In the beast world, I got rich and became the favorite of the group

Chapter 158 I Like Your Cloth + He Has a Companion (2000 words)

Chapter 158 I Like Your Cloth + He Has a Companion (2000 words)
"Who is the lord of your city?"

Ze Sheng's elder-like eyes also fell on Ling Hong and Song Yi gently. These two cubs who have just grown up have potential, so they should be the city lords, right?

Although they didn't know that they were described as "cubs" in other people's minds, Ling Hong and Song Yi shook their heads.

"The old city owner is dead, and the new city owner has not yet been elected. The orcs in the city are very happy to let her be the new city owner."

Chili, who was standing beside Zesheng, immediately pushed An Jin out.

"...I'm not the lord of Jushou City. I'm from Sheng'an City, and I brought my clansmen to help rebuild this city." Using her as a shield is really immoral, and An Jin can't wait to catch Chili's ear.

"Sheng'an City?"

Ze Sheng's gentle and calm eyes were rarely surprised. He scrutinized the little female who was accidentally rescued in front of him, paused, and then smiled lightly, "I know this city."

"This city sells very soft and light clothing. The clothing I wear comes from this city. I like it very much."

No wonder, An Jin thought that other urban tribes had also invented fabrics and clothes, but she didn't expect that the carefully woven fabrics spread to other farther regions without her knowing.

It's an amazing feeling.

An Jin suddenly felt a great sense of pride in his heart.

The clothes on the silver-haired man should be woven with cloth and silk.

Xi once said that most of the shark yarn produced by their sharks is for their partners, and the other part of the shark yarn will be used to sell and exchange for precious materials.

But the price of Samesha is too expensive, and ordinary orcs cannot afford it.

What is the identity of this silver-haired man?

"Ze Sheng, the unicorn king, one of the four natural beast kings."

Jingjing was finally reliable for a while, and began to popularize it to An Jin, "The beast king is an existence whose probability of meeting is equal to 0. I thought you would never meet in this life, so I never told you, dear master."

"The Beastmaster is the most powerful existence in this continent. The ranks of the beastmen are very strict, and they are usually divided into ranks 1-9."

"Most orcs can only stay at around the third level in their entire lives. Orcs with better talents have a chance to rise to the fifth or sixth level in their entire lives. Like Ling Hong and the others you met before, they can break through when they are young. Become a high orc."

"But even if they want to be promoted to King Beast, their chances are very slim, unless they are born with a strong bloodline or have a bloodline mutation due to some chance."

"And this Zesheng is the most special existence among the beast kings—the natural king beast."

"There are only four natural king beasts in this continent. They are half-kings who are superior to high-level orcs when they are born. They can break through to the strongest king beast level in adulthood."

"However, according to the legend, the natural king beasts who were endowed with powerful power by the beast gods are facing the crisis of bloodline severance. Compared with ordinary orcs with excellent reproductive ability, they can only raise one king beast offspring in their lifetime..."

Jing Jing talked a lot, but An Jin actually listened to it all, nodding and looking around.

Seeing that Chi Li and Ze Sheng seemed to be familiar with each other, they guessed that he was the orc that Chi Li had summoned before.

"I like the cloth produced by your city very much. Since you are the lord of the city, this is for you."

Ze Sheng handed her a golden purple conch, which was almost exactly the same as Chili's.

"Welcome to the Unicorn King City to exchange supplies."

[Ding——Achieving the plot [meeting with the superior]]

[Obtain the qualification to sell goods in the Unicorn King City, expand the influence of the city, and increase the sales channels]


"Aren't you planning to go back? He doesn't want you to continue wandering in other cities."

Ze Sheng looked at Chili helplessly, like a patient elder comforting a rebellious child who had run away from home.

"Are you sure he really wants me to go back?" Chi Li asked back.

Now Ze Sheng didn't speak.

Chi Li was expressionless, suppressing the turbulent emotions in his heart, and his voice was even more indifferent and alienated, "If he really wanted me to stay in Wangcheng, it would be impossible to expel me back then, and now I have a place to settle down."

"...Is this little female's city?"

Ze Sheng looked clearly at An Jin, who was acting as the background board, with gentleness in his eyes.

Raising his hand, he gently rubbed Chili's fox ears, "Well, you're not the little cub you were back then. With your own decision, I won't force you to go back, I just hope you live happily in other places... ..."

Before Chili could slap his hand off, he rubbed An Jin's head again, with a smile in his gentle voice, "Pretty little female, remember to take good care of this bad-tempered little fox, if you need help , let him tell me."

Chi Li's face immediately sank, "Ze Sheng!" He gritted his teeth.

This old guy always likes to touch other people's heads. How come he still hasn't changed?
Ling Hong jealously pulled An Jin to her side. She felt her partner's displeasure, so she shook his big hand back comfortingly.

After explaining, Ze Sheng said that monsters had also erupted in other places, so he politely refused everyone's persuasion, leaving the blood crystal behind and left first.

An Jin stared deeply at his receding figure, which gradually disappeared into a white spot, and unconsciously grabbed his chest with his hands.

My chest is so stuffy...

Damn, that's weird, what the hell is going on here?

"You won't fall in love with that old guy, will you?"

Chili asked her in a negative tone, "That guy has a partner, although..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

"It doesn't matter if you like any male, but you must not like him. He has a partner."

An Jin shook her head, closed her eyes and pondered, "How could I fall in love with someone I only met once? It's just that when I see him, my heart beats inexplicably fast."

She told the truth.

Chi Li was not surprised, "It is said that the power of the unicorn family is inherited from the power of the beast god, which will arouse the instinctive closeness of the orcs. This is normal, and it is difficult for both males and females to resist this attraction. "

An Jin nodded, that was the case, but it always felt that things were not that simple.

She always had an inexplicable familiarity with Ze Sheng, but judging by his appearance, it seemed that she didn't know her either?

Forget it, it might really be an illusion.


At this time, Ze Sheng, who flew high above the sky, looked at the land covered by clouds from a distance, pursed his lips, and his purple eyes turned a little confused.

With his hands on his chest, he hadn't seen that palpitation for a long time.

In the jungle of the Dark Mountains, after the rainstorm stopped, the ground was still covered with mud and puddles. The rainwater dripped from the broken leaves to the ground, and the water in the puddles rippled.

Ze Sheng was flying at a low altitude, looking around, with a gentle voice, "The beast hiding in the dark, why didn't you dare to show up?"

A large black shadow sprang out from the jungle and attacked him.

Ze Sheng solved it effortlessly, looked at the black-haired boy who appeared not far away, and his smile faded a little, "...that black unicorn cub that was abandoned in the dark forest?"

"You released these monsters?"

"Is that unbelievable? I know something more unbelievable."

The black-haired boy looked at the hypocritical and friendly silver-haired man, and smiled gently and mockingly, "Zes Sheng, the always gentle and kind king beast, killed his female partner with his own hands without telling everyone. You have hidden this matter so deeply. .”

The gentle smile on Ze Sheng's face completely disappeared, her thin lips were tightly pursed, and black clouds rolled in her eyes, "... Where did you hear about it?"

As if he had been touched by the bloody wound buried deep in his heart, a twisted and terrible aura emerged from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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