Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 95 The Qualifiers Begin

Chapter 95 The Qualifiers Begin

The Continental Soul Master Elite Competition has begun. First, it is divided into two different competition systems: the preliminary round and the promotion round.

The preliminaries will be conducted in team battles, with a single round-robin system, and the teams with the highest points in each preliminaries division will enter the promotion round.

The promotion competition will be conducted in a special way. Although the participating teams will still send seven participating schools, they will face each other one by one.

The winner will continue to stay on the field, and the loser will continue to send students until all the students on one side fail.

It can be seen that the qualifiers are a game to show the strength of the team, while the promotion game is a stage to show the strength of each individual.

This item was set up by the top management of Tiandou, Xingluo Royal Family and Wuhundian in order to be able to recognize some outstanding young soul masters from these participating students.

There are a total of 33 teams participating in the competition, and lots will be drawn for a brutal knockout match.

On this day, several luxurious carriages set off from Tiandou Imperial Academy, carrying members of the first and second teams respectively.

"Yo, isn't this the second team? Hehehe, there isn't a soul master from other departments, so don't be played to death later!" Oslo sneered, especially facing the masked man, his eyes were even more serious. hate.

Because he almost got the place he finally joined the first team and was given away.

"You!" Dai Shang on the side immediately became angry, and just wanted to rush forward to teach this arrogant person a lesson.

But he was stopped by Xiao Ning.

"team leader?"

After nearly a week of intensive training, Dai Shang has completely convinced Xiao Ning, no matter in terms of strength, strategy, or consciousness.

"Get in the car!" Xiao Ning's words were the same as usual: "Can you regain your place here? Why not slap them hard in the competition!"

Now Dai Shang had nothing to say, but looked at Yu Tianheng with an angry expression on his face.

And the people in the first team looked at Xiao Ning with the same anger and solemnity.

The last time Yu Tianheng sent Yufeng out to investigate the situation in the second team, but Na Xiao Wuqing found out, sealed his soul power and hung him on a tree.

Later, Oslo, who was also a good friend, found something was wrong. Why didn't he come back after so long?

Several people searched together, only to find the pitiful Yufeng hanging from the book, but after all, they were the ones who peeped first, so they didn't take advantage of it, so they simply let go of the matter.

But letting go on the surface does not mean that you can let go in your heart.

Xiao Ning didn't seem to see the eyes of the team members, after all his team members got on the car, he was the last one to get on the car.

"This person is ignoring us!" Dugu Yan's eyes were serious, and he was almost irritated again. Dugu Bo, who went out to find a place last time, also suffered a disadvantage.

Unexpectedly, the other party has a Titled Douluo secretly protecting it, it seems that the power behind it must be quite large.

These days of intensive training, although Xiao Ning has just joined, he has a tacit understanding with the players.

The concept of the chopper team put forward showed its initial brilliance. Under Xiao Ning's special arrangement, the strongest combat power was arranged on the blade, and the first thing to do was to target the opponent's core.

For this reason, I also specially went to the Great Soul Fighting Arena to play a few matches. Although the teams I encountered were all complete in various departments, they were all crushed by the second team.

Kill the control and support first, and then surround the remaining soul masters. Facing the siege of multiple attack-type soul masters, without the help of control-type soul masters and auxiliary-type soul masters, it was quickly resolved.

And every game ends very quickly. This is another core concept of the "chopper team": blitzkrieg, fast and violent, so that the enemy can react at all and lose the opportunity to change.

However, the "chopper team" has a flaw, that is, it may be a bit difficult to fight against the weevil academy with all defensive soul masters!

But if Xiao Ning used the sharpest knife, it would be different.

This time, the qualifiers just happened to be held in a special venue for the competition, a specially built arena.

A large circular building with a high battle platform inside, surrounded by 360-degree audience seats.

And the VIP seats on the top floor are specially prepared for the leaders of the various colleges, as well as the royal family and dignitaries of Heaven Dou City.

