Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 92 Heaven Dou Royal Academy

Chapter 92 Heaven Dou Royal Academy
"Report, His Royal Highness, Bishop Silas welcomes you!"

Xue Qinghe, who was processing paperwork in the imperial study, stopped writing: "Oh? What is the matter with me!"

"This, Bishop Silas said to ask His Highness to do a favor and get a person into the Tiandou Royal Academy team!"

Xue Qinghe was a little strange, asked him to help send someone into the Royal Academy team?

What kind of person is worthy of his request?
Xue Qinghe showed a little interest, changed his clothes and went out.

"Let's go and have a look!"

After all, he took a few guards to the chamber.

As soon as he entered the gate, he met the boy in black.

"It's you!"

The two spoke almost in unison.

"Oh? The prince and Xiao Ning know each other?" Silas on the side asked in surprise.

Xue Qinghe's eyes were a bit complicated, he didn't expect to meet this black-clothed boy here.

"You are Xiao Ning?" Xue Qinghe was originally Qian Renxue pretending to be, so he naturally "heard" about what happened in Wuhundian some time ago!
Xiao Ning was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that the person he ran into a few days ago turned out to be Prince Xue Qinghe.

"It's me! I accidentally offended His Highness before, please forgive me!"

Xue Qinghe waved his hands and smiled: "No problem!"

But he still has a little doubt: "I heard that brother Xiao Ning's eyes are not?"

"Oh! I had an adventure some time ago, and it was cured!" Xiao Ning answered the question impartially.

I didn't expect that the boy in black I met some time ago was Xiao Ning, and his strength and talent were as "scary" as the rumors said.

Next, Xue Qinghe went straight to the topic: "Brother Xiao Ning wants to participate in the preliminary round of the All-Continent Soul Master Elite Competition?"

"But with your strength, there is absolutely no need to participate. If you go to Wuhun City, you can be directly arranged in the final!"

Xiao Ning smiled dumbly: "Cultivation is endless, I still lack some important skills and knowledge, I want to go through the process of this competition, find it!"

Xue Qinghe immediately understood what he meant, did he really want to go all the way from the preliminaries to the finals?
"Then this competition is really interesting! Let's go to Tiandou Royal Academy to arrange it now!"

"Thank you!"

Things were done very quickly. After seeing Xiao Ning's strength, the three education committees of the Royal Academy readily transferred him to the Tiandou Royal Academy's first team.

Then the matter spread to Yu Tianheng, the captain of the first team, so quickly.


"The school actually wants to replace Oslo and let someone outside the academy take his place?"

This is so amazing, Oslo's eyes dimmed instantly when he saw the news.

The Continental Soul Master Elite Competition is an opportunity that so many students dream of, how can it be deprived like this.

Besides, the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy is directly sent to Wuhun City for the final competition. If Oslo is replaced like this, he will miss the contest with other talented soul masters, and directly lose the opportunity to quickly improve his cultivation .

Soul masters all know that only by constantly competing with people of the same level or higher can they constantly break through themselves and reach new heights.

"No, it's not fair!"

Yu Tianheng ran directly to the meeting hall, and Duguyan, who was inseparable from him, quickly followed.

They happened to meet Xue Qinghe and Xiao Ning, and the three education committee members at the side immediately told Yu Tianheng happily.

"Tianheng, that person is Xiao Wuqing! Today, he will join the first team of the Royal Academy and fight side by side with you!"

The reason why Xiao Ning used the pseudonym Xiao Wuqing was because Xiao Ning wanted to conceal his identity, so as to prevent being known by some people and getting into trouble!
For example, that sword lunatic, Jian Douluo, if he was dragged to learn the art of sword again, as a tool man, there would be nowhere to cry.

And the Shrek people who have formed a relationship with him, the last time they fought against Tang San, it was obvious that his Ziji black pupil had strengthened a lot.

It seems that he has established a good relationship with Dugu Bo by using Wangwangchuan Qiushuilu.

Under the "squeeze" of the two titled Douluo, the only old man who can help is not there, which is really troublesome.

After repairing his soul, Xiao Ning's personality became decisive and calm, so he naturally thought of more.

Looking at Xiao Wuqing who was wearing a mask and kept his expressions, Miss Duguyan's aura was revealed.

"Just him? Why let him replace Oslo of our first team!"

Yu Tianheng next to him also questioned: "Education Committee, I don't know why this Xiao Wuqing is qualified to replace one of our first team!"

As soon as the words came out, the scene instantly fell into embarrassment.Reminiscent of the forces behind the two, the three education committee members did not dare to reprimand, and were about to explain, Xiao Ning, who had been silent at the side, spoke up.

"Education Committee, I don't seem to want to go to the first team. I heard that the second team in the college also has a place to participate. Let me go to the second team and forget it!"

I really can't stand this birdishness. If I join Yu Tianheng's team, I will encounter sarcasm, ridicule, etc. from other players for no apparent reason.

Xiao Ning can't guarantee that he can control himself, it would be bad if they all were killed.

"Go... to the second team?"

"Brother Xiao, are you sure?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The strength of the second team is notoriously poor, a lot weaker than the first team, and joining the second team is probably not a good idea.

Only Xue Qinghe almost laughed out loud, the others seemed to have only understood the superficial meaning, but did not see through its deep meaning.

What Xiao Ning meant was that I would rather go to the second team than join your first team!
Duguyan, who was aggressive just now, suddenly became furious, feeling as if he had been slapped in the face.


Yu Tianheng finally sensed the meaning, and instantly became angry.

Xiao Ning didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, and nodded: "I'm sure!"

The three education committee members looked at each other for a moment, this kind of situation is really difficult to resolve: "Okay then!"

So led by a teacher, Xiao Ning and the others went to the training ground of the second team of the Royal Academy.

"You, stop for me!"

Dugu Yan shouted angrily.

But Xiao Ningniao didn't want to bully him, and left without any intention of stopping.

Xue Qinghe looked at Xiao Ning with a strange expression, and couldn't help but think inwardly: "This guy Xiao Ning really knows how to make people think!"

After all the troublesome things were done, Xue Qinghe and Silas left.

When it was night, Dugu Yan ran home with a displeased face, and slammed the door, almost scaring Dugu Bo.

"Hiko, what's wrong?"

"Grandpa, what do you think happened during this period of time? There was an annoying Tang San before, and now an even more annoying guy came!"

Dugu Bo rubbed his granddaughter's head: "Don't worry about Tang San's affairs, he helped to get rid of the poison in your body! Just tell me what happened today!"

So Duguyan told him everything that happened.

Dugu Bo was puzzled for a moment.

"Huh? Those old things are considered accurate. How could you let an outsider who doesn't know the details be replaced by the first team of the Royal Academy?"

"What does that person look like?"

Duguyan said boldly: "Nervous, not only wearing a mask, but also carrying a black sword behind his back, he looks like a commoner!"

"Well, grandpa will help you to teach him a lesson, dare to bully my granddaughter, let's see how brave he is!"

Dugu Bo was notoriously protective of his weaknesses, before his granddaughter had suffered with Tang San, and directly kidnapped him one night.

Now someone is bullying his granddaughter again, so what's the matter?
With a flash of green light and shadow, Dugu Bo teleported out, and within a few breaths he came to Tiandou Royal Academy.

With a hard look in his eyes, he quickly rushed to the lounge of the second team.

However, unexpectedly, a hazy chill suddenly appeared around him, slowing down his speed.

(End of this chapter)

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