In the beast world, I got rich and became the favorite of the group

Chapter 17 Don't worry, I'll fix him

Chapter 17 Don't worry, I'll fix him
After cleaning the stone bowl, on the way back, An Jin accidentally cut the sole of his foot with a sharp stone, causing a little bleeding.

Looks like it's time to make a pair of shoes.

She planned secretly.

The forest is full of dirt and gravel roads, all kinds of small gravel and bugs, and she is not a male orc with thick skin, so it is indeed a bit dangerous to walk barefoot.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were many dead logs around me.

The place I passed by was humid, and there were many rotten logs on the ground. Perhaps because of the heavy rain just two days ago, many fungi grew on these rotten logs with sufficient water.

There are several kinds of mushrooms and black fungus that she has seen.

With the help of the system, she successfully discarded the brightly colored and poisonous fungi, and selected fungi that could be used normally, and then put them in the stone bowl.

Seeing the "delicious food" everywhere, An Jin stretched out her magic claws until the stone bowl was full, and she was reluctant to let go and wanted to grab some more.

She came to the tree and sorted out the fungi she had picked.

There are quite a lot of varieties, and the plants in the two worlds are basically the same. She can tell that there are shiitake mushrooms, fungus, straw mushrooms, enoki mushrooms and so on.

There are also some uncommon ones, whose names I can't name, but I feel that the soup tastes good.

Looking at these fungi, An Jin couldn't restrain her saliva, and at the same time another bold idea took shape in her mind——

There are so many plants growing on this land with luxuriant branches and leaves. It can be seen that the soil is relatively fertile and very suitable for growing crops.

And close to the water source, it is convenient to fetch water and use water.

Last but not least, this place is not far from their tribe, and it doesn't take long to run around, which is very convenient.

The main mission of the system is to cultivate an acre of fertile land, and this place is a good choice.


With a plan in mind, An Jin returned to the stone house with a lot of thoughts. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a big silver wolf 4 or 5 meters long, raising his paws and clicking rhythmically against a big black stone. Grinding.

The claws became sharper and sharper, like a murderous weapon, a sharp cold light reflected directly into her pupils.

An Jin was so startled that he almost dropped the stone bowl.

"...Ling Hong?"

The silver wolf turned her head when she heard the sound, and she breathed a sigh of relief, almost thinking that the beast had broken into her house.

"What are you doing? Grinding your claws?"

An Jin closed the door, and the sight in the room darkened a few degrees.

As she walked into the room, she frowned and looked back at Ling Hong in confusion. After placing the stone bowl on the table, she took a sip of water to moisten her throat.

Ling Hong hummed lightly, did not raise his head, and continued to sharpen his claws intently, "My injury has healed, and I can participate in the tribe's hunting tomorrow."

Ling Hong is the strongest warrior in the tribe and the leader of the hunting team of this tribe. In the past few days after being injured, the hunting team has no one to take the lead, and the prey caught has dropped a lot in terms of both quantity and quality.

It doesn't matter if the males are hungry for a few days, but there are only more than 20 females in the tribe who have been spoiled and raised for a long time.

Ling Hong must set off tomorrow to bring back enough prey for the tribe.

An Jin nodded. Thinking that he would leave tomorrow and have to live in the difficult wilderness for many days, he took the initiative to take care of tonight's dinner.

"You worked so hard, let me cook tonight, and you have a good night's rest."

The female squinted her black eyes and showed her small teeth when she smiled. Ling Hong felt dazed, feeling a little hot for no reason.

In fact, he was a little ashamed in his heart, and An Jin's service these past few days made him feel a little ashamed.

Although he was injured because of her, because the females in this world are very precious and delicate, it is an honor for a male to be injured for them, which means that this male has the ability to save her...

The corners of Ling Hong's lips twitched slightly as if he wanted to say something, but the delicious food she made last time seemed to flow between his lips and teeth, which made him shut up immediately.

After the baptism of the last meal, Ling Hong deeply felt how unpalatable the meal he cooked, and he missed her delicious food very much.

How to do?
He seemed a little, inseparable from her.


Females in this world are very precious and rare, so all females in this world who have a partner will be spoiled "lawless" by their partner.

There is nothing to eat at home, and the male goes out to hunt.

The female is hungry and the male starts to make a fire to cook.

The females ran out of clothes, and the males began to sew clothes with animal bones.

If the house is dirty, the male will clean it spontaneously.

Although it is doting, it is also over-indulging. Most females in this world are pampered and lazy. Even if there are males who are injured because of them, they take it for granted.

Ling Hong has grown up and suffered many injuries, and he has also rescued some tribal females who were captured by stray beasts, but... this is the first time that a female beast has been cared for by a female for so long because of his injuries...

It would have been a shame.

But he couldn't control it and had other greedy thoughts in his heart.

Ling Hong has an advantage, that is, he is absolutely obedient. Earlier An Jin said that marinated meat can prevent food from rotting, and on the second day, there was some more salted meat at home.

An Jin took out the bacon and chopped it into pieces, then processed the picked fungi and put them in several stone bowls.

Then the fish is cleaned up, the black film in the fish belly is removed, the gills of the fish are also cleaned, and the scales around the gills are also removed.

After being busy for a while, the raw materials are almost ready.

It's a pity that there are no such good condiments as oil, garlic and onion, but after sprinkling with salt, the effect is also acceptable. Although it can only be regarded as mediocre in her eyes, it can be said to be delicious in the world in Ling Hong's eyes.

After dinner, Ling Hong turned into a wolf with satisfaction and lay lazily on the haystack for the last night of cultivation and adjustment.

Just when An Jin was about to rest, he suddenly opened his eyes, the wolf eyes flashing with coldness, "Manduo will also go hunting tomorrow."

"A lot?"

"It's the male who hurt you last time."

An Jin's body trembled, his eyes widened, and his fingertips felt cold unconsciously.

Ling Hong looked at the little female's pale face for a moment, and a fleeting sharpness and distress flashed in the wolf's eyes, but he didn't say much. The one-meter-long big wolf shook its tail, as if it had inadvertently pounced on her. on the legs.

Surprisingly soft and warm.

His cold and deep voice softened slightly, "Don't worry, I'll take care of him."

She hummed.


As a professional householder who stays up all night, An Jin originally wanted to stay up all night designing a reclamation plan, and repair a leather shoe for herself by the way.

But it is a pity that the beast world has not yet invented such advanced gadgets as light bulbs. Facing the dim night and the darkness in the house, An Jin can only sleep holding the wolf's tail.

Well, this tail is so soft, she secretly hugged Rua while Ling Hong was asleep.

In the middle of the night, the dark green wolf pupils opened in surprise, its body tensed up, and it raised its silvery-white wolf head in horror, looking at the little female who was holding its tail between her legs and still holding her tightly, and said something in her throat. An unbearable growl.

What sleeping position is this?
He wanted to pull out the tail, but he couldn't pull it out, and the sleeping female subconsciously rubbed her legs between her legs.

"..." The wolf's body tensed up even more, not daring to move.

After staying up late at night, he was really sleepy, so Ling Hong lay down on the haystack again and let the female hug him and slowly fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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