Chapter 102 Traitor? (3000 words)

Xi threw herself into An Jin's arms and cried with tears in her eyes, "A Jin, you have to teach that snake beast a lesson, he is so bad!"

The little shark was about to cry, his watery blue vertical pupils were pitiful and aggrieved, and the corners of his eyes were red and distressing.

"He wants to kill me and Brother Wolf Beast!"

"Even if we are bad and accidentally offended him, he still can't fight in front of you, Ah Jin!"

"He didn't even pay attention to you, Ah Jin!"

The little shark trembled slightly, the more he spoke, the more he felt wronged, the more he spoke, the more he choked up, and even hiccupped softly.

"You..." Ling Hong next to him looked at him hesitantly, opened his mouth, and looked strange.

He has never seen this fish so delicate.

I always felt that something was wrong, but after all, the two of them were on the same side, so Ling Hong finally shut up and acquiesced to the snake beast's heinous behavior to the two of them.

Xi Yue spoke more and more vigorously. He picked up two pieces of broken pottery on the ground, and sadly held them to An Jin, with a look of grief and indignation that shared honor and disgrace, "Look, Ah Jin, you took all the trouble to do it. Now It's all broken! It's all because of that snake beast!"

"..." An Jin rubbed the center of her brows, feeling tired all of a sudden, this scene inexplicably reminded her of "the concubines of the Emperor's Three Palaces and Six Courts all fighting for the wind", she was immediately embarrassed.

Must be an illusion.

"We'll talk about it when he comes back. Now hurry up and tidy up the house."

An Jin flicked Xia Xi's forehead, and every step she took, she kicked all kinds of bottles and cans. She was extremely distressed, and knelt down and began to ask the two to clean up together, "If you don't clean up the house, there will be no place to stay."

"...Okay." Seeing that Ah Jin was still facing the snake, Xi felt his heart go cold from being hit by the cold water for a moment.

The three of them cleaned up the house and finished eating. It was completely dark, but Min Yin still didn't come back.

For half a month, there was no news.

An Jin was not worried at all.

As a wandering beast, Mi Yin likes to wander freely and not to be restrained by nature. He usually likes to run out and disappear for two days, and even the strong ones rarely meet opponents.

"Chief, we have peeled off the cocoons and extracted the silk, and we can proceed to the next step!" Several orcs hurriedly ran into the room, and they also learned the word "cocoons" from ear to ear.

"Take me to the workshop."

An Jin nodded, filled with joy, got up and put down the half-woven bamboo basket in her hand, and followed the orcs to the crowded and hot workshop.

People have stripped the silkworm cocoons into slender and white silk threads, and they looked up at the confident and gentle female in front of them with burning eyes, waiting for her next instruction.

"Bang bang." An Jin clapped his hands and called the sweaty crowd over. "Thank you for your hard work. You have done a great job. You can get half more when the tribe distributes supplies next time."

People looked excited, moved and proud.

"This is what we should do. The females have been so active recently, and we males must work harder!" Someone stood up, giggled, and scratched his head.

An Jin then divided another group of hard-working orcs and asked them to go to the nearby mountains to cut down half a house of wood.

Threads alone are not enough. You need to use threads to weave cloth. Only after you have soft cloth can you further make clothes.

Um!The first loom in the beast world will start from her tribe!

The original wooden loom embodies thousands of years of Chinese culture and wisdom, and its construction is not difficult.

It's a pity that there is a specialization in art, and An Jin's past and present occupations are not here, so she doesn't have the knowledge to specialize in this area. It is really difficult for her to conjure a loom out of thin air.

Fortunately, after the system store was upgraded to the intermediate level, it included nearly thousands of blueprint materials for various tools, and a wide variety of products.

Among them is [Loom Design Blueprint], which sells for 403 gold coins.

[Ding—gold coin-403!Happy shopping!Welcome to your next shopping! 】

An Jin's account balance suddenly became single digits again.

My heart started to hurt again.

With the drawings, the physical production of the loom needs the assistance of precise measuring scales, otherwise the machine will fall to and fro, not to mention weaving, whether it can stand up is a problem.

An Jin bought a measuring ruler in the system mall, then found a clean wooden board, drew 10 equal parts on it with charcoal strips, and made several one-meter measuring rulers to distribute to the orcs.

She also introduced the concept of the measurement unit "meter" to the orcs, as well as the basic number concept of "0~10".

The orcs are also half-knowledgeable. After all, it is difficult for any ordinary person who is not smart enough to accept a concept of knowledge that has never existed before.

But anyway, they were serious enough to remember that a measuring board is "one meter", divided into 10 equal parts, a small part is "one meter smaller", and two small parts are "two meters smaller".

The measurement units and numerical concepts were unified, and the drawings and materials and tools were all ready. The next step was to make looms and mass-produce them in the tribal workshops day and night...

Creak ~ creak.

During this time, the tribe is filled with the sound of weaving day and night.

The work of weaving is cumbersome and simple, and most of it is undertaken by the females who are free at home. The females are also very happy, and suddenly feel that life is full of hope and meaning.

