter?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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