Chapter 8
"Hey, wake up, wake up!"

The dizziness spread throughout Bai Luoer's brain, as if countless stars were revolving around her head, until a chill fell on her face, and Bai Luoer was awakened instantly.

"Hey, who are you?" She asked anxiously with her big eyes that were still blurred.

Xiao Ning smiled slightly: "Oh! I finally woke up, why are you still stealing my lines? I haven't asked who you are yet!"

"Who are you and who am I?" Bai Luoer looked around, suddenly realized that this place was not the tunnel she stayed in before, besides, her brother and third uncle didn't know where they went.

She jumped up abruptly, and shouted coquettishly, "Who the hell are you?"

Xiao Ning hurriedly dodged to prevent her from bumping into him, and muttered in his heart, "This girl is quite a tiger!"

"Oh, let me introduce myself, my name is Xiao Ning!" Xiao Ning patted his chest, finally meeting a girl, he should give a better impression.

"Which onion is Xiao Ning? There seems to be no big family named Xiao in Tianshui City!" Bai Luoer thought silently.

"So your name is Xiao Ning, so can you tell me where this is?" Bai Luoer squinted her eyes, staring at the boy with a black cloth tied over his eyes.

Xiao Ning said in surprise: "I didn't know, I was riding a horse happily, but I didn't expect you to jump out of the snow all of a sudden!"

"Uh uh uh! Jump out!" Bai Luo'er was full of black lines, thinking of herself rolling around in the deep and winding tunnel, she couldn't help being a little annoyed, and shouted: "I didn't jump out!"

But thinking that as a lady of a big family, it is a kind of etiquette to keep reserved in front of strangers, so Bai Luoer calmed down and pointed to Xiao Ning's eyes and asked curiously: "Why are you wearing a cloth on your face?"

The corner of Xiao Ning's mouth twitched with a strange expression: "I'm blind!" There's nothing to hide about this kind of thing, it's purely a fig leaf, but it's still a little uncomfortable to be punctured.

"Ah! That's it, I'm sorry, I was rude!" Bai Luoer felt a lump in her heart, and quickly apologized.

The situation changed instantly, and for a while, both of them were embarrassed to talk about any other topics, and fell silent.

In the end, Bai Luo'er really couldn't bear such a scene, and said softly, "You won't become an ice lump, why don't you talk!"

"." Xiao Ning reconsidered inwardly, "Obviously you didn't say anything, okay?"

But as a man who has already matured inside, how can he not pick it up?So Xiao Ning changed the subject and said: "Forget it, I'm going on a horse ride, do you want to come together?"

I regretted it just after I finished speaking, why do you feel a little awkward?
"Horse riding? Okay, okay!" Bai Luoer's big watery eyes moved, and the unhappiness just now was forgotten, and she immediately agreed happily.

Seeing Xiao Ning quickly turn over and get on the horse, Bai Luoer was a little surprised at his skill, and ran over cheerfully within a second.

Unexpectedly, the Huxue horse neighed, and jumped up high, avoiding the girl who wanted to get close to him.

"Why doesn't it allow me to come up!" Bai Luo'er seemed to have discovered something, pouted her mouth, a little unhappy.

"Eh! Maybe this grandson is a bit shy!" Xiao Ning calmed down and called Xuema, and the anxious horse calmed down after a while.

"Come on!" he laughed.

The girl walked over, was pulled up by him, and sat on the horse.

"Get it done, drive!" With an order, the Huxue horse started galloping fast.

All of a sudden, the trampled snow was flying, and on the vast snowy ground, boys and girls were happily galloping their horses, which was a rare beauty.

"Hahaha, hahaha." Bai Luoer, who had never ridden a horse before, opened her arms and let out a melodious laugh like silver bells.

"I didn't expect you to have bad eyesight, why are you moving so neatly?" In order to prevent herself from falling, Bai Luoer put her arms around Xiao Ning's waist, her sweet breath blowing against his cheeks.

Xiao Ning blushed instantly. In his previous life, as a single old virgin, he had never had such close contact with a girl. He did not expect that he would enjoy such a good fortune in a short time.

"I can identify the location by listening to the sound. I can judge the location of the object through the sound of the wind blowing through it, so even if I can't see it with my eyes, I still know where the object is!"