There are more meanings besides mating and raising children!

An Jin didn't expect the cloth to have any complicated patterns, it would be too troublesome, not to mention whether orcs could learn it, she would not be able to learn this exquisite skill that has been handed down through the ages for a few years or half a year.

As long as the fabric of the cloth is comfortable and soft enough, it is already a priceless treasure in the beast world where civilization is barren.

I dare not say that it will be promoted to the whole world of beasts, so that all orcs will accept this rare item, but An Jin can guarantee that those noble orcs will rush to buy it.

In just half a month, the orcs have already woven dozens of delicate cloths of different lengths, and the number is still increasing day by day.

An Jin also found a "Water Giant Insect Feeding Manual" in the system mall and bought it for a low price.

Open it up and take a look.

It also explains in detail that different feeds will cause the water giant worm to spit out silk threads of different colors and toughness. An Jin plans to try it out next year when he breeds a new generation of silkworm babies.

"Ajin, I have something to do, I don't know if I should say it..." Huni hesitated and leaned towards An Jin's side, her voice faltering and her face flushed red.

After getting along for a long time, she knew that Gu Ni had a pure personality, and she was not the kind of person who gossips behind others and speaks ill of others.

"What is it?"

An Jin put down what she was doing, and Kui Ni approached her more cautiously, and said in a low voice, "There is an orc named She Nuo in our tribe, do you have any impression of him?"

"I remember that the Luoteng tribe came here earlier." An Jin said.

She has a good memory, and she can remember the history of every orc in the tribe and the relationship between every household.

"That's right, it's him!"

Chong Ni stood up indignantly, her face flushed from suppressing it, but her voice was still lowered and very soft, "Isn't my Hei Xuan from the reconnaissance team? He has been seeing this She Nao these days, and he often sneaks around the tribe. of!"

"It's obviously not the hunting period, but he often runs out. That direction is the Roten tribe..."

Cunni didn't dare to say the rest, but An Jin already understood what she meant.

"In the past few days, I will ask a few orcs to pay more attention, and ask your family's Hei Xuan to lead a detective team to step up patrols." An Jin frowned.

"Yeah!" Hou Ni nodded in anticipation.

Coincidentally, the next day, An Jin was picking plants around the tribe to make feed for the next generation of silkworm babies, and a beastman happened to walk towards him.

Coincidentally, she almost thought he had been waiting here for a long time.

"Master An Jin, let me help you pick it together!"

The orc who walked towards him was young and handsome, and seemed to have a very sunny and cheerful personality. He had bronze tough guy skin and smooth and strong muscles all over his body.

The standard beast factory produces template males.

She commented silently in her heart.

The orc looked at An Jin with a blushing face, and scratched his head. His simple-minded appearance seemed to make him a little honest and loyal.

An Jin narrowed his eyes, then smiled again, and handed the basket to him, with a gentle and sweet smile on his lips, "I happen to be a little tired, so help me pick some plants. Thank you for your hard work. .”

What a coincidence.

She Nuo just delivered it to her door.

Seeing the female's beautiful smile, She Nai was slightly stunned, a trace of darkness flashed across her eyes, but she quickly returned to her honest and loyal appearance in just a short moment.

The two gathered a basket full of plants together until the sun set and the sky turned dusk.

She Nao escorted her back to the tribe.

"Master An Jin, you are so amazing! You can actually make so many amazing things!" She Nai didn't stop to praise her along the way, full of admiration for every word.

An Jin listened to him flattering him for a long time, feeling unfazed in his heart, but there was also a gentle smile on his lips.

She Nai diligently carried all her baskets on his body, thinking that he had gained a good impression in the female's heart.

"Is the cloth from our tribe going to be used for tribal exchange?" He was talking, slowing down, looking at An Jin with doubts on his face.

An Jin raised his eyes and looked at him, the corners of his lips were bent, and he said bluntly, "Yes, these cloth skins can be made into soft and close-fitting clothes, replacing the animal skins we wear."

"The orcs in those big cities should like these rare items, and we can also use this to sell the cloth in exchange for precious supplies..."

While An Jin was talking, She Nuo nodded and said hello, and inadvertently memorized all her words in his heart.

It's getting late.

The two returned to the tribe, and when they parted, An Jin handed him some food as reward.

"Thank you for the gift!" She Nuo frowned, scratching the back of her head unconsciously, looking a little reserved and shy.

Wait until the two separate.

She Nuo's sunny and harmless eyes changed suddenly, showing a bit of cunning and gloom, and there was a sinister sneer at the corner of her mouth.

He turned around and ran out of the tribe in his animal form, disappearing into the jungle. The direction he headed towards was the Luo Teng tribe.

"Hey——" Several black eagles hovered in the sky, and their sharp eagle eyes could clearly look directly at the track of the orcs tens of thousands of meters below.

After seeing him entering the territory of the Luo Teng tribe, the Black Eagles returned to the tribe halfway and told An Jin everything.

 I was originally going to post it last night, but accidentally fell asleep to compensate. There will be an update from Modo Modo tonight.

  Check in at three o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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