In the beast world, I got rich and became the favorite of the group

Chapter 67 A Mixed Story (3000 words) (2 recommended tickets plus more)

Chapter 67 A Medley of Plots (3000 words) (Two recommended tickets plus more)
Lin Xixue, the lord of the castle here, carried a sack full of flour, followed by two bear males.

The orcs had never seen this kind of white flour powder before, so they hurriedly gathered around to look at it curiously.

"Use these flour and wild vegetables to mix together, you can make pancakes! You can also cook them in a pot and eat them directly!" She said loudly, confident in the flour she made by herself.

The city lord's eyes also shone with light. He grabbed a handful of flour and rubbed it in his hands.

The flour is a little yellowish, and the texture is relatively rough, and there are even finely broken shells mixed in, but it is fresh and surprising to the orcs.

If it can be produced on a large scale, it can even solve the long-standing famine problem!
"Let's make pancakes for you guys to eat. Those little brats will definitely like it." The city lord's partner accepted the flour and then took the two beast servants to light a fire.

Because of this bag of flour, the city lord was very generous with the supplies from the Barbarian Bear Tribe. He gave a total of 5 crystal cores and 10 bags of coarse salt blocks, which was twice as much as the Barbarian Bear Tribe received before.

Lin Xixue was overjoyed.

This is all thanks to her!She really is like the heroine in that kind of orc novel, and she will shine in this world in the end!
Just when Lin Xixue was immersed in complacency, something unexpected happened, and a piece of bad news broke all her illusions!
Countless orcs gathered in the city square. They looked angry and cursed loudly, "The Barbarian tribe is the arsonist of that fire, and they should be expelled from the city! Permanent expulsion!"

"Expel them! Can't be tolerated!!"

The orcs threw all kinds of stones at them.

They... how would they know? !

Who leaked it? !

All of a sudden, falling from heaven to hell, Lin Xixue and nearly a hundred members of the Barbarian tribe were expelled by the orcs in the city, and they were expelled permanently! !

What does it mean to be permanently expelled from the city?
It will never be possible to come to the city to exchange for the needed supplies, and this tribe will completely disintegrate within five years at most, and be eaten away by surrounding tribes.

Lin Xixue couldn't accept this ending. With tears in her eyes, she pitifully stretched out her hand to accuse the orcs, "What evidence do you have that we are arsonists? We don't admit to slander!"

Wronged as if she was the victim.

Lin Xixue originally wanted to encourage the orcs of the Barbarian Bear Tribe to argue with her. As long as they refused to admit it and couldn't find any evidence, the orcs had no reason to expel them.

But there was peace behind him.

It's strange, why don't these orcs from the Barbarian Bear Tribe speak for her?Lin Xixue was angry and angry.

She forgot that most of the orcs were simple in nature. At that time, they had touched their bottom line by setting fire to the forest under her order, and they all felt great guilt in their hearts, so they were naturally indifferent to her agitation.

"It's not good. After eating some pancakes, the cubs rolled on the ground with a stomach ache, as if they were going to die!" The city lord's partner ran over and grabbed the city lord's hand tightly, his eyes were red, and he was about to cry .

The city lord was furious, and the coercion of the sixth-rank tiger beast swept across the city. He stared at Lin Xixue, whose face was suddenly pale with red eyes, "Is this the flour you sent? If my cubs die, your barbarian tribe will also die." It ceases to exist!"

Lin Xixue's face was pale, and she fell to the ground, her lips trembling.

How, how could this happen?How could there be something wrong with her flour, someone must be setting her up! !

No matter how she quibbles, it is already a certain evil. After all, the Barbaric Bear Tribe has not escaped the end of being expelled by all the members of the Beast City.

And permanently block, cut off all trade.

Many veterinarians came in and out of the city lord's stone castle, and the city lord's partner burst into tears holding the weak cubs.

"Can I have a look at that bag of flour?" An Jin followed Chili over.

The city lord threw the bag of flour and the pancakes to the ground. He was so angry that his whole body was shaking, "I shouldn't trust that female, thinking it was a rare thing, but I didn't expect it to be poison!"

"It's not poisonous, don't worry, the cubs are fine."

An Jin grabbed a handful of yellowed flour from the animal bag, rubbed it with her hands, and made all the orcs look at her with her remarks, "Flour is indeed a good thing, but her flour is too rough. It has not shed its shell, and even contains some sand and gravel, so it must be difficult for the cubs to digest it."

An Jin suggested to the city lord who was covered in cold sweat, "Feed them some hot soup."

The cubs just had a stomachache caused by indigestion. After rolling on the ground for a long time, they all fell asleep from exhaustion.

After feeding a few bowls of hot soup, several cubs woke up one after another. They stretched out their furry paws and rubbed their big round eyes like grapes. short legs.


Hungry again, woo woo woo, why are my father and mother's eyes so red?
After all, they are orcs, and the cubs have relatively strong digestion ability, and they are alive and kicking after pulling the smelly smell.

Both the patriarch and his partner breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat off their faces, and looked gratefully at the slender and calm female.

Lin Xixue's bag of flour was thrown away by the city lord, how dare a small tribe use this semi-finished product to fool them? !
Fearing that this matter might affect the expectation value of flour in the hearts of orcs, An Jin hurriedly said, "Flour is really suitable for cubs, females, and old orcs. I also have flour here, and it can be eaten with confidence! "

The city lord's eyes lit up, and his voice was urgent, "Really?" Perhaps it was because of the calm and calm demeanor of the female that he had inexplicable trust in her.

