In the beast world, I got rich and became the favorite of the group

Chapter 181 Preventive Measures + Prediction that Adding Water Is Difficult (4000 words)

Chapter 181 Preventive Measures + Prediction that Adding Water Is Difficult (4000 words)
"If this kind of thing happens again in the future, you don't have to do it here anymore. It's very cold, isn't it?" she said softly.

The orc didn't dare to look at her, his heart was nervously beating violently in his chest. For some reason, although her voice was still clear and clear, he was facing unspeakable tremendous pressure.

This kind of pressure seemed to be a natural desire to submit, which made him unconsciously obey her words.

"I promise, this will never happen again in the future..." the orc whispered, clenching his fingers nervously. Compared with hunting and smelting iron, this job is already very easy, and he doesn't want to give it up to others.

"Go around and call a few free orcs, and go to the warehouse to get some wood and repair the roof together."

"Yes!" He turned his head and ran to find someone.

Several strong orcs were quickly called and gathered together, waiting for her to give orders.

The sky is still covered with heavy snow, and the freezing temperature of dozens of degrees below zero makes the palms of people's hands cold. Every breath of hot breath that people exhale rises into thick white mist the moment it touches the air.

But the orcs did not dare to slack off at all, they carried the wood and climbed to the roof for repairs and reinforcements. The snowflakes fell on their hair and almost dyed it snow white, and the snowflakes that fell on their skin were quickly evaporated by the orcs' scalding body temperature.

Hum, hum.

They nailed planks into the broken roof, and in a few moments the leaking roof was repaired.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat~" The cows and sheep raised their round eyes to look at the roof when they heard the sound of thumping on the roof. Several cubs cried out in surprise and squeezed each other uncomfortably.

"Separate the bleating animals and mooing animals in the mixed breeding, and separate the males and females. The cubs live with their mothers. In this way, only 4 animal houses are needed, and the remaining animal houses are temporarily closed. .”

"Are there only four livestock houses left?" The orcs looked up at An Jin in surprise, and several of them jumped off the roof and walked towards her.

"There are only four rooms left, is it...too few?"

The orc looked at her cautiously, thought for a while, and said hesitantly, "In this way, seventy or eighty livestock will be crowded into one room. If there are too many, they are likely to fight."

"So I asked you to separate the moo beasts from the bleat beasts, and separate the male from the female, just to prevent them from fighting. As for why I want to increase the population density in the house, it is also to reduce the freezing to death of these animals quantity."

Increasing the number of cattle and sheep in the house can also increase the carbon dioxide content in the house, and carbon dioxide has a warming effect.

"When there was no cellar in the past, when it was cold in the cold season, would several of you gather together to keep warm?" An Jin woke everyone up with a few words, and they hurriedly distributed the cattle according to her instructions. Sheep.

After all the work was done, An Jin also felt that her whole body was cold from the cold, and nodded to them, "Okay, you can go to rest, but remember, the snow on the roof of the house will fall every once in a while. They must be dealt with in a timely manner, whether it is the house where you live or the livestock shed."

"Patriarch, please don't worry, remember this time, this kind of thing will never happen again..." Hearing what she meant, the orc in charge of the livestock house felt even more ashamed.

In front of everyone, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"Today's cold wave is more severe than in the past few years. You must take precautions against the cold. Also, remember to adjust the feed for the livestock on the livestock farm."

"Using hot water to prepare the feed, and adding some crushed corn and wheat to the original feed can increase their cold resistance. Well...that's all I can think of for the time being. I'll let you know when something happens. "

Fortunately, there is no universal paper in the world of beasts, and the serious expressions of the beastmen are almost written down in a small notebook.

An Jin wrapped the animal skin cloak around her body, opened the door and came into the house, she looked at the frozen lamb, then turned her head and said to the orcs behind her, "Kill the dead ones, Treat it as food reserves, don’t waste it.”


Walking back from the livestock farm, just passing by the open space next to the plantation, she inadvertently glanced at a dazzling emerald green from the corner of her eye, and stopped suddenly.

The cold and low temperature of tens of degrees below zero is no longer suitable for the survival of most plants. The withered land is covered with thick ice and snow, but this overlord flower is still growing vigorously in the cage.

What a tenacious life.

