In the beast world, I got rich and became the favorite of the group

Chapter 23 Exploration Coefficient + Female Seeking Trouble (2000 words)

Chapter 23 Exploration Coefficient + Female Seeking Trouble (2000 words)
"It's bio-oil. When boiled in soup, it will be particularly delicious and increase people's appetite."


There were so many new terms in An Jin's mouth, which made Xizhanger puzzled, his blue eyes were confused, "What is oil?"

How can this be explained?

It can't be said to be biological fat.

Xi's curiosity was aroused, and he broke the casserole to ask the bottom line. An Jin thought hard for a while, and reluctantly said, "There are many kinds of oil. The oil I mentioned just now is ordinary cooking oil. This kind of oil looks like golden water, but More viscous, not only not water, but insoluble in water..."

"If it falls on the surface of the water, it will float on the surface of the water incompatible, and the oil surface will reflect light of various colors under the refraction of sunlight..."

Xi's heart trembled, and she said pleasantly, "I seem to have seen it before."


"Ajin, wait a minute, I'll find it for you right away, and see if it's what you said!"

After speaking, the fish tail jumped, then dived into the water and disappeared.

Every time Xi looks for something, he has to go into the water to look for it. An Jin becomes more and more suspicious that he has secretly collected a treasure house in this river!
But after a while, ripples appeared on the water surface, and a slender blue figure jumped out of the water, and the beautiful blue tail of the fish shone charmingly under the faint sunlight.

But as soon as An Jin saw what was in his hand, his little face collapsed.

She thought Xi really brought her oil back.

When she saw the big coconut shell he was holding in his hand, she instantly felt like she had been cheated.

I saw Xi swam to the shore, placed the fruit shell on a smooth stone, and then used a sharp fingernail to lightly stroke the top 1/4 of the fruit shell, and a piece of shell was lifted off.

Looking up, the inside of the shell is actually filled with a golden yellow flowing liquid!

[Ding——Discover edible oil, exploration factor +1]

My God, it's really oil.

An Jin was greatly shocked, as expected, alien species could not be viewed with previous thinking.

She stepped forward and scooped up a small spoonful of it, and put it into her mouth. The taste of this oil is not quite similar to the heavily processed oil she used before, but it has a fresh and fruity aroma.

The oil content is not large, it does not look greasy, and it is just right for cooking and soup.

"Where did you get this oil and this fruit?" An Jin suppressed the ecstasy in her heart.

Oil, the biggest problem is solved, marking the official start of her food career!
"A fruit that grows on a tree."

Xi blinked, seeing the little female smiling, his mood also jumped up, and the beautiful eyebrows were tinged with a smile, "This fruit is often thrown into the river, and there are many at the bottom of the river. If Ah Jin still wants it If so, I can..."

After a pause, Xi's eyebrows were filled with worry, "However, many of them have already rotted. The one in your hand, Ah Jin, took me a long time to find, and finally found it to be quite complete."

"There is probably nothing good in the river. If Ah Jin wants it, he can only find its tree species."

"The tree species should be around here, and now is the time for it to bear fruit, but Xi knows too little about the plants on land, and he can't tell which one it is, so he can't help Ah Jin..."

The little shark poked his finger in self-blame, and secretly decided that in the future he would try to catch up on land knowledge.

Ah Jin finally asked him some things, but he failed to express himself well, it was such a failure.


After bidding farewell to Xi, An Jin turned her head and entered the space. Jing Jing was happy at first, but after seeing her face, she suddenly turned into a bitter face, "Master, we haven't seen each other for several days, why are you still like this?" Ugly?"

An Jin, "..."

If you can't speak, you should speak less.

"What's the matter with the exploration coefficient?"

Jingjing was refreshed and turned on the NPC explanation mode, "Because this world is an unknown territory for newcomers, so our system has launched a special unlocking task [Exploration Coefficient] in a very user-friendly way!"

"When the [Exploration Coefficient] accumulates to a certain value, you can start the lottery system."