"Well, give us three days, and our Luo Teng tribe will send us a portion of flour that we can safely eat!" An Jin's eyes flashed.

Back at the stone courtyard where she lived, she asked Ling Hong to find some large stones with the few orcs who were free.

The stones were ground into two oblate stones respectively, the stone grooves were punched out, and then the top and bottom pieces were combined with clean and strong wood. The lower holes were installed with wooden shafts, and the upper holes were grinded.

A simple primitive stone mill and you're done!
An Jin took out two bags of wheat from the space. After many generations of cultivation, the grains were big and plump again, the starch content was extremely high, and the hulls were all removed.

Because of her previous deeds in the tribe, the orcs did not doubt the origin of wheat.

They picked up two sacks of wheat neatly, poured them into the grinding eye in batches, and then took turns using primitive arm strength to pull the stone body on it to rotate in a circle.

I have to admit that the strength of the orcs is astonishing, and their work efficiency is also high. In less than half a day, they ground two large bags of wheat into fine white flour.

Pick up a handful of flour, white like snow, fine like water, smelling carefully, there is also a sun-dried plant aroma.

This is more than a little higher than the bag of flour from the Bear Tribe!

The city lord directly bought these two bags of flour at a high price of 20 crystal nuclei.

Made pancakes and fed them to the group of cubs. They gnawed with relish, and their fluffy faces were covered with pancake crumbs. After eating, they did not have any discomfort such as diarrhea.

[Random side mission (normal difficulty): conclude long-term trade with Beast City.

Time: one day

Condition: None
Reward: +15 gold coins]

An Jin just took advantage of this opportunity to propose a long-term trade, and the city owner was naturally happy, "In the future, if there is this kind of flour, we will collect all of it in Jushou City, and you can ask for as much as you want, so please don't sell it to other cities! "

An Jin was also overjoyed, "Good!" This means that with the support of Jushou City, the tribe's development will be faster.

In order to show his sincerity, the city lord specially sent 20 extra bags of salt.

"Submit the task."

[Ding—mission completed (long-term trade), reward gold coins +15, gold coin balance 0]

An Jin, "..."

Ganqing has just settled the account of Miyin last time.

The gold coins rewarded by this system are too stingy.

"By the way, little female cub, do you bring wild mint in your tribe, that kind of cool green leaves, ouch, my face is so hot from the sun..."

The city lord's companion mourned while touching his flushed face.

The sun in the animal world is too harsh, and these females with fragile and rough skin often suffer from skin diseases.

Red pimples, red thorns, or dry and cracked skin.

The wild mint unique to the animal world can relieve the symptoms.

An Jin thought for a while, "Our tribe doesn't bring wild mint, but I have made a medicine milk that can relieve skin quality before, and it is mixed with wild mint."

As she spoke, she took out a wooden box, opened it, filled it with half a box of milky white medicine, and handed it to the patriarch's partner.

Apply the liquid medicine to the burning skin on the face, and quickly sway it to cool it down, making people feel comfortable and want to moan.

After using it, the city owner's partner not only felt no pain in the face, but also the red rash that spread from the face to half of the neck faded a lot!

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the skin is much more delicate than before? !

An Jin's brows and eyes were curved, like an enthusiastic salesman, "This medicine adds some flower petals and wild mint, which can prevent those skin diseases caused by excessive sun exposure, and it is also very helpful in changing the skin texture..."

Outsiders may think that this little female is exaggerating, but after personally experiencing the queen's partner, they are shocked by this powerful effect.

Which female does not love beauty.

Not to mention, with her status, she has basically got rid of poverty and hunger, so she will pay more attention to her appearance and temperament.

She readily bought two doses of medicated milk with 5 crystal nuclei.

In one day, the Anjin and Luoteng tribes earned 25 crystal nuclei and 80 bags of salt, and the patriarch gave an additional 20 bags.

Compared with previous years, the income has directly increased by 5 times!
The system prompts that the favorability of the patriarch and his partner has also reached 40, and the friendliness can make ordinary requests.

An Jin thought of Mi Yin who had been waiting for her in the wild.

The snake still had such serious injuries.

I have to take him over to recuperate for a few days.

The city lord didn't agree with the stray beasts living in the city, but for An Jin's sake, he didn't refuse, but repeatedly asked solemnly, "Since you are the stray beast's partner, you must try to limit his behavior in the city, and at last Better not let him go out."

"Once he attacks the orcs or causes a large-scale panic among the orcs, we will expel him or even kill him!"

An Jin nodded heavily, "I believe he won't hurt anyone, and if he does cause damage, I will compensate for it!"

The city lord nodded in relief, and even more appreciated this responsible female. She really didn't come from an ordinary tribe.

The females in those big cities were all inferior to her.

After An Jin bid farewell to the city lord, she ran to the gate of the city alone, and the wind whizzed by, blowing her hair and slapping her face indiscriminately.

Don't wait for her to call.

There was a rustling sound in the woods, and the thick and long black and red python body first came into view, and then An Jin fell into a cold and firm embrace.

Miyin opened her strong arms and hugged the female tightly, her bright red lips gently brushed against her ears.

"Jin'er, I miss you so much..." He thought she had forgotten him and didn't want him anymore.

 3000 words, check in at five shifts, bring two recommendation tickets to add more updates, 300 daily recommendation tickets and 3000 total recommendation tickets.

  The second round of PK will begin tomorrow, and the basic 2 updates will be restored.

  Little cuties must be more active, you can vote for rewards and monthly ticket comments, data is really important.

  Bless Lianzi to be able to advance, if she advances, she will definitely add more! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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