Roaming the heavens begins with Hokage

Chapter 93 The Person Who Was Ignored Again

Chapter 93 The Person Who Was Ignored Again

Xia Yun's last sentence of confirmation was like a sledgehammer hitting Sasuke's chest hard, making him a little out of breath.

On the one hand, there is the desire for power, and on the other hand, the reluctance to give up freedom, which makes it difficult for him to make a choice.

But there is only one chance, whether to choose strength or freedom, only in Sasuke's thought...

There is a voice in the dark telling him that choosing power, only by obtaining real power can he have the freedom that belongs to him.

Without strength, is there no freedom?I see!

For a moment, Sasuke seemed to understand something, his eyes became firm, he raised his head to look at Xia Yun, and said, "I can!"

The only two-word answer made Xia Yun see Sasuke's determination...

At this moment, Xia Yun smiled!
He took out a scroll from the space backpack, and said: "This records the basic fire attribute changes, which is the most helpful for you so far. I hope you can master it proficiently when our special training is over."

After finishing speaking, he put the scroll in Sasuke's hand and asked, "Can you do it?"

For a child of a former big family, Sasuke has heard of the nature change, but can he master this skill in a week?

For the desire for power, Sasuke took the scroll, with a serious and firm expression, and said: "I will definitely be able to master it!"

Xia Yun ignored Sasuke, but waved him away.

Sasuke has his own class, where he will grow up. What Xia Yun has to do is to guide him, guide him away from the darkness, not to repeat the mistakes in the anime, and walk on the road full of light.

After Sasuke left, he looked at the six sleepy-eyed children, most of them were in pajamas, and they looked like they hadn't woken up yet.

"Give you 10 minutes, go back to your room and get dressed, come back here to assemble!"

After speaking, he said "dismiss" again, and began to wait for the timer.

The children didn't take it seriously, and walked slowly towards the direction of the room. They didn't know that a "package" plan for their laziness was quietly brewing.

The corners of Xia Yun's mouth rose slightly, and he murmured: "The transformation plan has already started, and I am very much looking forward to what you will look like after transformation."

10 minutes is neither long nor short, but Xia Yun waited for nearly half an hour before seeing the first child come out.

It was already an hour later when all the children got dressed and walked out of the room.

Such a slow gathering speed, not only did not make him angry, but he was very happy.

Xia Yun thought in his heart.

I just like your performance of challenging authority like this, so that I also have reasons to torture you without feeling guilty.

"Follow me, target—Hokage Rock, let's go!"

After speaking, Xia Yun ran towards... the direction of the death forest.

As for the target he mentioned - Hokage Rock, let it go to hell!
The children didn't know it yet, because of their fearless performance, they lived in nightmares for the next week.

However, it is precisely because of this week that each of them has undergone great changes, and their growth rate is much faster than expected.


Deep in the dead forest.

This is a happy place for snakes, insects, rats and ants, birds of prey and strange beasts, and it is also the grave of ordinary ninjas.

After years of governance in Muye Village, although it is not as frightening as it used to be, it is still a forbidden place in people's minds.

After Xia Yun led the iron arm team into the death forest, they disappeared.

Everyone in the iron arm team thought it was just an ordinary daily practice at first, nothing more than running and doing some basic gymnastics exercises.

However, when Xia Yun disappeared beside them, they came to their senses and realized that this daily practice was not as simple as imagined.

Surrounded by towering trees and bushes, their sight was blocked and they could not recognize their direction. They had already lost their way.Even Shikamaru, who has excellent intelligence and memory, lost his basic judgment of direction in his deliberate wandering around.


A howl of a wild beast resounded all around, making everyone in the Iron Arm Squad shudder involuntarily.

Like timid Hinata and Ino, they cuddled each other and trembled, obviously they were frightened by this unknown roar.

Wang Wang ~

Although Akamaru was also trembling on Kiba's head, it faithfully pointed out the direction for Kiba, reminding Kiba of the beast's location.

Shikamaru, as one of the calmest people in the iron arm team, is constantly analyzing in his mind the possibility of his companions defeating the unknown beast.

Shikamaru's brainstorming quickly came to a result. The feasibility of defeating the unknown beast was zero, and the possibility of surviving was only [-]%. He could only keep this result in his heart and did not say it out. In the mind, adding any fear of that outcome will only make the situation worse.

Another person who behaved calmly was Yume Shino, but he was easily overlooked, and his calmness could not be seen by others.

Among the Iron Arm team, there was another person who was surprising. His performance was too calm, as if the roar of the beast just now had nothing to do with him. As long as he still had potato chips in his hand, he could remain calm and automatically ignore any dangers and unknowns.

He is—Choji Akimichi, a teenager who is frantically stuffing food into his mouth for body heat.


Ah ~
A roar and a scream sounded almost at the same time. The former is naturally an unknown beast, while the latter is Ino Yamanaka. She has been forced by the strangely quiet atmosphere around her to the point where she has no courage in her heart, and screamed crazily in fear .

"Quiet!" Shikamaru growled, fearing that Ino's scream would attract the attention of the beast, he quickly issued a warning in a low voice.

It's a pity that Shikamaru's reminder was too late. The beast heard Ino's scream and was approaching frantically. The faint sound of the bushes being overwhelmed was the best proof.

"Women are really troublesome!" Shikamaru sighed, took up the important task of temporary command, and ordered: "Choji, Kiba, you stand in front, if you find a wild beast, immediately attack and stop it."

"Hinata protects Ino in the middle, and I'm in charge of the rear. Ino looks for opportunities to control the beast."

After speaking, Shikamaru took a deep breath and said, "Action!"

Now is an extraordinary period, everyone accepts Shikamaru's arrangement, quickly enters the designated position, puts up a defensive formation, and waits for the unknown beast to appear.


"Cough~" A person whose name was not mentioned stood beside Shikamaru strangely, coughed lightly, and reminded, "What... what am I going to do?"

Everyone stared nervously around, ignoring him...

looked at him...



Woohoo~ idiot~
Woohoo~ idiot~


Surrounded by eerie silence, a crow passed overhead, whining, as if mocking him, "You are a fool".

Oil girl Shino was ruthlessly ignored again!
Ps: Please collect, recommend tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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