Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 102 Marriage between the domineering president and the gossip queen (6)

Chapter 102 Marriage between the domineering president and the gossip queen (6)

Seeing Feng Jixing frowning forbearance, Cheng Shuyao, who was being held by him, couldn't help feeling secretly happy.To be honest, after watching the plot with the original body's feelings, she couldn't help feeling angry with the person beside her.

Since you are still thinking about your first love in your heart, why should you pretend to agree to marry her and just have a good talk with Mr. Feng?The old man is such a reasonable person, how can he force him after understanding his thoughts?But he chose an almost stupid way to express his dissatisfaction, and even scared Mr. Feng. What was he trying to do?

the most important is!In the end, she didn't fall in love with someone else. Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in her eyes.Since Feng Jixing was her target this time, he had to fall in love with her and had no choice. As for those stumbling blocks on the road, she would naturally have her own way to clean them up.

Cheng Shuyao, who had made up her mind, was in a better mood, and a bright smile bloomed on her delicate face. At this moment, people couldn't help but believe that she was the heroine of today's wedding.

Feng Jixing also noticed her change, glanced at her, remembered in a deep and steady voice, and said coldly, "Here we are."

Turning around a gorgeous porch, she saw Mr. Feng sitting on the sofa with a kind smile on his face, so she directly shook off Feng Jixing's hand, walked up to the old man, and called out sweetly: "Grandpa!"

Hearing the girl's voice, Mr. Feng was overjoyed. He had told Cheng Shuyao before that he was going to be a family soon, so he just called him "Grandpa". .So when she opened her mouth, she coaxed the old man to smile.

And the four members of the Cheng family who had been behind them also hurried forward to say hello to this industry leader.Cheng Shuyao watched coldly, and had to say that Mu Chunchun was quite good at teaching her two children, at least at the moment they looked generous, polite, cute and well-behaved.

After a group of people greeted each other, the old man took her hand and said to her: "You and Ji Xing said that the wedding should be low-key, so our family only invited relatives and friends, just over 50 people. I also mentioned it to them. I won't let them talk about it. Since Shuyao you like to form a band, grandpa supports you and won't hold you back."

Cheng Shuyao was very moved. In fact, she doesn't have to start any band now, but she doesn't refuse the old man's kindness to her, and replied with a smile: "Thank you, Grandpa."

The old man smiled, and then said to her: "Your brother and sister-in-law are busy at the back, and I will come to see you later."

Feng Jixing's eldest brother and sister-in-law are Feng Jiyun and Bai Yiqiao respectively. They are well-matched and were matched by the old man at the time. They are now in a good relationship.

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!" I saw a pair of Bi people walked into the room, the man was handsome and majestic, and the woman was beautiful and intelligent.The two first called the old man cordially, and then Bai Yiqiao warmly held Cheng Shuyao, with a sincere smile on her face, and said, "Shuyao, you are so beautiful today."

In fact, Bai Yiqiao was not sure, and she was a little surprised by such a weird wedding dress, but she kept in mind what her grandfather taught her! ! !That is, you must smooth over Cheng Shuyao and don't go against her, otherwise she will easily explode.She summed it up, this was just like the cat she raised, they were both tsundere!Be sure to hold it.

Of course Cheng Shuyao didn't know that her sister-in-law regarded her as a proud cat in her heart, following the original owner's character, she said happily: "Well, sister-in-law has a good eye!"

Bai Yiqiao affirmed her policy even more in her heart, yes, it will be like this from now on!
Feng Jiyun was one of the few people who knew what his brother was thinking. He had tried to persuade him before, but Feng Jixing had always been thoughtful and stubborn since he was a child. After the persuasion failed, he could only sigh.

Feng Jiyun saw that the time was about the same, so he said, "Grandpa, Ji Xing, siblings, the preparations are almost done."

"Yes, yes, you see I forget about it as soon as we chat. Cheng Ting, come on, let me take you to a seat. Don't just stand here."

With that said, Mr. Feng took the Cheng family to the wedding scene first.And Feng Jiyun also went to ask the priest, and Bai Yiqiao directed the servants.Only the two protagonists today sat on the sofa bored, waiting for the wedding to start.

Bai Yiqiao hadn't noticed it just now, but now she took a quick look, why her in-laws had left, then who would lead Cheng Shuyao into the arena, she told Cheng Shuyao.

Cheng Shuyao waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I'll go by myself, I didn't let my father take me with me." Whoever wants that scumbag to lead her into the marriage hall is not auspicious.

Bai Yiqiao secretly observed the expressions of the younger siblings, and probably guessed that she and her father were at odds, so she didn't say anything, but told her about the upcoming arrangements.

At this time, a few servants came and invited Feng Jixing away first, as if to say that the priest was ready.Then a servant came up with a tray. On it was a bouquet of black flowers. Strictly speaking, it was not pure black, but dark purple. It was mainly made of black roses, black peonies and black irises. It is also decorated with small black pearls, which is luxurious and beautiful.

Cheng Shuyao happily picked up the bouquet, which was the style the original owner liked.

Bai Yiqiao also whispered in her ear mysteriously: "It looks good, Ji Xing said that you like this style of bouquet, and it took a lot of effort to get it. You only used three kinds of flowers, but Each of them is airlifted from different countries, after all, it's not easy to get them together in this season." After speaking, she winked at her.

Cheng Shuyao felt that her sister-in-law was really cute, so she showed her a bright smile and accepted her love.

That's right, Feng Jixing still has a sense of responsibility. Since he decided to marry her, he should give her enough respect and good treatment, even if he doesn't love him.Just like this bouquet of flowers and the skirt and shoes on her body.

Bai Yiqiao was a little dizzy from the girl's beautiful smile, her younger brother and sister look so good!

Then she remembered the task assigned to her by her husband and continued to whisper to the girl: "Shu Yao, don't worry, Ji Xing is not gay. He has had girlfriends before, but he is not very keen on emotional things. Don't Believe the rumors outside."

She believed this herself, because she had seen a picture of a girl in Feng Jixing's study.

Cheng Shuyao also showed a meaningful smile and said, "Yes."

The wedding started, and she walked out alone, without a bridesmaid or relatives, like a lonely warrior, and like a proud swan.

Feng Jixing stood in front of the red carpet and waited for her. When she appeared, the live band also played music, which sounded quite warm.

And the guests at the scene, although they were puzzled by her wedding dress, but for the sake of their usual noble demeanor, they still kept their smiling masks, and they began to feel that this boring wedding was starting to be interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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