Roaming the heavens begins with Hokage

Chapter 55 The Harvest Feast Begins

Chapter 55 The Harvest Feast Begins

Xia Yun took the female vampire zombie out of the underground laboratory, used a substitute technique several times in a row, and finally left the block where Robert was.

At this time, the sky was not yet completely dark, and the afterglow of the sun penetrated the tall buildings and shone on the street in front of him.

The idea this time was just a temporary idea. He didn't have a detailed plan. Before the darkness fell on the earth, he still had some time to plan the next harvesting operation.

"I need a place now, a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Put the bait in the middle to attract the leader of the vampire zombies to attack. I am using the shadow clone to passively defend and harvest all the zombies in New York City."

The plan is right, but where is the place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack?

How to attract the attention of the leader of vampire zombies?
These are the questions he will face next.

Now time is limited, and it is only 40 minutes before dark. It is too difficult to find a favorable position for him in this strange city.

What's more, the leader of the vampire zombie has evolved, and his level of intelligence is not low. How to let him know that he is dead, but still fall into the trap he prepared is still a problem.

"I can't control that much, let's find a place first." Xia Yun picked up the female vampire zombie and ran towards the end of the block.

As the time passed, the sunlight shining into the city became less and less, and there were only less than 10 minutes left after dark, but he still couldn't find the place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At this time, in his sight, he saw the harbor, where Robert would go to wait for the survivors every day, and it was also the place where Robert met Anne in the movie.

"This place is good!" Xia Yun found that the pier is an excellent place, and thought to himself: "Standing in the middle of the pier, there are sea water on the left, right and back, and there is only one direction leading to the city, which is just right for me to harvest blood-sucking zombies .”

Xia Yun accelerated and rushed towards the pier. During the running process, he would drop one or two shurikens on both sides of the road every few steps. Riken.

Among these shurikens, there are also some special kunai. The handles of these kunai are wrapped with detonating symbols, which can relieve some pressure when harvesting zombies.

Xia Yun's arrangement was very careful, and he didn't miss anything because of running. It seems that he will definitely clean up the blood-sucking zombies in the city in the battle at night.

Get everything ready and it's almost dark.

He took out the hospital bed from the space backpack and erected it on the pier for use when placing bait.

Ninja - the art of shadow clone!

bang bang bang bang~
Five shadow clones appeared beside him, and disappeared in place at the same time.

This is going to attract monsters in the city!
Xia Yun took out a ration pill from the space backpack and ate it, and then slowly walked towards the urban area with the female vampire zombie.

Xia Yun and the shadow clones swaggered through the city all the way. Every time they reached a place that was within a distance of the red dot, they would stop and yell twice. After attracting the attention of the vampire zombies, they would speed up to the next place marked by the red dot. .

Pulling the "monster" repeatedly in this way, after it was completely dark, behind everyone, a group of crazy blood-sucking zombies ran wildly in the city.

Their destination was exactly the place Xia Yun had chosen before - the pier!
The five-way army ran wildly, triggering a chain reaction in this deserted city. There were more and more blood-sucking zombies, and finally gathered together, running towards the same direction.

Xia Yun, who was running at the forefront, thought in his heart: Did the "weird" pull too much? I don't know if I can finish it before dawn. It would be a pity if I didn't finish it.

He was worried about whether the monster would finish this kind of boring question, but he didn't worry about whether the monster pulled too much, and there might be a capsized situation. What a strange thing!
In fact, Xia Yun is not worried about capsizing, not because of his confidence in his ability, but because he has a "shell" like a brick.

In this world, there are really no vampire zombies that can break his defense, so why worry about it?
Even if Xia Yun stood still and let the vampire zombies nibble on, grab and tear him to their heart's content, it was impossible to break his defense.

Then he has nothing to worry about!
"I don't seem to have seen the leader of the vampire zombies!"

Xia Yun, who was running in the front, looked back from time to time, but he didn't find the shadow of the leader at all. He didn't know if it was hidden or he didn't come at all. This made Xia Yun a little worried, worried that his plan would fail.

In fact, the leader of the vampire zombies had appeared a long time ago and had been hiding in the army of vampire zombies. He was looking for an opportunity, a chance to take back the female vampire zombie.

The female vampire zombie is too important to it, and it doesn't want any accident in the snatch, so it has been lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity.

Sure enough, the leader of the vampire zombies has evolved. He already has a high degree of wisdom, and even has emotions such as feelings.

If it is left alone, it may one day evolve into a more intelligent bloodthirsty species.

At that time, there will be no more human beings in this world, and it will completely become a paradise for vampire zombies. They will not enter another level of evolution until all species disappear.

Either destroy, or become the new master of this world, and discover another civilization.

These are just speculations and have nothing to do with Xia Yun. He only cares about whether he can complete the task, and other things are out of his consideration.

Run, run as much as you want, run like this in the big city of New York, if it is someone else, let alone whether you can run better than vampire zombies, physical strength is a problem, and only he can do the feat of attracting monsters to run wild .

The pier was getting closer and closer, and he had already seen the erected hospital bed, releasing the imprint of the substitute prepared by the sensory sensor in advance, and he disappeared in front of the vampire zombie army, leaving only the shadow clone to lead in front of the vampire zombie army.

After fixing the bait, he adjusted it slightly, made a random seal with one hand, and began to mobilize the chakra in his body, and when the army of blood-sucking zombies entered the range, he would give them a hard shot.

"It's now!" Xia Yun growled, sending a signal to the shadow clone, and the fire attribute transformed by Chakra was released by him.

Fire Escape - the Art of Fire of the Great Dragon!

An extremely huge fire dragon formed in front of him, roared and quickly rose into the air, then fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The fire dragon collided with the ground, and the ruthless flames formed a heat wave, centered on the impact point and swept around, harvesting the life of the vampire zombies.

After Haolonghuo's opening show, this harvest feast has just begun!

Ps: The grades are getting worse and worse. As of now, there are only more than 200 collections and more than 300 recommendation votes, but the old rascal still insists on updating, just for the promise when he opened the new book - not in the eunuch, but... the old rascal Seeing everyone's responses, whether it's collections or recommendation votes, there are very few, and there are almost no book reviews and chapter reviews. How does this make the old hooligan continue to write?Do you brush a stand-alone machine alone?The old rascal also needs to eat!Big guys, please support the old hooligans!

(End of this chapter)

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