"It's so powerful! Then teach me!"

"No no no"

"what does it mean?"

"Just no, no, no."

"Cut, cheapskate!" Bai Luoer thumped him hard.

Xiao Ning said innocently: "It's hard to learn after teaching you, and you're not blind! Have you ever heard of such a saying that if God closes a door for you, he will definitely open a window for you! As I Only those who have closed the door and opened the window can learn it, and it is difficult for you to learn without this aspect!"

"Who is God?" Bai Luo'er blinked her big eyes, expressing that she didn't understand.

"Forget it, let me talk for nothing!"

"Hey, don't say it, don't say it!"

As a result, the two of them were silent again. At this time, the Huxue horse ran to the vicinity of the extreme northern snowman's guarding place by a strange coincidence.

Xiao Ning had an idea: "By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

Bai Luoer glanced at him, and said angrily, "I won't tell you!"

"Uh, a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart!"

"Even if you don't tell me, I can get it out!"

"Wow..." Xiao Ning stopped the horse, weighed his hands, got off the horse, and walked forward.

"Hey, where are you going?" Bai Luoer got off the horse in a hurry.

"Hush!" Xiao Ning made a gesture, found the location on the saddle where the sled was stored according to his memory, and put it on.

"what is this?"

"Don't talk, just stay here, I'll show you a good show!" After speaking, Xiao Ning directly accelerated and slid towards the radiant "Ice Mountain Snow Lotus".

He pricked up his ears to listen to the sound coming from the snow, and after a while a heavy, steady and powerful heartbeat entered his ears, and it seemed that the snowman was right ahead.

"Chirp..." Xiao Ning blew a loud whistle, Huxuema moved his ears and ran up quickly, heading straight for the target.

When Hu Xuema's sturdy body approached the "Ice Mountain Snow Lotus", a loud roar came from under the snow, and the white giant jumped out of the snow and rushed towards the hateful intruder.

How could the Huxue horse let it succeed, and avoided the attack with a nimble sharp turn. In addition to flying in the snow, if there were no snow wolves running on the ground, which one would be its opponent in terms of speed.

Just when he was about to approach the snow lotus, the snowman became angry, and instantly became mad, his body doubled in size, red fierce light burst out from his eyes, and a terrifying snow tornado quickly formed, shooting towards Hu Xuema.

At the same time, the blue-white radiance unfolded from the horse's body, leaving an afterimage skillfully avoiding the opening of the snow tornado, and then spun around in place, wagging its tail at the snowman provocatively.

This is a horse's ability to super accelerate,

"Aww!" The frenzied snowman has never been so angry, and chased after the snow horse.

But in terms of speed, the snow horse is your father!I saw the horse riding on the snowman to catch up and then opened up a certain distance, and then opened up a certain distance after catching up, and the two spirit beasts ran a long way before they knew it.

"The opportunity has come!" Xiao Ning was overjoyed, his two meridians were fully opened, and the mighty devil energy burst out, pushing Xiao Ning to slide towards the snow lotus like a propeller.

Accurately grasping its bottom with one hand, the "mind's eye" found its soft spot, summoned a magic sword, cut it completely in the palm of his hand, and then ran away quickly.

There was a wave of fluctuations, and the snowman looked back, only to find that his treasure had been stolen by a human being.

It's Tiaohulishan again!

Snowman screamed angrily, and turned his head to chase Xiao Ning.

It's so fucking sad, it's fine that there was that damned scorpion a while ago, but today there is such a show.

Seeing this, Bai Luo'er covered her mouth and laughed until her stomach ached and she bent down, then simply sat down on the snow.

With a magical sled, the snowman's running speed is no match for Xiao Ning's, and there is still a long distance between them, and he disappeared after a while.

"Go!" Xiao Ning came to Bai Luo'er, looked at the girl who was still sitting on the ground laughing wildly, and said angrily: "Stop laughing and go!"

After all, he pulled her onto the sled, and there happened to be a big downhill ahead, and the two of them shot straight down against the cold wind like a flying sword, so happy!
"You can tell me your name now!"

"Oh, oh!" Bai Luo'er greeted the wind blowing happily, and said with a smile: "Then you are fine, my girl's last name: Bai name: Luo'er!"

(End of this chapter)

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