However, what I didn't expect was that I ran into an uninvited guest on the way to the event site.

"Brother Xiao Wuqing, can I meet you?" A familiar voice came from outside the carriage.

Xiao Ning, who fell into meditation practice, immediately woke up: "His Royal Highness, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, can't you come and see Brother Xiao Wuqing if you have nothing to do?" With outsiders around, it's hard to call Xiao Ning's real name, so he can only use a pseudonym.

"All right!"

"Then Brother Xiao, please move over and get on this carriage!"

Xiao Ning listened and opened the curtains, only to see the more majestic and luxurious pure gold carriage pulled by the eight horses.

"The Heaven Dou Royal is really rich, even the carriage is made of pure gold!" Xiao Ning said involuntarily as soon as he got into the carriage, and took off his mask.

"Haha, brother Xiao is absurd! It's still mixed with some iron!" Xue Qinghe said with a smile.

Ever since he saw Xiao Ning's terrifying strength that time, he has always been curious about this person.

I don't know how he cultivated, how is it compared to the golden generation over there in Wuhun City?

"Tell me, why are you looking for me?" Xiao Ning didn't believe that Xue Qinghe would just look for him if he had nothing to do.

"Brother Xiao, I really have nothing to do with you, I just want to see you!" Xue Qinghe was polite, with a mysterious smile on his face.

Xiao Ning couldn't help getting goosebumps and coughing a few times: "Let me explain in advance, I am a man, and my sexual orientation is normal!"

"Uh..." Xue Qinghe suddenly looked a little embarrassed, almost blushing. Although she has been disguised as a man for so long, she has never encountered such a situation.

"Ahem! Brother Xiao made a joke!"

"Your Highness, you don't have to be so polite, you should call me Xiao Ning!" Xiao Ning sounded a little awkward, why did he feel that the other party was like an elder.

Obviously he is only a few years older than himself.

"How can this be, after all, our royal etiquette must be followed!"

"These etiquettes are actually just a mask, and people will get tired after wearing it for a long time! It's better to be free!" Xiao Ningruo said the truth.

Xue Qinghe was stunned suddenly, a string in his heart seemed to be touched.

That's right, my father passed away and my mother didn't love her since I was a child, and the only grandfather who was by my side was constantly urging her to practice, practice, and practice again.

Later, after pretending to be the prince in Tiandou City for so long, the mask on her face became heavier and heavier, and she was already very tired.

After a moment of recollection, Xue Qinghe smiled: "Alright then, I'll call you Xiao Ning!"

Invisibly, the word "I" replaced "Bengong".

"By the way, Xiao Ning, what do you think about this qualifier!"

Xiao Ning nodded slightly: "If you have any other ideas, just take a step and see!"

"For the future, think about it later!"


After arriving at the competition hall, Xue Qinghe bid farewell to Xiao Ning. As a VIP spectator and the crown prince, he wanted to sit in his original seat.

In the lounge, Xiao Ning walked in after drawing lots, and everyone hurried over at this moment.

"Captain, which team will we play against in the first game!" The words were intermittent, after all, they were still a little nervous for the official game.

"The Cangwu Academy team that will be dealt with next, follow the original plan!"

"Three people feint to attract attention, and the rest will play ADC and support first! Then surround and annihilate tanks and fighters. Finally, pay attention to the assassin's sneak attack! I won't go on this time!"

Everyone nodded. They had seen the terrifying strength of this new captain during the previous training. Even if the seven of them went up together, they would still be beaten!

It is better for the captain to stay behind when he encounters a strong team, after all, he has to keep some cards in his cards.

In the training a few days ago, Xiao Ning had already made friends with each other. He referred to the control system as ADC, the support system as support, the defense system as tank, the assault system as warrior, and the agility system as assassin.



 It's a little bit stuck, and there are only two updates today. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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