Speaking of this overlord flower, she felt a headache.

It is obviously a plant, but it is like a rooted animal, it bites anyone it sees, and it has to be locked in an iron cage as a last resort.

An Jin just lifted his foot and wanted to walk away.

Suddenly there was a faint "hum" in the air, and the smoke drifted away with the biting cold air, as if it was an illusion.

Her steps suddenly stopped again.

If she heard correctly just now——

"Jingjing, can you find out what kind of overlord flower this is? Why do I feel a little perverted? There should be no ghosts in this world, right?"

[Sheng Guhua, in addition to these three characters in the system description, there are also some basic introductions that you all know, there will be no more. 】Jing Jing comforted her and said, 【We are traveling through a beastman world and not a horror world, so how could there be ghosts? 】


An Jin comforted herself that it was an illusion, but she had already walked in front of the iron cage, she tightened the fine velvet cloak she was wearing, and squatted down.

When I got closer, I realized that although Dabawanghua looked vibrant, the flowers and leaves were hanging down, looking wilted.

A little... pathetic?
This thought flashed through her mind, and her heart felt inexplicably sad. She subconsciously said, "Are you bored?"

As soon as she said this, An Jin bit her tongue. She felt so stupid that she tried to talk to a flower?

However, what she didn't expect was that this flower actually shook its branches and leaves, and she held it with her fingers exposed in the air. There was obviously no wind just now?

The curiosity in my heart was suddenly aroused. This world is so magical, it shouldn't be surprising to have another intelligent flower, right?

"Well, I can't bear to throw you in the ice and snow like this, how about this, let me find you a comfortable place to live again?"

The little flower swayed happily.

Just as her hand was about to go through the iron cage to touch it, a bloody mouth was caught off guard. Fortunately, she stopped quickly, otherwise the hand would be gone.

An Jin, "..."

Overlord Flower, "..." instinctively reacted to eating, and couldn't hold back.

"If you dare to bite me again, I'll throw you in this place, and I won't care about you anymore, and I won't feed you any more." She threatened lightly. For some reason, she firmly believed that this flower could understand she talks.

The clown flower swayed slightly again.

With the lessons learned, An Jin picked up a dead tree trunk on the ground, poked it, and did not dare to reach out to touch it until it was not attacked.

Touched by the female's soft hands, its body suddenly trembled slightly, and its branches and leaves hung down softly.

An Jin because it was really frozen, you see, it started to tremble from the cold.

She quickly recruited a few orcs from nearby to dig it out and find a place to plant it.

"I have never seen such a deep foundation, and it extends so widely! It is deeper than the roots of a big tree that has been growing for hundreds of years!" The orcs took shovels and dug three feet into the ground, but they still couldn't completely remove it. The roots of the flowers were dug out.

Because An Jin wants to protect the integrity of this flower, once the root system is lost, it may die when replanted. Of course, the most important thing is that this flower already has wisdom in her heart, and she can't bear to let the clown flower die. Arms and legs.

It took a long time for several strong orcs to finally dig it out, and sent it to Chili according to An Jin's order.

Raw bone flower is full of treasures all over its body, a sacred product in medicine, especially the fruit it bears has the miraculous effect of resurrecting the dead. Of course, it is called the legendary beast god fruit by the orcs.

Therefore, Chili, who is a witch doctor, has always been interested in it. I believe that if you send the clown flower to him, he will take good care of it.


An Jin has not been sleeping soundly for the past few days.

In her sleep, she was standing on the edge of the sea, the air was extremely dull, the sky was oppressive like night, thick dark clouds surging like tides seemed to be pressing on top of her head, and the howling cold wind messed up her hair.

The endless black sea was choppy, and there seemed to be countless terrifying giant beasts roaring and galloping under the seabed.

The overwhelming waves were tens of meters high, rushing towards her like a roaring mad beast, and instantly drowned her and the surrounding tribes together.

In her sleep, it was as if an arm was pinching her neck, suffocating her so that she couldn't breathe, it felt like she was really drowning.

"Huh..." She opened her eyes suddenly, and put her hand on her neck, the quilt behind her was already soaked.

Why did she suddenly have such a nightmare?

But that feeling of horror to reality is not like a simple nightmare.

