In the beast world, I got rich and became the favorite of the group

Chapter 186 Male Self-esteem + Traitor (2000 words)

Chapter 186 Male Self-esteem + Traitor (2000 words)
Zuo Zuo finally confessed successfully, and the high rock in Xi's heart finally came down, he could tell that Ah Jin liked him, and it was only a matter of time before they got married.

"Did something happen outside?"

Xi shook her head, took her hand, "I'll take you there to have a look."

When the two came outside the city, they saw all the mermaids in the city rushing out, surrounding a foreign orc densely.

"He is an orc from the land, he must have stolen our holy relic, let's catch him together!"

"Look at the black scales on his tail! He must be the thief! Take him to the priest and the king!"

Mi Yin came here following the impression of his partner's imprint. As soon as he arrived outside the city, he was surrounded by countless mermaids, blocking his way to find a partner.

He suddenly felt murderous, wanting to kill all these damned mermaids, the tail of the snake floating in the sea like kelp slowly tightened, and he was about to pick a direction to attack——

"Gun Yin!"

He froze slightly and looked up.

I saw a big hole in the originally dense crowd. Xi drove away the mermaids, while An Jin swam to him smoothly and hugged him.

"Are you injured? I've been waiting for you here, and you're finally here!" she said happily.

Bu Yin lowered her head, hugged Nephrite Wen Xiang tightly in her arms, just about to have a kiss of "Xiao Bie Sheng Newly Married", when her eyes suddenly fell on her bright red and slightly swollen lips.

His fingers froze suddenly.

Like... bitten by some sharp mouthparts?

Mi Yin's eyes fell heavily on Xi who was not far away, and the hands at the side were clenched, the snake's tail was stretched even tighter, and some dark thoughts of chopping fish came up in his heart.

Xi was trying to drive away these dense mermaid groups, but suddenly his back felt cold and he felt bad.

Before he could react, he was sent flying more than ten meters by the thick and long black and red snake tail.

If it weren't for the resistance of the water dragging him behind, he would have been pulled against the stone wall and vomited blood for three feet, causing damage both internally and externally.

"You—" An Jin only saw a black and red snake tail flashing in front of her eyes, she didn't have time to stop it, and the next second was Xi's cry of pain.

Gu Yin snorted coldly.

Xi wiped the corners of his mouth, and the blood floated away from the water. He said hard, "Ajin, please leave it alone!"

This is a struggle between males, and it is also about male dignity.

If he is not as skilled as others, he must endure the bullying of other males. This is a rule of nature.

If he had not confessed his love before, he could still cry and seek comfort from her as before, but now Xi just wanted to show his strong and masculine side in front of her.

An Jin looked left and right helplessly, and found that both pieces were her own flesh, and whichever one she preferred would make the other feel bad.

"Why do you want to stop us? Although you are His Highness, don't try to protect the land orc, he is a thief!"

The mermaids were unwilling to say, "He is from land, so powerful, and also good at water, he will definitely be able to quietly enter the secret realm and steal the holy thing!"

"And he also attacked you, he must have a guilty conscience and wanted to kill someone to silence him!"

An Jin took Mi Yin's hand, took out a black scale with the other hand, stepped forward and said to the runaway mermaids, "You can take a closer look, this black scale is different from the black scales on his body, no matter the color or luster There is a difference in shape and size.”

"This thief's black scales are thicker and harder, and the whole body is pitch black, while the black scales on Miyin's body tend to be black and red, and the blade is as thin as a knife, sharper and bigger."

"Master Yiyue actually gave you this scale?" The mermaids were shocked.

Isn't it because of Youxi's big back door?An Jin thought silently.

The furious mermaids calmed down one after another. They stepped forward one after another to make sure that what she said was true, so they let go of their vigilance.

"But he is a terrestrial snake beast? Why did he come to the deep sea? There is still a lot of suspicion!"

"He is my partner, and he came with me this time, because I encountered a sea beast two days ago, which delayed the trip."

An Jin turned around and stretched out his hand, slightly pushing back the long black hair hanging on Min Yin's chest, revealing half of his partner's mark, "Isn't this still enough to confirm his identity?"

"Well, since you are our honored guest, then your partner is also our honored guest."

Only then did the mermaids relax their vigilance.

After sending the three of them back to the city, Yi Yue heard about Min Yin's existence and quickly came over to take a look out of curiosity.

He saw the mark of the King Beast on the forehead of the Snake Beast, and the tail of the fish froze. Those mermaids were so ignorant that they still tried to attack the King Beast? !Fortunately, this snake beast did not intend to kill, otherwise they would have to reproduce and build a tribe again.

No wonder this little female said she would come to stop the shipwreck. Having such a king beast companion is indeed not just a boast.


Yiyue looked at her ineffective Yuzai, then at Miyin with a cold expression, and suddenly felt that her journey to become a couple was endless.


The high priest at the bottom of the sea ended his retreat, and Xi followed Yiyue and the other elders to listen in and came back in the afternoon.

In the largest palace in the center of the underwater city, prestigious mermaids gathered. An Jin and Gengyin, as respected land visitors, also got a seat to sit in the audience.

"According to the clues we found before, this thief has such black scales on his body, and he came from the Southwest Sea. I have already sent the mermaids to search, and I believe they will be back soon."

Yiyue continued, "According to the high priest's divination, a traitor has appeared among our mermaids!"

"No wonder, back then our ancestors deliberately placed the secret realm in such a hidden place, how could it be easily found by people of other races?"

"The priest said that the traitor was—"

Yiyue's patrolling gaze swept over the mermaids, and one of the purple-tailed mermaids lowered her eyes and retreated silently among the crowd.

The black and red snake tail suddenly rolled over the mermaid who wanted to escape, strangled his whole body, and then fell hard to the ground.

The mermaid suddenly vomited blood and lay motionless on the ground, as if dead.

"It's him." Gu Yin's thin lips parted slightly, his expression cold-blooded.

"Cole! How could it be him?"

"He's always quite honest and does a lot of work. He doesn't seem like someone who would betray us. Is there something wrong?"

The mermaids couldn't believe it.

Yiyue was also a little stunned. In fact, the priest didn't find an accurate suspect at all. He said that on purpose just now to test the reaction of the fish.

"Cole, what else do you have to say, who ordered you to do this?"

Cole, who was lying on the ground and dying, suddenly raised his head. His originally purple eyes turned black, and the whites and eyeballs were all strangely black, like a surging abyss.

"Ahhh——" he screamed sharply, the high-frequency sound waves shattered everyone's eardrums, and the originally slender and standard figure suddenly became burly and distorted like a beast.

Just as he was about to break through the door, Mi Yin's expression turned cold, and she fell to the ground almost instantly.

"I have lost my mind and become demonized." He said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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