"The way to obtain [Exploration Coefficient] comes from daily random triggers in life."

"Because the civilization in this world is too low, and the exploration index is also very low, most of the resources are unexploited."

"The development of the owner's discovery of unknown resources in the area will be included in the exploration coefficient. The greater the degree of development, the greater the exploration coefficient."

"If the master doesn't understand, explain it with the cooking oil just now!"

Jingjing looked at An Jin a little confused, and continued to make an analogy in a kind and attentive manner.

"This kind of oil fruit is just a kind of common tree fruit for the original people here, and it doesn't help their life substantially, so it belongs to the unexploited resources, and the discovery of the owner just changed this pattern, so the system A certain amount of [Exploration Coefficient] is hereby awarded~"

The small system cheered, "So, in order to get more rewards, the owner must work hard to unlock the duck, and Jingjing will always be with you!"


After An Jin came out of the space, he walked around the river a few times and found the oil fruit tree species.

The tree was too tall for her to reach. After picking up a few whole oil fruits on the ground, she hurried back to the tribe before dark.

The hunting team encountered some critical situations, and the return time is expected to be a few days late.

Two days have passed, and the food stock at home has bottomed out.

Although An Jin is not very popular with the tribe, she is still a female, and she still has the special benefits she deserves.

——Every once in a while, the food that can be stored in the tribal collar, the amount of food is judged by the number of male partners.

An Jin has no partner and can only receive food for one person.

There might not be much food, but it should be enough for Ling Hong to come back.

The chief gave her a wooden sign.

The wood is a very common material, engraved with a few beast characters, the totem is generally mysterious, and it is probably used as a sign.

According to memory, An Jin took the wooden sign and came to a big thatched hut in the center of the tribe. This big thatched hut is a room where the females of the tribe are kept in captivity.

Next to the big thatched hut is a thatched hut, which stores tribal food. An old orc named Ani lives and guards, and distributes food to the orcs who come to beg for food according to the wooden sign.

"Anyon Weng, are you there?" An Jin tried to call out.

As soon as the words fell, the rotten broken wooden door creaked, and a decayed old orc pushed the wooden door open.

The voice was hoarse and vicissitudes, "Are you here to fetch food? Come in with me."

The old man looked seven or eighty years old.

Of course, this is in the world of beasts, and it is not easy to guess age. After all, most beastmen only live for five to sixty years.

But the old orc in front of him was indeed very old.

Wrinkled and loose yellow-black skin, scattered age spots attached to the skin, weak and bent body, and the few sparse white hair left on the top of the head, like a piece of dead wood that is about to die.

The old orc looked kindly, and rubbed the "grass nest" on his head that hadn't been taken care of for many years. After seeing the person with his old and cloudy eyes, he sighed slightly, "Give me the wooden sign, and go in to get food." Bar."

An Jin nodded hurriedly, handed over the wooden sign, and followed the old man's footsteps into the thatched cottage.

This small thatched cottage looks small from the outside, but the space inside is unexpectedly spacious and bright.

The inside of the house is a little crude, with only a wooden bed and a few animal skins. Most of the space in the house is occupied by the tribe's grain storage.

This thatched hut is deliberately set up around the female's habitat, mainly for the convenience of females who cannot hunt.

Most of the food stored in the house is also allocated to the female and her partner.

The old orc gave An Jin some common wild boar meat and fresh fruits, as well as some dry wild vegetable balls.

Raw meat, fresh fruit and wild vegetable balls are all wrapped in a piece of animal skin, and the portion is not much, which is somewhat unsatisfactory.

However, the Beast World is inherently short of supplies. Every day, many orcs starve to death on the line of food and clothing. Being able to distribute more food shows that the ability of this tribe is still good.

An Jin picked up the food, but before she could go out, there was a sharp and piercing sound, and she was pushed hard.

Almost, wild fruits and pork were scattered on the ground.

"Hey, this is my food, put it down! Did you hear that!"

The female-specific shrill voice filled the eardrums, like thunder, and the head was buzzing, making people feel noisy and uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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