Chi Li once told her that spiritual power can be connected with the fate of this continent and the will left by the beast god, producing magical abilities similar to "divination".

This is why the orcs respect the high priests and the like so much.

If she thought his words were a bit exaggerated at the time, at this moment, she couldn't help but think about it.

"Xi, can you contact your people in the sea? See if any major incidents have happened in the sea recently?" She remembered that he said before that the sea has not been peaceful in the past few years, otherwise Shari and those aquatic orcs would also There is no rush to settle down on land.

The little shark blinked, and saw her serious expression, so he didn't have time to ask more questions, and quickly established a sound wave connection with the tribe.

After a while, his face was pale, and he looked at An Jin weakly, "Ah Jin, you..." He moved his lips and lowered his head, "How could this be? Those sea beasts have gone crazy again..."

"This time, they not only turned the world upside down in the sea, but even rushed onto the land with waves, intending to submerge the land..."

"Father Beast said that this is an unprecedented shipwreck. According to the divination by the priests in the clan, they will flood most of the land in less than a month—"

"The priest predicted that it won't be a month, no! At most half a month—storms and waves will sweep across the continent at the same time, submerging everything, and the tsunami will wash away everyone, and many orcs will disappear by then..."

"Shipwreck..." An Jin lowered her head in thought, but she didn't expect the situation to be as serious as in her dream.

She took out the map she had made before and put it flat on the table, and used carbon strips to connect the sea area with the two cities. Drowning..."

"Although Sheng'an City is far away from the sea and has the advantage of high terrain, the scope of this shipwreck is too large. Even if the city survives, the dozens of acres of fertile land will definitely be destroyed..."

And the small tribes around them don't even need to think about it.

For convenience, most of them built their tribes in flat depressions. Once a shipwreck happened, these small tribes closest to the sea and with the lowest terrain would be washed into the sea in an instant.

—— Another cold wave, another city invasion, another shipwreck... This year's cold season is destined to be even more difficult.

Originally, she still hated being bored, but she didn't expect so many things to come up suddenly, and each one became more serious.

In the afternoon of the same day, An Jin issued orders to the surrounding area, and gathered all the orcs in the city and the orc chiefs of the surrounding tribes in the tribal square to discuss how to solve the following shipwreck.

The leader of the Wild Lion Tribe was shocked, "How could a shipwreck happen? And it's still the cold season." He had always been a straight-tempered man and expressed his doubts directly. Such a strange thing had never happened before.

"It never happened, but it doesn't mean it won't happen." An Jin frowned, looked past the crowd and looked directly at him, with an inexplicable sense of oppression, "The shipwreck and cold wave are the most terrible, that's why I summoned all of you together. Come, let's discuss how to deal with this matter."

"Then, what should we do then?" They have nothing to do.

Usually, an ordinary shipwreck and cold wave would cause them to lose many orcs. Now that the two be buffs are superimposed, isn't this the rhythm of genocide? !
Almost everyone turned their attention to her. Facing the worried or hopeful gazes of thousands of orcs, An Jin thought for a while and said firmly, "Under natural disasters, our power is too small, and it may be difficult to deal with it." To deal with it, but as long as there is the slightest chance, we must try our best to reduce casualties."

The orcs understood what she meant, and their hearts were filled with sorrow. It was too difficult to protect the whole tribe under the irreversible natural disaster.

We can only take one step at a time to minimize casualties.

"What plans do you have next, please tell me, we will all follow your orders."

After she got the answer she wanted, An Jin looked around the crowd, and then said quietly, "The shipwreck is indeed terrible, but it is not irreversible. As long as everyone is united, we will be able to survive this disaster with minimal casualties."

"I need everyone to unite. Every tribe sends flying orcs to patrol the surrounding coastline and pay close attention to the movement of the sea."

"We need to take preventive measures. Starting today, we will send orcs to find high ground, dig caves, and move the weaker females, cubs, and old orcs there in advance!"

"and also……"

She will plan to deploy step by step, and most of the tribes have no objection and are willing to hand over the labor force of their own tribes.

The originally cold and quiet winter has once again entered the stage of the war of resistance in full swing.

In the wooden house, seeing her packing up her things, Mi Yin couldn't help holding her hand, "Jin'er——"

(End of this chapter)

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